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Diet for blood group 2

Risk groups

People with the second blood type prone to heart disease. In addition, they often have cancer, anemia, liver disease and gall bladder, diabetes 1 type.

What need is there?

  • First I must say that it is best to completely eliminate meat and go vegetarian kitchen. Eat soy products: soy milk, soy cheese.
  • You can eat any cereal except wheat.
  • Beans are no limits.
  • The more fruits and berries, the better. But it is forbidden to eat such fruit as oranges, tangerines, rhubarb, papaya, bananas and coconuts. Recommend carrot, pineapple, grapefruit and cherry juices.
  • Fish is acceptable. However, you can't eat flounder, halibut, herring, and seafood. Caviar is also impossible.
  • From the drinks coffee, green tea and red wine. Can you drink water with lemon.
  • Good garlic, onions, and carrots. If you do not want to eat raw, do a juice.

What is necessary to limit myself?

  • Do not get carried away fresh milk and dairy kitchen. Choose low-fat cheese and low-fat dairy products.
  • Pour less sugar in tea.

What products are not recommended?

  • First of all, it's orange juice and any carbonated beverages.
  • Black tea replace green.

That would have completely excluded?

  • Completely black out from the meat. Only occasionally does a little chicken or Turkey.
  • It is recommended to avoid fatty dairy products.
  • Banned any products made of wheat.
  • Forget about ice cream, candy and sugar.
  • Corn and peanut oil are also not helpful.

What will help?

  • Help high-quality vegetable oil, such as olive, linseed or rapeseed.
  • Often eat soy products.
  • Vitamins & supplements – vitamin B, C, E as well as calcium, iron, zinc, selenium, chromium.
  • Useful herbal teas from ginseng, Echinacea, Astragalus, Valerian, hawthorn, Thistle.
  • It is recommended to take bifidobacteria.


Recommended relaxed and concentrative exercises such as yoga or tai Chi.

Special considerations for weight loss

This blood type is configured to vegetarian food, that is due to the low acidity of the meat, the stomach digests bad. In this regard, it is recommended to abandon meat dishes. Can be a bit of Turkey or chicken. Only people with the second group of blood meatpromotes deposition of fat and decelerates the metabolism.

Due to the fact that you have reduced the acidity, the gastric mucosa is very delicate. Therefore, you should avoid spicy and salty foods.

The advantage of vegetarianism is that you will be increased immunity to various diseases, as well as increase energy and efficiency.

The body needs to get enough protein. Sources of protein are soy products and eggs.

The maximum limit on the sugar and chocolate.