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Vertebroneurology is a science that deals with the linkages between diseases and neurological symptoms. This branch of science also has a close relationship with neurology, orthopedics, rehabilitation, manual therapy, etc. However, each of these sectors independent.

Doctor spine is a specialist that deals with the study of the relationships between all parts of the spine and internal organs.

He identifies and treats disease of the spine with degenerative nature, including:

  • Scoliosis;
  • Hernia;
  • Osteochondrosis, etc.

Important to consult a spinal cord specialist for those patients who have surgery on the spinal column, as it will allow you to choose the most optimal way to perform neurosurgical techniques in each case.

What disease cures spine?

Counseling is necessary for the following diseases:

  • Curvature of the spine – scoliosis, kyphosis, etc.;
  • Radicular syndrome;
  • Lumbago;
  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Herniated disc;
  • Osteoporosis;
  • Lumboischalgia;
  • Migraine;
  • Circulatory failure or VBN;
  • The narrowing of the spinal canal and protrusion of a disk;
  • Any posture;
  • Pain in the spine;
  • Difficulties in mobility of limbs;
  • Vertigo when turning the head;
  • Muscle pain.

Sometimes a consultation with the spine of his patient directed gynecologist, gastroenterologist, internist and other doctors. This is done when there is suspicion of the existence of a connection between disease of an organ and a violation of his neural connections with the nerves of the spinal cord.

How is the reception at vertebrologist?

To begin with, the doctor finds out the patient the reason for his visit, will interview for available complaints. It is important not to hide from the expert on where there are even slight pain, be sure to inform him aboutthe existing restrictions in movement, on the facts of pathological muscle tension. The doctor finds out the time of appearance of the first symptoms, examine the history of the disease and the results of the survey, if any. Earlier injuries of the spine, performed on it operation – all of this information must be provided to the spine.

Inspection – the next stage of reception vertebrologist. The specialist is particular technique in the diagnosis of diseases, which combines neurological and orthopedic point. The doctor carefully assess the patient's posture, his gait, posture when sitting, will provide an opinion on the degree of development of muscular frame back.

The next stage of the examination – polerowanie of the spine and the areas around it. To do this, the doctor will press on points along the spine, to determine the extent of the pathological process. The patient will need to be in different positions – sitting, lying, standing. The doctor to determine the degree of mobility of all joints, tone and muscle strength, range of motion in different parts of the spine. In addition, the patient will need to make some moves that will ask the spine to bend, Crouch, raise arms and legs, etc.

When the inspection is complete, the doctor will put a diagnosis on the basis of which will be prescribed treatment. However, to clarify, the spine may require other data.

From additional methods of examination, the patient can recommend:

  • The passage of x-rays of the spine. To get the maximum information, the procedure is performed in multiple projections, including lateral projection.
  • Computed tomography, which provides the most detailed information on the condition of the bone structures of the spine.
  • MRI to indicate the status of the disks, joints, ligaments, the spinal cord.
  • Electromyography, the purpose of which is to study the condition of the muscles and neuromuscular reactions.
  • Less spine refer patients for myelography, discography, lumbar puncture of the spine.

When all the data about a patient's health will be collected, it is necessary to come on reception to the expert. The doctor read them and clarify the diagnosis. After that, the patient will be given recommendations on lifestyle, nutrition, the introduction of restrictions on permissible physical loads.

As for therapy, most often it boils down to the application of treatment techniques from manual therapy in addition to complexes reflexology, massage and physical therapy. All recommendations are based on the individualdannyh o konkretnom paciente, ved prioritetnaya zadacha lecheniya vertebrologa – eto poluchenie chelovekom vozmozhnosti izbezhat hirurgicheskogo vmeshatelstva, uvelichit ego rabotosposobnost, povysit kachestvo zhizni bez operacii. kogda provodimaya terapiya daet zhelaemye rezultaty, to posesheniya vertebrologa dolzhny nosit regulyarnuu osnovu, chto pozvolyaet zakrepit poluchennyj effekt i otslezhivat sostoyanie pacienta v dinamike.

kogda sleduet obrashatsya k vertebrologu?

kogda chelovek dazhe izredka chuvstvuet bespokojstvo otnositelno bolej v pozvonochnom stolbe, emu sleduet prijti na konsultaciu k vertebrologu. krome togo, eto neobhodimo sdelat pri golovokruzheniyah, pri golovnyh bolyah, (chitajte takzhe: prichiny, priznaki i simptomy golovnoj boli, posledstviya) bolyah v shee i spine v grudnom otdele, v poyasnice.

simptomy, kotorye ne dolzhny ostatsya bez vnimaniya:

  • usilenie i uchashenie bolej v spine.
  • irradiaciya boleznennyh oshushenij iz pozvonochnika v drugie chasti tela i organy.
  • poyavlenie chuvstva slabosti, povyshennaya utomlyaemost.
  • voznikaushie pokalyvaniya v rajone verhnih i nizhnih konechnostej.
  • umenshenie dvigatelnoj aktivnosti, kotoraya snizhaetsya za schet bolej, chuvstvo skovannosti v pozvonochnom stolbe.
  • boleznennye oshusheniya, voznikaushie v rajone serdca. pri etom rezultaty obsledovaniya etogo organa udovletvoritelnye i ne vyyavlyaut patologii.
  • skachki arterialnogo davleniya, soprovozhdaushiesya golovokruzheniem, bolyami v golove i uchasheniem serdechnogo ritma.
  • narushenie osanki i iskrivlenie pozvonochnika.