Powwow Report for الولايات المتحدة - Dallas/Fort Worth (Jun 16 2007)

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Report from  Ryan Saxon Montcalm
The DFW Area Proz.com Powwow 2007 was a great success and hopefully the beginning of many great meetings to come! Thanks to all those who attended!

The Powwow participants met for three hours, from 5:00-8:00 p.m. at Pappasito’s Tex-Mex Cantina in Dallas, to get acquainted with each other, discuss interesting topics related to interpreting and translating and to eat some fantastic Mexican food.

Carol Shaw from Metroplex Interpreters and Translators Association (MITA) addressed the group not only to share some very valuable information and materials with the group about her organization, but about professional organizations in general.

Thanks so much Carol for being so generous with your time, knowledge and expertise!

The language pairs represented at the DFW Area Proz.com Powwow 2007 were as follows:

Arabic to French
Arabic to English
English to Arabic
English to Farsi
English to German
English to Portuguese
English to Spanish
English to Turkish
Farsi to English
French to Arabic
French to English
French to Portuguese
German to English
Japanese to English
Portuguese to English
Slovak to German
Spanish to English
Spanish to Portuguese

Photos from  Ryan Saxon Montcalm

Photos from  Ryan Saxon Montcalm

Photos from  Ryan Saxon Montcalm

Photos from  Ryan Saxon Montcalm

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ProZ.com users and members who attended
: organizer : photos : report : host
Carol Shaw
Kathi Stock
Tereza Braga
Shannon Morales
Dave Montcalm
Lamis Maalouf
Dr. Francisco Guerrero
Ryan Saxon Montcalm
Grace Gagnet

Postings from ProZians who attended this event

Jun 17 '07  Lamis Maalouf: Wonderful event
We enjoyed so much meeting each one of the group. Thanks Ryan for all your effort. Thanks Carol for your valuable sharing. Tony and Lamis
Jun 17 '07  Ryan Saxon Montcalm: Photos are on the way!
I'll have the pictures posted soon. I'll be out of town this upcoming week, so please be patient.
Thanks! Ryan