Cleansing diet

There is probably today a man who would not feel for himself the pain or discomfort associated with salt deposits in the joints and spine. There are so many different methods, in order to dissolve the salt. One of the good ways, this is a cleansing diet. Rice has the ability to "pull" the salt settled in the joints, at the same time, the longer the rice is soaked in water, the better its effect.

In a jar half – gallon poured two tablespoons of rice, pour and put on the day.

The next day the rice in the first jar, washed again, pour fresh water. Take the second jar and also fall asleep there two tablespoons of washed rice and fill with water. So I repeat for five days while the number of jars of rice will not make five, do not forget to change every day the water in them. On the sixth day the rice from the first jar, boiled to obtain the liquid porridge, eat without bread and salt. In the released jar fall asleep again for two scoops of rice and soaked again. After taking the porridge, for four hours with nothing to drink or eat, the rice was pulled out toxins. The duration of treatment 40 days.

This rice diet to cleanse the joints from salts it is necessary to arrange once a year. For example, it is convenient to do during lent, in the early spring. But at whatever time of the year you have not spent, the result will be excellent.

Comments to a diet and

1. Prolonged soaking of the rice leaves starch (carbohydrate), thus, from the grain of rice is an excellent sorbent. The grains of rice contains fiber with good sorption (absorption) surface, taking into account all of this cleansing is very good to use unpolished oblong Fig.

2. As procured in this way, the rice is very good absorbs the salt in our body and removes them, take note of what is displayed, not only salt, but also potassium, which is essential for the normal functioning of the body. For this reason, during the rice cleansing the body, you must consume foods with a high potassium content (dried apricots, raisins, figs, baked potatoes – just young). You can also eat millet porridge. Before the porridge to cook, millet need to fry without color change, then to weld. Use this method cooked the porridge, verywell replenishes the body with potassium, which figure takes out of it.