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Stones in the liver

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One of the most important organs for human life is the liver. She performs a number of functions in the body, which is impossible to do artificially. This is its main difference from other organs.

Liver mass can reach 1500 g. It has a small number of nerve endings, what is another feature. Largely for this reason that disease of the body, including gallstones that are often detected in the later stages.

Are there any stones in the liver?

Most often stones are found in gallbladder. However, in the liver they are used. Such cases are observed less frequently and require a special approach in treatment. The main reason for the appearance of stones in the liver is a change in the composition of bile, which includes the following components:

  • water;
  • mucus;
  • bilirubin;
  • cholesterol;
  • the bile salts;
  • enzymes and bacteria.

If the amount of cholesterol increases, the salts necessary for its dissolution, is not enough. As a result, dense formations. They are called cholesterol and are one of the types of stones in the liver. Changes in the composition of bile may be due to increased amount of bilirubin in it. Then the formed pigment spots, having a black or brown shade. Cholesterol education is usually yellow in color and quite soft to the touch. Getting in the gallbladder, they become solid.

Such formations appear in the form of small crystals, which prevent the flow of bile. Over time, they are growing, or increasing in size, or latching onto other clots. So these stones are formed. Gradually they fall in the hepatic ducts, plugging them. The movement of bile is disturbed, which in turn affects the digestive processes. In addition, due to potential endocrine imbalances and the emergence of various diseases.

Thus, the most common stones in the gallbladder. In modern medicine doctors meet with them very often. But in the liver there are stones, which, according to experts, the majority of residents of large cities. In most cases, in the absence of pain and discomfort in the liver area they are not even aware ofthe presence of foreign entities in the body.

Main causes of gallstones:

  • improper diet and overeating;
  • the abuse of alcohol;
  • the pill, hormonal of drugs, as well as those that reduce the level of cholesterol;

  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • infectious disease of the liver;
  • hormonal disturbances.

When you intake large amounts of food or too frequent techniques the liver can not cope with the load. This can lead to disturbances in the lymphatic and circulatory system. Insufficient supply the liver lobules with blood causes changes in the composition of bile and, as consequence, formation of stones. So you should try to eat at the same time, avoid heavy dinner and do not neglect Breakfast and lunch.

Symptoms of stones in the liver

  • Hepatic colic;

  • the dark color of urine;
  • a lighter shade of fecal matter, their sour smell;
  • the restless condition of the patient;
  • dry mouth;
  • nausea and vomiting;

  • constipation;

  • pain in the heart;

  • fainting and seizures in certain cases;

  • brown spots on the skin;
  • yellow coating on the tongue.
  • Biliary colic manifest in the form of drilling and burning pain. Their cause may be overeating or large amounts of heavy, and fatty foods. Stress also causes discomfort in the liver, indicating the presence of stones. The pain experienced in the lower back, forearm, subscapular region, and even in the right jaw.

    For a long time the stones in the liver may not be seen. In many cases, the disease is detected too late. Stones in the liver symptoms can be confused with acute pancreatitis, pneumonia, stroke. Therefore, if you have any of these symptoms you must immediately contact the experts.

    On topic: the Listpermitted and prohibited foods for the liver

    Removal of stones in the liver

    In modern medicine there are several methods of dealing with stones in the liver. In some cases, they are crushed with drugs. While taking medication is necessary over a long period of time. This is dangerous, because even if the rocks crumble to sand, will not be eliminated cause of their formation. It is possible that the medication will not give the desired effect, and the disease will run and there are complications.

    Crushing of stones in the liver produced by ultrasound. This method is considered effective, but only when formations are not too large. Otherwise, the fragments remaining after the crushing of the stones can clog the ducts, which may result in personal injury or damage to the gallbladder. Removing them from the body painful for the patient.

    Similar to the ultrasonic crushing effect on the rocks laser. Through small incisions in the body introduced in medical devices, which destroyed the education in the liver. This procedure requires qualified technician with sufficient experience in such operations. Incorrect movement may cause the laser exposure on the mucous membranes and cause serious burns. As with the ultrasonic crushing, the output of the stone fragments from the body of the patient causing him significant discomfort.

    The most common and effective method today is surgical intervention. Before the operation was performed with an abdominal incision. Now, however, it is replaced by laparoscopic surgery. It is done several piercings of the peritoneum. This avoids loss of blood and reduces the risk of complications. An important advantage of this method is the quick recovery of the patient after surgery.

    There is an opinion that you can get rid of stones in the liver folk ways. But before using natural remedies, you should consult with your doctor. Most often surgery is the only effective treatment.

    orshenin Elena Ivanovna, doctor-gastroenterologist