عضو منذ Mar '10

اللغات التي تعمل بها:
أنجليزي إلى هولندي

Erwin van Wouw
Technically trained native Dutch speaker

Utrecht, Utrecht, هولندا
الوقت المحلي : 14:22 CET (GMT+1)

اللغة الأم :هولندي Native in هولندي
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6 positive reviews
1 rating (5.00 avg. rating)
رسالة المستخدم
Thanks to my extensive experience in translating technical documents from English into Dutch, you can be confident that your products and services will appear to their best advantage. I'll respect your text and your deadline!
نوع الحساب مترجم تحريري حر و/ أو مترجم فوري حر , Identity Verified مستخدم تم تأكيد شخصيته
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الانتساب This person is not affiliated with any business or Blue Board record at ProZ.com.
خدمات مُقَدَّمة Translation, Software localization, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Transcreation, Copywriting, MT post-editing
متخصص في:
الصناعةالبيئة وعلم البيئة
الطباعة والنشرالإلكترونيات \ هندسة الإلكترونيات
الأثاث \ المعدات المنزليةتكنولوجيا المعلومات


Conditions apply
All accepted currencies Euro (eur)
أنشطة كدوز (PRO) نقاط مستوى المحترفين: 122, الأسئلة المُجابة: 57, الأسئلة المطروحة: 22
Payment methods accepted حوالة مصرفية, باي بال
حافظة نماذج من النصوص المُترجمة: 3
مؤهلات في الترجمة Bachelor's degree - Hogeschool West-Nederland, the Hague
الخبرة سنوات الخبرة في الترجمة: 17. مسجل في بروز.كوم:Jun 2007 أصبح عضوا Mar 2010
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s)
أوراق اعتماد أنجليزي إلى هولندي (SNEVT – Hogeschool West-Nederland, the Hague, verified)
العضوية N/A
برمجيات Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Frontpage, memoQ, MemSource Cloud, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, OmegaT, Virtaal, Passolo, Powerpoint, Trados Studio, Wordfast, XTM
الموقع الإلكتروني https://www.blackkitetranslations.com
CV/Resume Service information available on my website, see URL above
Events and training
ممارسات مهنية Erwin van Wouw يصادق على ProZ.com's إرشادات احترافية.

Technical Translation Specialist

I have worked as a qualified Dutch translator since 2007 to help companies turn their English technical documentation into flawless and natural flowing Dutch.

Fully qualified and certified translator:

  • High sense of ownership
  • Transparent communication
  • Quick response
  • Excellent research skills

Before I entered the translation industry, I went through a vocational school of electrical engineering and worked as a qualified printer, webmaster, and system administrator.

Preferred translator for:

  • Digital printing equipment manufacturer
  • Industrial test equipment manufacturer
  • Business software applications developer
  • Transportation management technology provider
  • Power tools manufacturer


High Quality Dutch Translations

Want to find out if my translation quality is up to par with your standards?

Have a look at my Dutch Showcase Project and decide for yourself! This case study details how I approach and tackle commonly occurring translation issues.




أحرز هذا المستخدم نقاط كودوز بمساعدته لمترجمين آخرين بمصطلحات من المستوى الاحترافي. أُنقر على مجموع/مجاميع النقط لترى ترجمات المصطلحات المتوفرة.

إجمالي النقاط التي أحرزت: 122
(كلها مستوى احترافي)

اللغات البارزة (احترافي)
أنجليزي إلى هولندي118
هولندي إلى أنجليزي4
المجالات العامّة البارزة (احترافي)
مجالات التخصص البارزة (احترافي)
الطباعة والنشر32
الإلكترونيات \ هندسة الإلكترونيات26
الهندسة عموماً16
الحاسوب: البرمجيات8
التسويق \ أبحاث التسويق4
علم الميكانيك \ الهندسة الميكانيكية4
النقاط في 6 مجالات آخرى >

إطلع على كل النقاط التي أحرزتها >
كلمات مفتاحية: Advertising copy, air conditioner, air-to-water heat pump, Android, Apple App Store descriptions, appliances, artwork, Artwork guidelines, Bitcoin, blockchain. See more.Advertising copy, air conditioner, air-to-water heat pump, Android, Apple App Store descriptions, appliances, artwork, Artwork guidelines, Bitcoin, blockchain, bread slicer, Bug fixes, Build log, built-in fridge, Camera, Care instructions, Catalog, Change log, chipper, Civil Engineering, Cleaning instructions, climate monitoring system, Compatibility requirements, Computers, Construction, construction materials, consumer electronics, Content optimization, correct, correcting, Cross-section drawing, cryptocurrency, CSS, Cutaway drawing, data management, data management software, data sheet, Declaration of Performance, device technicians, digital laser thermometer, digital profile gauge, digital thermometer, documentation, Drafts, durability, durable, Dutch, eco, eco-friendly, Edit, Editing, E-labeling, electrical engineering, Electronic IFU, electronic labeling, Electronics, Engineering, environmental, Escalation process templates, Ether, EV, exhibition design, Exploded view drawing, extreme pressure lubrication, fact sheet, Fault handling routine, Fault-finding guide, Feature comparison sheet, Feature overview, fire detection systems, fitness appliances, flexo printing, flexographic printing, floor jack, freezer, fridge, gauges, Google Play Store descriptions, graphic designer, graphical user interface, GUI, guide, Handbook, hardware, hardware components, heat pump, Help desk ticket templates, Help files, Help information, Help support, hi-fi system, Holland, home appliances, home cinema system, How to guide, HR questionnaires, HTML, ICT, Incident templates, industrial fryer, industrial inspection equipment, industrial kitchen appliances, industrial machinery, Industrial manufacturing, information guide, Information Technology, inspection devices, inspection equipment, Installation guide, Instruction booklet, instruction manual, Instructions For Use, instructor course, interfaces, Internet connected TV, iOS, IP-camera, Issue management templates, IT, LED LCD monitor, letterpress printing, linguistic checking, Lubrication specifications, Maintenance advice, Maintenance chart, Maintenance handbook, Maintenance instructions, Maintenance manual, Maintenance overview, Maintenance schedule, marketing, Material Safety Data Sheets, metal detector, microwave oven, mobile-app, movable refrigerator, MSDS, multipurpose printers, Netherlands, offset printer, offset printing, Offset web printing, Online help, online print ordering system, Operating instructions, Operating manual, Operating procedures, Operating requirements, operator manual, operators, Owner's manual, Parts drawings, Parts lists, Parts overview, Periodic maintenance plan, Periodic maintenance schedule, Philips CD100, pneumatic drill, Pre-editing, Press release, Preventive maintenance plan, Preventive maintenance recommendations, print, print ordering system, print supplier campaigns, print suppliers, printer, printing, Printing & Publishing, printing equipment, printing press, Product brochures, product fiches, Product pitch, Product Safety Data Sheets, Product specifications, projector, proofreading, PSDS, public transportation, Quick reference card, Quick start guide, Quick-reference guide, Readme files, Release notes template, Release summary, renewable, resources, Review, Reviewing, revise, revising, Safety information, Safety instructions, Safety labels, Safety regulations, SAP implementation, scanning system, Schematic diagrams, Self-service center, Self-service knowledge base, semi-autonomous vehicle, Service announcements, Service desk templates, Service desk tool, service manuals, Service requests, Setup guide, Set-up instructions, sheeter, shredder, Social media status updates, software, software developer, Software manual, Software release notes, software solutions, software string, soundbar, surface roughness tester, sustainability, Sustainable technology translation, system administrator, System requirements, Technical manual, Technical specifications, Technical translation, Technical writing, Templates, translation editing, Troubleshoot templates, tubular motors, user guide, user interface, User manual, User manual translation, user’s guide, user’s manual, Utrecht, Version log, video conferencing system, viscosity meter, VoIP phone, washing machine, waste material baler, web offset printing press, Website translation. See less.

آخر تحديث للصفحة الشخصية
Dec 3

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