Term Recognition not working
Téma indítója: Lari Kuhanen
Lari Kuhanen
Lari Kuhanen  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
Tag (2013 óta)
német - finn
+ ...
Dec 3

Dear Colleagues

Term recognition does not recognize terms at all.

Example: I add a term by copying the term in the source window and the target term in the target window, quick save it and then I check and make sure that it is saved into the termbase. I confirm the segment and then come back to the same segment there is no hit in the Term recognition window: "No results available". if I use the Termbase search it does recognize the term and lists the hits. What is the
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Dear Colleagues

Term recognition does not recognize terms at all.

Example: I add a term by copying the term in the source window and the target term in the target window, quick save it and then I check and make sure that it is saved into the termbase. I confirm the segment and then come back to the same segment there is no hit in the Term recognition window: "No results available". if I use the Termbase search it does recognize the term and lists the hits. What is the issue here? How do I fix this thing?

Settings: Min. value 70%, depth 200, treshold 10

Trados Studio 2021 SR2 -

Natalie  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
Tag (2002 óta)
angol - orosz
+ ...

A fórum moderátora
Hi Lari Dec 3

I had this problem once or twice in the past, and a simple trick helped me.

Please try to remove your termbase from the project, close Trados, then re-open and re-attach the termbase again.


Sebastian Witte
Yossi Rozenman
Yossi Rozenman  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
Tag (2006 óta)
angol - héber
+ ...
Try to reorganize the termbase Dec 3

Close Studio, open the termbase in MultiTerm, click on Termbase Management and then Reorganize.

Sebastian Witte
Ines Radionovas-Lagoutte, PhD
Ines Radionovas-Lagoutte, PhD  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
Tag (2008 óta)
angol - német
+ ...
Update? Dec 3

I had this once, and it turned out that I had installed an update (service release) to Trados, but not to Multiterm.

I hardly ever open Multiterm, so I never see if there is an update availsble.

Stepan Konev
Stepan Konev  Identity Verified
Oroszországi Föderáció
Local time: 16:46
angol - orosz
MultiTerm not installed Dec 3

Ines Radionovas-Lagoutte, PhD wrote:
I hardly ever open Multiterm
I don't even have MultiTerm installed. I experienced this issue a couple of times but I couldn't find the culprit. Just did everything what was suggested then, and that helped. Not sure which suggestion worked though.

Ines Radionovas-Lagoutte, PhD
Ines Radionovas-Lagoutte, PhD  Identity Verified
Local time: 14:46
Tag (2008 óta)
angol - német
+ ...
I didn't know Dec 3

Oh, I didn't know it does not have to be installed!

The update did solve my problem, though, for whatever reason ... 🤔

Stepan Konev wrote:

Ines Radionovas-Lagoutte, PhD wrote:
I hardly ever open Multiterm
I don't even have MultiTerm installed. I experienced this issue a couple of times but I couldn't find the culprit. Just did everything what was suggested then, and that helped. Not sure which suggestion worked though.


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Term Recognition not working

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