Home / Treatment / What to do for colic in newborns (infants) — medications, massage

What to do for colic in newborns (infants) — medications, massage

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Intestinal colic is a phenomenon widespread among newborn children. To some extent, this problem is faced about 80-90% of babies and their parents.

However, despite this, specific reason for concern, colic is not dangerous to life and health of the child. Such phenomena are physiological in nature.

Represent colic painful spasms of smooth muscles of the colon because of irritation (when passing or tension) on the walls of the intestinal gases.

There are many tools and methods for relief of colic and reduce the frequency of their occurrence.

Causes of intestinal colic in newborns

The main reason for the development of the newborn physiological intestinal colic — the "inexperience"of the gastrointestinal tract organs and secretions involved in the digestive process by producing enzymes. While in the womb, the baby receives all the nutrients in finished form, requiring no processing. Because the whole digestive system is at rest.

As soon as the baby is born — it starts to eat the mother's milk. Milk is a heavy product for recycling. For the first time since birth into the light of his gastrointestinal tract is tested. Begins to produce specific enzymes. As the child eats small portions, at first, the cramps may not occur.

The end of the 30-th day since the birth of the baby needs nutrition to grow, it consumes more milk. However, his gastrointestinal tract and endocrine system remain the same"inexperienced". In General, the formation of a more or less stable in the digestive system ends at the six months of life, and the full image of the gastrointestinal tract starts to work only by the time when the child turns a year. Therefore, the body is difficult to process such a large volume of milk. Dramatically increases the production of intestinal gas.

In addition to natural physiological reasons, there is a subjective reason for the errors mothers in breastfeeding. Adhering to old-world advice, compassionate mother put the baby to the breast just for a short periodtime, which is a huge mistake.

  • With a small time of feeding the baby consumes only the so-called "front" milk. It is rich in carbohydrates, and therefore difficult to digest.
  • The baby is not receiving the so-called "back" of milk. And as you know, it has the maximum nutritional value and contains proteins-immunoglobulins.
  • Colic may increase from nervous tension, and quick break contact with the mother can be stressful for a child.

Manifest as colic in infants?

Colic in newborns manifest a number of symptoms, the main of which is to cry. Overall — a crying baby can on a huge variety of reasons: a newborn may be hungry, he may be bored, he can cut his teeth, he can demand to change a diaper, he can be scary, etc. you need to Pay attention to the nature of crying and the child's behavior.

Unlike the crying child hunger, crying from colic sharp and loud, besides, it is followed by urging the legs to the abdomen.

Crying appears suddenly and sharply, often immediately after feeding or after 5-10 minutes after eating. The cry is long sharpness. When pain disappears, the child calms down.

Stomach to the touch may be firm, swollen and tense. After the discharge of intestinal gas, the abdomen is soft, and the child calms down.

How to help the baby during colic?

Every mother wants to ease the condition of the child. In order to relieve pain there are several events. But the main thing that you should know mothers, colic is not dangerous, although uncomfortable for the baby. They will be held for 2-3 months.

Proper breast-feeding

To the rules of breast-feeding include the following:

  • You need to let the baby suckle as long as he wants, even if it takes hours of time. In the first days and even months of life is extremely important and is of great importance for the normal development of the child.
  • It is important to correctly attach the baby to the breast. It is important to do this so that the child does not swallow air. Otherwise, the intestine is exposed to air and will develop flatulence.
  • It is not necessary to Supplement the child with artificial mixtures. Contrary to popular belief, the child is enough breast milk.
  • Should if possible completely eliminate from the diet of a baby artificial formula. Included in their composition cow's milk is notdigested by the body of the child for a long time, since the enzymes for its processing it is not at all. The introduction in the diet of a new type of food — an enormous amount of stress for the unformed body of the baby.

After feeding, it is important that trapped in the gastrointestinal tract of the child the air out the back. For this you need to keep baby in for 5-10 minutes. It should be borne in mind that when feeding from the bottle is much more intense suction of air. Therefore, being sold "protivogribkovye" bottle is just a fraud and a fiction.

A specialized diet

We are not talking about diet for the child. On a diet should take most nursing mothers. With blood flow resulting substance is sent to the mammary glands and end up in synthesized milk. This means, to some extent, the child eats what the mother herself. To reduce the frequency of colic be excluded from the diet some products. Of course, this is not a panacea, and full deliverance from colic of the question. But the relief will be.

Excluded from the diet:

It is not necessary to abuse sweet. Milk is desirable to abandon completely (in the first 2-3 months of lactation). Milk not only improves lactation, but is also able to induce a severe allergic reaction. (Cow's and goat's milk to the child why it is harmful and dangerous?)

Preference should be given herbal teas, based on fennel, anise.

If these methods had no effect, no choice but to resort to medical assistance. However, don't "get" the child a huge number of medication, thinking that it would do any good. Any drug load the body, and the body of the child has a double burden. Before taking not be amiss to consult a doctor / pediatrician.

Other recommendations

In addition, there are 3 recommendations:

  • The use of dry heat. Dry heat is an excellent remedy for cramps because it improves local blood circulation and relaxes smooth muscles of the intestine. A hot iron orthe battery heats up the diaper. Then a warm blanket is placed on the baby's stomach. It is important not to warm up the diaper, otherwise you can burn the baby. For long heat retention of the child is better to put along with the diaper itself.
  • Reupload on the tummy and exercise gym. You should engage with the child gymnastics and more likely to spread it on the abdomen. The main thing is not to do this immediately after a feeding: high probability of regurgitation. Exercises will strengthen the muscles and improve peristalsis of the intestine.
  • Massage. Massage also has a beneficial effect on intestinal peristalsis. Massage technique simple. Confidently pushing the palm on the stomach, need to make a circular motion clockwise for 2-3 minutes. Then the child's legs bend at the knees and pressed to her stomach several times. The massage is performed before each feeding 2-3 times.

Medical treatment of colic in newborns

Today in the market there are many anti colic.

Preparations on the basis of simethicone

Preparations of simethicone contribute to the merging of the gas bubbles together, thereby reducing the pressure on the intestinal wall. Large gas bubbles come out of the body naturally.

This group of drugs includes:

  • Cough syrup (in the drops, the approximate cost — 200 rubles).
  • Espumizan (the emulsion, the approximate cost is 300 rubles).
  • Subcomplex (approximate cost-200 rubles).
  • Espumizan L (in the form of an emulsion, the approximate cost — 250 rubles).


The intestines of a newborn baby is not filled with beneficial bacteria. The colonization of the intestine occurs within 2-3 months. Useful flora enters the body of the child with mother's milk. To speed up the process, use drugs-probiotics. But it must be remembered that probiotics are able to exert on the child negative effect. Follow the recommendations of the attending specialist regarding dosage and duration of admission.

Trade names:

  • Bifiform Baby (about 400 rubles).
  • Acipol (about 300 rubles).
  • Bifidumbacterin Forte (300 rubles).
  • Linex (children) (about 400 rubles).

Enzyme preparations

The digestive system responsible for the production necessary for digestion enzymes in newborns undeveloped, so the young nesformirovannost the body needs support. Such support is intake of enzyme preparations. For drugs enzymatic group includes, for example, Kreon. To apply it is possible only by direct appointment of a doctor. Otherwise the drugs will do more harm than good.

Also assigned to biologically active additives (dietary Supplements). For Example, Lactose. Lactose promotes rapid and efficient cleavage of lactose (contained in large quantities in milk). This drug is prescribed for lactase deficiency, because it contains the enzyme lactase.

Trade names:

  • Kreon (at the dosage of 10000).
  • Lactase. (approximate price of 200-300 rubles, depending on the number of tablets packaged).

Phytotherapeutic agents (plant-based components)

Significant protivotankovy effect have drugs based on fennel and anise. Their action is based on the acceleration of intestinal peristalsis, and therefore rapid removal of intestinal gases of their body.

Among the drugs in this group include:

  • Baby calm — extract of fennel, mint, anise (approximate price — 150 rubles).
  • Plantex is a mixture of extract of fennel and essential oil of this plant (worth about 300-500 rubles depending on the number of pills in the pack).

Following the above recommendations solve the problem of colic will fail much sooner than after 3 months of age. It is important to remember that colic is a physiological phenomenon and they are virtually impossible to get rid of. The only thing you can do to alleviate the pain and condition of the child. Colic you just need to escalate and the problem will no longer bother the child.