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Treatment of polyps folk remedies, without surgery

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For the treatment of polyps of the gall bladder, uterus and nasal polyps in the Arsenal of folk remedies there are lots of recipes with herbal ingredients that help slow the growth of tumors, and their malignant degeneration, preventing the appearance of new polyps.

These include: the infusion of upland uterus, medical mushrooms, fresh juices, decoctions needles of spruce, pine.

Juice therapy

Vegetable juices are very effective in combating diseases of the digestive tract, used to treat hypertension, osteoporosis, abnormalities of liver and gall bladder. Their regular consumption reduces the concentration of harmful cholesterol in the blood, prevents the formation of polyps in the gallbladder, helps cleanse the intestines of toxins.The beneficial properties of the juice are associated with a high content of useful substances – pectin, betaine, organic acids, micro and macroelements, volatile and bioflavonoids consisting of fresh vegetables and fruits.

In this case, a logical question arises: why not eat fresh vegetables and fruits just like that? Because of the material, ensuring the effectiveness of sokoterapii in the treatment of diseases, is contained in them. In addition, vegetables are rich in fiber, amplifying the cleansing effect of sokoterapii, literally sweeps out from the intestine of toxic sediments.

This is for several reasons:

  • With all the benefits of fiber part of vegetable and fruit, it has a significant disadvantage – it slows down the process of digestion and absorption of nutrients. So, the vitamins and minerals from the juice are absorbed almost immediately, and the absorption of these substances from fresh vegetables may take several hours.
  • The second advantage juices before fresh vegetables and fruits – a large percentage of organic water in the amount of one-time use. The use of structured water (and in this form the fluid is contained in plant cells) enhances useful properties of the product and in itself has healing effect.
  • Thirdly, if you are not using vegetables from his garden and the vegetables from the supermarket, then you will surely get a portion of chemicals, using them. But if you make themjuice, it all the harmful substances along with the fiber gone, remains only the useful juice!
  • And, finally, a juice you can drink much more than to eat vegetables: raw, you can eat pomoravi and about 100 grams of grated beet to the salad, though you might not want this dish again during the day. But to drink the juice out of the equivalent amount of vegetables easily and quickly, it is possible to practice before each meal, providing the body with essential for biochemical processes, enzymes, minerals and microelements.
Recipe juice mixture 1

Take the leaves of spinach, parsley, celery stalks (see the article: the benefits and harms of celery) and carrots, chop with a knife and load in the juicer. Take the vegetables and herbs needed in the ratio of 2 parts of parsley, 4 pieces of celery, 3 pieces of spinach 7 parts carrot. The amount of juice for daily consumption – 1 liter daily need to prepare a new mixture. To get used to the juice gradually, because it has a high concentration of biologically active substances. So, in the first week before each meal drink 100 ml of juice, and if you find atypical reaction of the body, heaviness in the stomach and worsening health, reduce the dose one-time admission to one tablespoon.

In the second week of sokoterapii if you don't have any discomfort and disorders of the digestive tract, you can take a glass of juice mixture four times a day for 15-20 minutes before eating.

Recipe juice blend 2

To prepare this juice mix will need one kiwi, three pieces of cucumber and three pieces of beets, ten pieces of carrots. Carrots, beets and cucumber wash, chop with a knife if you need to load in the juicer.

The dosage in this juice blend is lower than the previous one, because in it there are beets, which increased the concentration of biologically active substances that affect blood pressure, lowering it. In a period of adjustment taking up to three tablespoons of juice before meals, increase the dose can be up to half Cup at a time. At the slightest discomfort like dizziness, nausea or heaviness of the stomach, reduce mix one-time admission or reduce the proportion of sugar beet (see article: benefits of beet juice?), or exclude it at all, if you have low blood pressure.

Treatment juice is month, including a week on addiction, and then a second course is not earlier thantwo weeks break.

Washing out the nose with polyps in the nose

Nasal polyps represent growth of the mucosa of the nasal cavity which may cause nasal congestion, excessive mucus, headaches and difficulty breathing. The perception of odors and deteriorating air permeability, because of which the patient is forced to breathe primarily by mouth, and this creates preconditions for the development of various infectious diseases.

Nasal polyps can be removed with a saline solution. For washing use sea or table salt.

Simple recipe: 700 ml of warm boiled water take a teaspoon of salt. If you use table salt, before adding the water, add two drops of iodine and mix it with soda.Before administration, the solution is filtered, eliminating him from the large salt granules, which can cause mechanical irritation of the nasal cavity.

For nasal lavage is better to use rubber cans or watering cans, which are sold in the pharmacy. In this way washed the noses of children with colds. To blow your nose after this with caution – this creates a negative pressure in the nasal cavity and may cause infection. In addition, the first time after washing is necessary to avoid factors that can cause irritation. In addition to the antibacterial effect of rinsing with a sea salt solution effectively clean the nasal cavity and restore the protective functions of the mucosa.

Mushrooms Reishi, shiitake, Maitake and chaga from polyps

Fungoterapiya – the use of mushrooms to treat a variety of diseases. As the science of medicinal use of mushrooms originated in Japan, in China several thousand years ago knew about the healing properties of Reishi mushrooms, Cordyceps, Maitake, shiitake mushroom, which provide the unique anti-tumor polysaccharides in their structure.

Reishi mushrooms are used in Oriental medicine for millennia, and is considered the most powerful drug of natural origin according to the book "the Great Pharmacopoeia", which describes all the known means of Chinese medicine.

  • In the composition of the Reishi mushroom are beta-glucans – substances necessary for the production and timely maturation of immune cells, providing a natural anti-cancer defenses of the body;
  • Regular use of Reishi mushroomshelps to extend the life cycle and functionality of macrophages, T-lymphocytes and natural killer cells that attack cancer cells and prevent the formation of tumors.
  • The Reishi mushroom polysaccharides affect immune cell activity, with the result that they destroy not only malignant tumors but also any changed cells, preventing their degeneration into cancer.
  • Triterpenoids in the composition of fungi is able to reduce the size of cancerous tumors, increase the concentration of alpha - and interleukin, which is a tumor necrosis factor.

The use of Reishi can reduce side effects of chemotherapy and radiation for the treatment of cancer, while increasing its effectiveness. In patients taking Reishi extract together with chemotherapy, is not so pronounced reduction of white blood cells and other indicators of health munney system.

Mushrooms used for medicinal purposes when polyps:

  • Reishi or lacquered polypore is widespread in China as the "mushroom of longevity". Its therapeutic effect is based on the immunomodulatory properties of polysaccharides, which allows to strengthen the body's defenses against infections and tumors. In addition, the extract of mushrooms has krivorozchskiy properties, comparable to aspirin. Reishi is used as an adaptogen to enhance the adaptive capacity of athletes and astronauts. The extract of this mushroom is used to treat allergies, autoimmune diseases, malignant tumors (refer: cancer treatment folk remedies).

  • Maitake is a huge mushroom which is a woody growth up to 0.5 m in diameter. Valuable properties is substantiated by the presence of fraction D in its composition, which inhibits the growth of tumors, preventing metastases in the internal organs. Other components of Maitake normalize cholesterol levels in the blood, therefore the extract of this mushroom is excellent prevention of cholesterol polyps. Beta-glucans and polysaccharides of Maitake mushroom protects cell membranes from destruction and restores their barrier function. Clinical studies show the effectiveness of Maitake in the treatment of cancer of the rectum, immunodeficiency States, facilitate the condition of patients after chemotherapy.

  • Shiitake mushroom small plate with a cap 5 to 15 cm in diameter, distributed in China as the "Imperial mushroom"in Europe was more popularly called"Chinese black mushroom". Applies not only in the medicalpurposes but also in cooking. Rich in zinc, necessary for immune recovery forces of the inhabitants of the metropolis, which can be deficient in this mineral. It is used to treat tumors, normalization of insulin production in patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as to restore potency in men of middle age.

  • Chaga – beveled polypore, which grows on birch, willow, Rowan, oak, hornbeam and alder, has the appearance of a dark solid growths with a diameter of 30 cm with cracked shiny surface. Collect them all year round. Infusions and decoctions of chaga used in Russia since the 19th century for the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, malignant tumors, diseases of the liver and normalization of the bowel.

Read more: Useful properties and application of fungus

How to cook?

Tincture. Take 50 grams of Reishi or any other, and pour 500 ml of vodka. Soak the infusion is a month in a dark place, you can then use it for 1 dessert/teaspoon in the morning on an empty stomach, dilute with water.

Recipe from polyps of the cervix from readers

Treatment of endometrial polyps can be carried out with the use of tampons soaked in honey and novocaine (sold in capsules at the pharmacy), onion and garlic juice. The course of treatment is 1 month. First 10 days use tampons med+novocaine in the ratio of 1:1, second 10 days for the impregnation of tampons to use honey and onion juice in equal proportions, the remaining third of courses daily put tampons with honey and onion juice ratio the same.

A decoction of spruce or pine when polyps

Spruce and pine needles – a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, volatile and bioflavonoids, which improve the metabolic processes in the body, strengthen the immune barrier, and normalize the endocrine system and fight off infection. Decoctions and infusions of pine needles allow the body to fight the polyps, slow their growth and prevent their malignant degeneration, activating his own anti-cancer protection.

It is recommended to collect pine needles in the fall after the first frost, as it contains maximum amount of vitamin C. its content of pine needles ahead of oranges and lemons that are traditionally used to strengthen immunity in the winter. Storage of the needles at a temperature above 5 degrees Celsius leads to loss of carotenoids, more than 30% of their collapses under the influence of heat.

Volatile, has antimicrobial and tanningsubstances that provide anti-inflammatory effect, prevent infectious processes, which provoke the appearance of polyps.

Broth needles: fir or pine needles crushed and pour boiling water liter of water per tablespoon of pine needles. Then within half an hour boil in an enamel pot on low heat, pour into a thermos and insist further three hours. The resulting broth to drink 100 ml before meals, course of treatment – from 20 days to one month.

Infusion needles: six tablespoons of pine needles crushed in a mortar, add a pint of boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. Then the infusion is filtered through a strainer or cheesecloth and take before meals for one tablespoon.

Does tincture of Borovoy of the uterus in the treatment of endometrial polyps?

Among the folk remedies for the treatment of diseases of the uterus and restoration of reproductive functions of women, the most widely upland uterus, tinctures, decoctions and infusions based on it.

It has long been upland uterus in the Arsenal of traditional healers was used to solve health problems of the genitals. Ramesey (or ortilia) one-sided is harvested in the early and mid-summer (when in the flowering period there is an opportunity to gather the flowers of the plant) or in the autumn before the first frost (when the stem and leaves filled with active substances). It is used in the form of decoctions, tinctures, drops, solutions for irrigation, teas and syrups. Due to the manufacture of extract upland uterus is now released tablets, suppositories and drops. Separate dosage forms and their combinations are used to treat certain problems with the reproductive system in men and women.

When uterine polyps upland uterus is very useful, but only in certain cases.

Its use has on the body, such kinds of therapeutic action:

  • Antiseptic – kills germs that can cause inflammation
  • Diuretic – increases the filtration ability of the kidneys, accelerates the elimination of toxins;
  • Antikoagulyaie – thins the blood;
  • Anti-inflammatory – soothes irritation and suppresses inflammatory reaction;
  • Anticancer – reduces the risk of tumors;
  • Regulatory – normalizes the levels of sex hormones due to their natural plant counterparts;
  • Anticholesterol – reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Immunomodulatory – strengthens the body's defenses and stimulates the immune response.

Thanks to the variety of effects upland uterus used in the treatment and prevention of various diseases.

For all the mentioned abilities, the use of folk remedies based on ramesey against polyps in the uterus helps in the following way:

  • Alignment balance hormones – the right balance of levels of estrogen and progesterone is key to women's health. Tincture upland uterus is able to normalize both of these hormones, thus preventing the appearance of tumors, and the risk of malignancy (degeneration into malignant form) is reduced. From the already formed polyps, unfortunately, the stabilization of hormonal ratios does not help.
  • Anesthetic effect – mild analgesic effect upland uterus will be useful during painful menstruation, discomfort which can significantly increase in uterine polyps.
  • Support during recovery, and overall improvement of the uterus is due to the rich vitamin and mineral composition of drugs to extract upland uterus. Their appointment is usually for rehabilitation patients who have undergone surgery to remove polyps.
  • Reducing the likelihood of malignancy of polyps is through the effect of substances of a special class of flavonoids. These active ingredients are able to slow the proliferation of malignant cells, and thereby decreases the probability of regeneration of polyps (including the most dangerous in this respect, adenomatous subspecies).

The prevention of new polyps is associated with the activation of such mechanisms:

  • Reduction of blood cholesterol, a recognized factor in the growth of uterine tumors;
  • The destruction of pathological microflora helps to cure chronic urinary infections, which often occur polyps;
  • Due to the liquefaction of the blood increases, the rate of exchange in the area of small pelvis and stops stagnation of the liquid.
  • But such a broad spectrum of action, on the other hand, is harmful to the body some patients. The abundance of the active components of the extract upland uterus can negatively affect the condition of the patient, contributing to acute or chronic pathological processes. To avoid this danger, about the reception upland uterus should knowthe attending doctor, who in the presence of certain contraindications forbid the use of the medication or adjust the dose.

    To stop receiving funds on the basis of upland uterus can such factors as:

    • The period of menstruation. This time is generally not recommended taking any funds from antikoagulyaie properties, especially if the uterus is detected polyps or tumors have been recently removed.
    • The state of hyperestrogenism. Overabundance of estrogens frequently causes the development of polyps in the uterus. The high content of phytoestrogens in the extract upland uterus can not use it against tumors in a state of hyperestrogenism, as this will only exacerbate the existing problem.
    • The presence of bleeding. Periodic bleeding in small amounts are one of the consequences of the growth of polyps. Because antikoagulyaie properties Borovoy of the uterus amount of bleeding may increase significantly. For this reason, it can't be extract of this herb after surgery for removal of polyps.
    • Therapy with antibiotics and hormonal drugs. The appearance of polyps in the uterus or immediately after surgical removal of the physician quite often prescribes antibiotics or hormonal remedy their causes. As extract upland uterus has similar properties, taking it at the same time, these drugs are able to neutralize their effect.

    If after careful examination and analysis of the test results the doctor came to the conclusion that taking people's money for upland uterus can take place in the complex treatment of uterine polyps, you will need to learn how to cook these funds. Not to ruin the high molecular weight active compounds need to follow the recipe and observe rules of handling products, raw materials and finished drugs.

    For adjuvant therapy of polyps in the uterus is used three formulations of upland uterus:

    • The liqueur is based on vodka. You need half a liter of vodka mix 5 tablespoons dried Borovoy of the uterus, and set aside in a dark place for three weeks. Most importantly – do not forget to stir the infusion once or twice a day. the receiving means is distributed over three meals a day and drink 15 drops before meals. A two-week course to finish the week off.
    • Broth. 1 tablespoon of herbs per Cup of hot water (not boiling water), boil on a steam bath and heat for 5-10 minutes, to insist 3-4 hours, drain. Take 1 tablespoon 4-5 times a day.Pharmacy herb brew strictly asindicated on the pack.
    • Infusion on the water. In a liter of boiling water pour 4 tablespoons of upland uterus and infuse for 15 minutes. Water infusion should also be taken three times a day, but 150 ml is a tool with a small focus with a softer action.

    Celandine when polyps

    Celandine is widely used to treat a variety of ailments ranging from skin diseases, papillomas and warts, ending with gynecological pathologies and tumors of the uterus and gall bladder. Despite the wide range of application of the plant and medicines on its basis, this plant can be used not all.

    Among the contraindications for the use of greater celandine are:

    • Low pressure – and low pressure normalizes hypertension patients, but under normal or reduced pressure can be dangerous;
    • Pregnancy and lactation, young age – children 12 to provide funds on the basis of celandine is not, the same applies to nursing mothers through their milk bioactive components of the plant can get into the body of the infant;
    • Disorders of intestinal motility;
    • Angina and other cardiac abnormalities;
    • Epilepsy, diseases of the nervous system and mental disorders.

    For the treatment of polyps celandine is used in the form of infusions and decoctions, and also as the main component of kvass Bolotov to stimulate immune protection.

    Read more: treatment with celandine, useful properties and contraindications

    Infusion of celandine when polyps in the intestine

    To prepare a special collection from the polyps, you need to: celandine (grass) – 3 parts calendula (flowers) – 2 parts, St. John's wort (herb) – 2 parts, mix it all together. 2 tablespoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, wrap and infuse for 6 hours. Drink this infusion three times a day for 1/3 Cup before eating.

    In addition, in the morning (100 ml) and evening (50 ml) you need to do an enema with the tincture of the above herbs. It is necessary to hold 4 courses of 5 days with 3-5 days rest in between.

    A decoction of celandine from polyps in the stomach

    Folk healer Maria Stefania recommends for the treatment of polyposis decoction of celandine herbs. Prepare it as follows: a tablespoon of grass and leaves of celandine pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, is divided into five parts and drink before each meal 3-4 times a day. The remaining broth drink for the night, with the addition ofa tablespoon of honey. The course of treatment is 30 days.

    The kvass Bolotov on celandine

    Kvass Bolotov is a drink made by fermentation of vegetable raw materials in the whey. For this purpose, a medicinal plant celandine, and its composition rich in alkaloids, which in the fermentation process are transformed into useful substances for the body that is able to bind toxins and remove them from the body.

    Among the useful properties of kvass Bolotov include:

  • The cleansing action, the binding of heavy metals and their elimination through the intestines;
  • Anti-parasitic properties – brew prevents the growth of pathogenic microorganisms, can be used as Anthelmintics, activates protective forces of the immune system against parasites;
  • Regeneration of tissues and organs – kvass Bolotov increases tissue metabolism, saturate them with oxygen and nutrients that promotes recovery after injuries and disease.
  • In addition to their useful properties kvass has a pleasant taste that resembles a mixture of Apple and grapefruit juice with a distinctive bitterness and acidity, is an excellent refreshing drink.

    How to cook kvass Bolotov at home? For the basics of taking drink boiled water or, to speed up the fermentation, whey. The serum is pre-filtered, passing through cheesecloth.

    The number of ingredients is three liters of liquid:

    • Sugar – 1 Cup or 300 grams;
    • Sour cream – one teaspoon of the product with 15% fat, necessarily natural;
    • Half a Cup of dry grass celandine (25 grams) or fresh celandine by volume of a glass.

    The basis for the brew, whether it be water or serum should be at room temperature, it is necessary to dissolve a Cup of sugar and a spoon of sour cream. Of cheesecloth to form a bag with a four-layer wall and put it in the celandine (dry grass or chopped fresh), glass or metal weight that the sack dropped to the bottom of the jar.

    Close the jar with cheesecloth, folded in four, and place it in a dry place without access to sunlight. Duration of infusion – for two weeks, in the process of making kvass is necessary to constantly stir and remove mold from the surface of the solution. Around the end of the first week at the bottom of the banks will precipitate, then the fluid should be poured into another container and dilute with water, andthe precipitate is removed.

    At the end of the fermentation process on the brew will begin to form foam. Then you can cast a third of the liquid from the jar (1 liter) and use it within three days, taking before meals. Dilute kvass to the previous volume up to three times, and then prepare a drink and fresh celandine.