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Bleeding hemorrhoids how to stop?

Bleeding coming from the rectum, are a common symptom of hemorrhoids. The amount of bleeding depends on the degree of popularnosti hemorrhoids. Temporarily stop it by yourself, but should definitely see a doctor.

How to stop bleeding hemorrhoids?

Cold compresses

Cold the first remedy, which should go in trying to stop the bleeding hemorrhoids in the home.

The effectiveness of cold compresses due to the following factors:

  • The reduction in the permeability of blood vessels, cessation of the formation of tissue edema.
  • Narrowing of the blood vessels.
  • Reduction of pain attacks by reducing the sensitivity of the receptors. The bleeding may not be accompanied by pain.

Ice candles – prescription, topical when dealing with bleeding, the source of which is internal hemorrhoids.

  • To create candles, you will need thick paper, turned into a neat cone.
  • Capacity is filled with water, then placed in the freezer and kept there until the formation of ice.
  • Instead of water it is allowed to apply astringent herbal infusions. Hemorrhoids effective tools such as chamomile, oak bark, producing also an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • The frozen liquid form of ice "candle", which is extracted out of the fridge and completely cleaned from the wrapper.
  • The introduction of the device in the rectum should be done slowly and carefully, as there is a risk of re-injury a bleeding site.

The first use of candles should not last more than 5 seconds in the future you can keep them longer.

If the bleeding caused by external hemorrhoids, is to create a cold compress. The Foundation will be a sterile bandage, soaked with water of low temperature. It is placed on the bleeding sites. The water is allowed to replace the above-mentioned herbs, this will enhance the efficacy of the compress. Also, the actual ice of the cold store. Need to place it in gauze and gently apply to the affected area.

The person diagnosed with hemorrhoids, it helps to keep the device "Krinos", which will come in handy when bleeding. The device simplifies the treatment of cold becomes an effective substitute for the traditional compresses. It is filled withfluid that lasts longer than ordinary ice.

The device is made of plastic that completely eliminates the contact of cold with the walls of the intestine. The treatment will cause a rapid cessation the presence of blood.

Please note! Treatment with ice is not suitable for patients suffering from inflammation of the genital organs. Under the influence of poultice can activated pathological processes, so you should focus on another method.

Hemostatic drugs

"Menadione", "Dicynone"means, effective as emergency measures. It is impossible to have recourse to him alone for continuous treatment, their purpose is the task of the doctor. The drugs are manufactured in tablets, injections. Each has features of the application (for example,"Menadione" is used in the amount of 2 tablets per day), side effects.

The actual injections for serious bleeding in other situations, it is recommended to stay on the pill.

Hemostatic sponge

The collagen porous sponge is also useful for the patient, who had bleeding associated with hemorrhoids. Plate, whose thickness averages 6-8 mmcreated from dry collagen. In its composition contains boric acid and furatsilina. Special agent absorbs blood, swells and presses the damaged blood vessels. Additional advantages of the method – sanitized tissue, activation of the recovery process.

If the cause of bleeding is internal hemorrhoids, the mere attachment of the sponge will be of no avail. The fixture is carefully placed inside the intestine. The extract is not required because the tool has the ability to dissolve yourself. When the outer form enough attachment sponge for 2-3 minutes.

Enemas medicine

Enema filled with medicine – another option for independent suppression of hemorrhoidal bleeding. With their help, soften stool, aktiviziruyutsya tissue repair, reduces the risk of re-injury to the inflamed sites.

Content for enema there may be the following:

  • Hydrogen peroxide. This tool is important if the patient has bleeding in addition to pain are present. In a glass of water dissolve about a teaspoon of "medicine", the patient is placed a quarter of a tank . It is recommended to repeat the procedure three times,not missing a single day. Preferably parallel to the diet, eliminating from the diet of solid foods.
  • Herbal infusions. As a basis for them hemorrhoids bleeding topical chamomile, calendula, and blueberries. An enema can be replaced by lotions of these funds, if we are talking about external hemorrhoids.

  • 1% solution of tannin. It is useful for a patient bleeding come along with the itching pain. Tannin stimulates the clotting of blood proteins, indistinguishable forms a protective film. This has a positive impact on the nerve endings causes contraction of the rectal blood vessels.


If the patient is concerned about bleeding hemorrhoids, it is advisable to temporarily revise eating habits. The products have to stimulate the dilution of stool, which simplifies the process of defecation. With the additional irritation of hemorrhoids will not, the healing process will accelerate.

During the first day, it is desirable to stop only on liquid. You can then connect useful for cereals, fruit and vegetables, dairy products.

Even if the bleeding hemorrhoids are able to stop, should certainly visit a doctor in order to avoid dangerous complications.