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Herbs for cleansing the body

How can you determine the body is intoxicated or not? What are the symptoms? Headaches, insomnia, lethargy, chronic fatigue, lack of energy, here are some symptoms the body gives us the signal about the slagging. To get rid of these symptoms is not so difficult, just use everything that nature gives us. It is different herbs or preparations made on their basis.

With the ailments to cope will help herbs: chives, parsley, dill. However, this is not enough. Do not forget about collecting medicinal herbs for cleansing the body that will purify the blood, stimulate the liver, kidneys, of the circulatory system.

I want to emphasize that the greater biological activity, and therefore health, own the plants that grow in the same climate zone where lives the man himself.

Tibetan cleansing collection

Tibetan cleansing herbs are very effective for removing poisons and toxins from the body. This fee is used Tibetan lamas in ancient times, when drawing up the principles of integrity of the organism. This fee is usually given in Tibetan monasteries younger pupils, that they quickly recovered from their disease (around 20 days) and began to live by the rules of the monastery, engaged in heavy physical labor. This fee is beneficial to everyone. If we accept this fee, it will be restored, the nervous system, clears the body of toxins and salt, get rid of excess cholesterol. It prevents the formation of kidney stones, urinary and gall bladders removes already formed stones. This very useful collection in diseases of the cardiovascular system, metabolic disorders, diabetes, osteochondrosis.

Natural Tibetan herbs for cleansing the body consists of 30 species of herbs. To get all of them very difficult, most of the territory of our country they do not meet. For this reason, we offer a slightly different collection, but it's healing properties are not inferior to natural.

Part of the collection: chamomile, Hypericum, immortelle, birch buds, strawberry leaves, all the herbs are taken at 100 grams. Then 2 tablespoons collection pour 400 grams of boiling water, to insist in a thermos for the night. After strain.


- obesity and a bad memory. In the infusion add one teaspoonful of honey, or 20 grams of dried apricots. To drink in the morning instead of Breakfast to 200 grams.

- in cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, nephritis, cholecystitis and other chronic diseases. Use twice a day 20 minutes before meals for 100 grams.


There is no such person who would be a child wove wreaths of yellow flowers, or was blowing in fluffy balls, with the ripened seeds? This flower appears in the spring, tells us that spring has arrived and the nature wakes up. For cleaning its properties it is not inferior to the nettles. It contains substances such as bitter glycosides, carotenoids, tannins, inulin, potassium salts, iron, different minerals and vitamins A, b, C,D. they were valued in ancient times. In the old herbalists, the dandelion is called a diuretic grass. It was noted in particular "he was cold, but more dry but in addition clears and opens by reason of its inherent bitterness..."

This is the fact, that the bitterness of the roots causes the appetite, stimulates digestion, relieves flatulence, has a choleretic effect and how a laxative effect in constipation. Today studies have shown a more positive effect on the pancreas. A decoction of the root of the dandelion, especially the spring collection, promotes the production of insulin, lowers inflammation in pancreatitis. In Europe for the treatment mainly use root and dandelion leaves.

This herb like the dandelion not only cleanses the body but also good removes toxins, like nettle. As it applies to spring grasses, it is best to use raw. Many people do not like that the stem of this plant secretes a white sticky juice, which leave brown stains on clothes and fingers. In fact, all parts of this plant and it's leaves, stem, flower and root is very healing and helpful.

Tea made from dandelion has a stimulating effect on the body, completely rebuilds metabolism, so it is used as an additional therapy for sciatica, rheumatism, arthritis. Dandelion is very common in cosmetics and dermatology. The milky juice of this plant, if you lubricate them freckles noticeably pale. Infusions of dandelion roots treat burns and chronic solar dermatitis. The juice of fresh roots removes swellingafter insect bites.

Stinging nettle

Nettle is the most powerful herbal remedy for "cleansing the blood". This herb is able to cleanse the body and remove from it the poisons, waste products of metabolism, at the same time stimulating the kidneys to increased secretion of water. In addition, nettle tea brewed from fresh or dried plant helps to cleanse the entire digestive tract, stimulates and activates our immune system. Very good to take nettle as a long-lasting tool that helps the body to adjust for allergies, skin rashes, as an additional therapy in all rheumatic diseases, gout as outputting means. People who have a predisposition to stone formation, is very useful to drink nettle tea.

Note: nettle tea can be consumed every day for six months if there is no swelling. The recommended dose is three or four cups a day!


In fact, not only nettle and dandelion, have powerful purifying properties. From spring herbs for cleansing the body is another herb that exhibits these same properties, it's horsetail.

Field horsetail contains large amounts of minerals. It contains silicon, which is needed by the body in considerable quantities. Silica is necessary for our bones, cartilage, nails and hair. Horsetail normalizes water-salt metabolism, displays the body of cholesterol, lead, and other harmful and toxic substances. To use it in the tincture, three times a day an hour after eating. People with impaired kidney function before starting to use this infusion you should consult with your doctor.