Translation glossary: Christine A

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4. tv.Fourth floor, left 
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A-gasABG (Arterial Blood Gas) 
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afsætningssøjle (for gryder i køkkenet)saucepan stand 
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afstivningspindbracing strut 
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anropsstyrdtrafikon-demand transport 
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appr. datoapprobation date 
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Atonement (atone for sin, in a religious context)soning, forsoning (sone, forsone) 
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axgroddsprouting on the ear 
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åtgärdslistaitems for action (in minutes of meeting) action items, action list, task list 
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Ämnesjärniron blank / workpiece 
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BA-möte (= affärsområde möte)Business area meeting 
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bøje interesser imod hinandenfind common objectives 
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Befalingsmandsuddannelse(military) officer training 
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belånt til op over skorstenenmortgaged to the hilt; mortgaged to the rooftop 
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betalingsserviceDirect Debit 
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bevillingsmæssig hjemmellicense and authorisation; funding adopted 
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bifaresub risk class 
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bifundincidental finding 
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Billedkunstneriskgraphic (pictorial) 
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bindebåndtie, waist tie, sash (tied at back) 
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blålysnon-starter, hopeless case 
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blev solvent likvideretwent into voluntary liquidation (Members' Voluntary Liquidation) 
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bobestyrerboestate under trustee administration 
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bortborder, edging, trim 
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bottom round (cut of beef)klump (oksekød) 
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brandmæssigt egnetwith suitable fire-resistant properties 
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breakout roomsgrupperum 
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bueblændingerBlind arcade 
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buklägeprone position / lying on the stomach 
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bygningsløsningbuilding setup 
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Clarity of Directionafklarede målsætninger 
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dansk naturthe Danish countryside, the Danish environment 
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DAP-skemaDAP skema/ Danish Stroke Registry form/ Dansk Apopleksiregister form 
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dødmandssnorkill cord 
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dørstabel (ophæng muret i døråbningen, som døren sættes på)pintle 
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DDD-PMDDD pacemaker (DDD PM), dual chamber pacemaker 
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denuntiationnotification (of assignment) 
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det gøres gældendeI claim that 
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direktlaminat, direktelaminatMFC = Melamine Faced Chipboard 
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eftermarkedaftermarket Stock Exchange / market for service and spare parts 
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ejerbog(company) register of owners 
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elefantsnotblue tack / blu tack / sticky tack 
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engblad (engskær)Dyer's Plumeless sawwort 
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ensidigt belastende arbejde (EBA)work involving repetitive strain / leading to repetitive strain injuries (RSI) 
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Erhvervslejekontraktcommercial tenancy / commercial lease 
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erklæringskundeattest client 
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fangmaskerslipped stitches / slipped stitch patterns 
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fartskive = fartskrivertachograph 
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