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Oxford word of the year is “Brain rot”. How does it translate into your native language? Initiator des Themas: Philippe Locquet
Philippe Locquet Portugal Local time: 13:37 Mitglied (2013) Englisch > Französisch + ... |
Robert Rietvelt Local time: 14:37 Mitglied (2006) Spanisch > Niederländisch + ...
Breinrot (or Hersenrot)
[Edited at 2024-12-03 11:25 GMT] | | |
Zea_Mays Italien Local time: 14:37 Englisch > Deutsch + ... |
Zea_Mays Italien Local time: 14:37 Englisch > Deutsch + ...
cervello che marcisce, cervello in decomposizione, decomposizione cerebrale, decadimento cerebrale
[Bearbeitet am 2024-12-03 11:38 GMT] | |
Glyn Lloyd-Jones Vereinigtes Königreich Local time: 13:37 Italienisch > Englisch Alternatively in Italian | Dec 3 |
Zea_Mays wrote:
cervello che marcisce, cervello in decomposizione, decomposizione cerebrale, decadimento cerebrale
https://www.corriere.it/tecnologia/24_dicembre_02/brainrot-la-parola-dell-anno-2024-scelta-da-oxford-cos-e-il-cervello-che-marcisce-diventato-virale-su-tiktok-1412bcdf-9524-41ee-b05c-5a8293595xlk.shtml [Bearbeitet am 2024-12-03 11:38 GMT]
How about "rincoglionimento" as a less lliteral translation? | | |
expressisverbis Portugal Local time: 13:37 Mitglied (2015) Englisch > Portugiesisch + ... I don't like literal translations: «prodridão mental» | Dec 3 |
«“Brain rot” é a palavra do ano para a Oxford University Press
Suposta deterioração do estado mental ou intelectual de uma pessoa, como resultado do consumo excessivo de conteúdo (online, mais recentemente) considerado trivial ou não desafiante: é assim que o dicionário define brain rot ("podridão cerebral", em português), a palavra do ano de 2024 eleita pela Oxford University Press, anunciou a editora esta segunda-feira.» ... See more «“Brain rot” é a palavra do ano para a Oxford University Press
Suposta deterioração do estado mental ou intelectual de uma pessoa, como resultado do consumo excessivo de conteúdo (online, mais recentemente) considerado trivial ou não desafiante: é assim que o dicionário define brain rot ("podridão cerebral", em português), a palavra do ano de 2024 eleita pela Oxford University Press, anunciou a editora esta segunda-feira.»
I prefer 'deterioração do estado mental ou intelectual'. ▲ Collapse | | |
Marina Aleyeva Israel Local time: 15:37 Mitglied (2006) Englisch > Russisch + ...
Thank you for the post. I don't think there is a set term or phrase in either of my target languages (Russian/Ukrainian). That said, отупение (literally, getting brain-dead) could work in many contexts. It's also widely used when speaking about dull or monotonous work that deadens your brain. There is a related well-known concept which uses the same verb root, тупить в телефон (mindlessly scroll/play games/watch videos on your phone). Another option would be <... See more Thank you for the post. I don't think there is a set term or phrase in either of my target languages (Russian/Ukrainian). That said, отупение (literally, getting brain-dead) could work in many contexts. It's also widely used when speaking about dull or monotonous work that deadens your brain. There is a related well-known concept which uses the same verb root, тупить в телефон (mindlessly scroll/play games/watch videos on your phone). Another option would be отравление интернет-мусором (getting poisoned with too much rubbish content).
[Edited at 2024-12-03 15:13 GMT] ▲ Collapse | | |
Daryo Vereinigtes Königreich Local time: 13:37 Serbisch > Englisch + ... "закржљавање мозга" | Dec 3 |
literally: "lack of development / regression of brain capacity".
The same term is used in biology for leftovers of organs no longer needed that turned into evolutionary relics (like the tail bone or the appendix). | |
Denis Fesik Local time: 16:37 Englisch > Russisch + ... I think it's the liquefaction of the brain as taken in the truЪ memetic sense | Dec 3 |
"Разжижение головного мозга" has long been used memetically to mean a condition similar to brain rot and attributable to similar causes. | | |
Alternative in Portuguese | Dec 3 |
Empobrecimento mental? Lembrei-me de outra alternativa: anemia mental?
[Edited at 2024-12-04 11:17 GMT] | | |
Latin: cerebrum putredo? Greek: saprokephalia?
[Edited at 2024-12-03 15:31 GMT] | | |
Youngsters on socials say "εγκεφαλοσάπισμα" or "μυαλοσάπισμα".
Older people might prefer the old medical term "μαλάκυνση εγκεφάλου", which referred to one symptom of Alzheimer's disease (brain tissues appearing softer). | |
But classical Latin/Greek: cerebrum putredo? Saprokephalia? | | |
I don't think there is a clear consensus in Spanish (Spain). I've seen terms like 'podredumbre mental', 'podredumbre cerebral', and 'cerebro podrido' used to translate 'brain rot'.
Source... See more | | |
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