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Cleansing the body at the cellular level

Pine needles will purify the body on a cellular level

In order to conduct a cleansing of the body at the cellular level are advised to drink a decoction of pine needles. You need to take five tablespoons young pine needles, pine needles, pour half a liter of activated water, also add 2 or 3 tablespoons dried rose hips and 2 tablespoons of onion peel. This mixture to boil and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. The resulting broth leave to infuse overnight in a warm place.

This drink is harmless to the body, but make it longer than four months is not advised, as the body can get used to it.

Also note that it is best to take only the fresh pine. Than fresh, so it will be better and more efficiently. Too old needles is better not to take

Lemon and pine needles

Very good for cleansing on a cellular level and method: half of the lemon peel, crush, and add it to a decoction of pine needles, eat one hour before meals or one hour after a meal.

I recommend eating two lemons a day. As you know lemon helps to supply cells with oxygen, permeates oxidative enzymes and delaying their death.

In addition, the lemon cleans the liver and intestine, which is important. Only lemon is the only fruit in nature, which is able to flush out toxins from hard to reach places. Even from places of which wash they are almost not possible without special procedures.