Home / Treatment / Vomiting and diarrhea in a child without fever

Vomiting and diarrhea in a child without fever

The phenomenon of vomiting and diarrhea without fever in children are observed quite often. It is quite natural that the parents of such a child's condition causes anxiety, especially if he is still quite small.

Not always vomiting and diarrhea will indicate some serious disease, however, to adequately assess the situation can only be a doctor. Of course, parents should know the possible causes of violations of the condition of the child, but this does not mean that access to a doctor is not necessary.

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Causes vomiting and diarrhea in a child without fever

Often parents are too careless treat vomiting and diarrhea in their children, if the body temperature remains normal. This is because adults are accustomed to a temperature on the background of any disease. However, it is worth considering that some pathological conditions may occur without this symptom. Perhaps the child has lowered immunity, or even have diseases of the immune system. Eventually the body's defenses do not react, the body temperature rises.

It is also worth remembering that in infants the symptoms of many diseases are oiled, and the degradation is much faster than the older children. So just a few hours the baby can fall into a difficult state that threaten life.

Vomiting and diarrhea without the body temperature in children can occur for the following reasons:

Intestinal infection

The most common intestinal infections in children is rotavirus infection, a dysentery, a salmonellosis, esherihioz. They can occur without fever, but there may be an increase in body temperature to subfebrile levels, and in some cases to higher values.

Vomiting and diarrhea have the following features:

  • Vomiting is not dependent on food intake, can be single or more often.
  • Vomit consist of the food that was eaten by the child.
  • For viralinfections characteristic loose, watery stools.
  • For bacterial intestinal infections characterized mucous stool with foam and pungent odor.
  • Diarrhea intestinal infection takes precedence over vomiting.

In addition to intestinal infection, characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Strong cramping pain in the abdomen.
  • The anxiety of the child, which is increasing as a result of diarrhea and vomiting replaced by drowsiness and lethargy.

  • Refusal of water and food.
  • As the progression of the disease, can join fever.

  • Symptoms of dehydration: ceasing eyes, their dryness, lack of urination, ceasing Fontanelle (in infants), seizures. These symptoms are in any case impossible to ignore.

Treatment of intestinal infection in children under the age of are not in the hospital. If the child is older than one year, the question of hospitalization is solved depending on the severity of the patient's condition.

Therapy consists of the following main activities:

  • The purpose of antitoxic drugs enterosorbents.
  • The purpose of nitrofurans, Furazolidone.
  • The elimination of the causes of vomiting and diarrhea: antibacterial or antiviral therapy.

  • Parenteral rehydration therapy.
  • Elimination symptoms: decreased body temperature, pain relief.

The final stage of treatment is rehabilitation therapy with the prescribing of probiotics.

Food poisoning

Food poisoning in children most often occurs either dairy products or breast milk. The danger is also present with juices, fruit and meat purees and own factory production.

Especially vomiting and diarrhea in food poisoning:

  • Multiple exhausting vomiting that occurs shortly after eating.
  • Frequent stools with bad smell and impurities of the blood.
  • Diarrhea and vomiting can quickly stop, but the patient's condition will deteriorate.

Other symptoms of food poisoning:

  • Abdominal pain is strong, occur type spasms.
  • The moodiness of the child, which the disease progresses is replaced by lethargy and drowsiness.
  • From food and water the patientrefuses.

All children with suspected food poisoning, be hospitalized (under 3 years). As for older children, the question of hospital treatment vary by the severity of the patient's condition.

Treatment of food poisoning is reduced to the following points:

  • Lavage of the stomach.
  • The purpose of nitrofurans, Furazolidone.
  • Appointment enterosorbents.
  • The conduct of parenteral rehydration therapy.
  • The appointment of anti-inflammatory drugs, antispasmodics.

Treatment of food poisoning always terminates therapy with the appointment of probiotics.


Vomiting with dysbiosis happens infrequently, 1-2 times per day. Unstable chair, constipation turns into foamy diarrhea. Other symptoms of dysbiosis are: poor appetite, rumbling and abdominal pain after eating, white coating on the tongue. A skin reaction is possible but will not always occur. These include rash, itching and dryness of the skin.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis outpatient. For starters, the child is asked nitrofurans for the rehabilitation of the bowel, then the background correction food conducted the restoration of the intestinal microflora using probiotics and eubiotikov.

Allergic reaction

You may experience vomiting and diarrhea without fever due to Allergy to a food or a drug. In early childhood often this reaction occurs at first feeding.

Vomiting begins soon after feeding, contains undigested food residues. In addition, the child gets itching, hives and other skin reactions. Severe Allergy is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose and throat, breathing problems.

Treatment depends on the severity of allergic reactions. In mild cases, therapy at home. Appointed by antihistamines, sorbents and hormonal drugs (in severe cases).

Causes of vomiting in a child without fever

Causes of vomiting in a child without fever can be very diverse, most of them are presented in the table:

Treatment only operative.


Character of vomit

Related signs


Reflux esophagitis

  • Vomiting afterfeeding the acidic content.
  • Vomiting occurs after each meal.
  • The baby is restless, capricious.
  • Body weight is typed badly.
  • Hiccup.
  • Drooling.
  • Possible asthma attacks.
  • In the home.
  • The frequency of feedings and the amount of servings is changed, offer the food of thicker consistency.
  • Prescribe drugs, inhibiting the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, as well as medications-antacids.

The pilorospazme

  • Vomiting is not abundant.
  • Occurs on day 2-3 of a baby's life.

  • The child loses weight.
  • To a greater extent the disease affects female babies.

The operation, which is carried out in the case when the fractional feeding and physical therapy effect is not observed.

Pyloric stenosis

  • Vomiting a fountain, it happens in 20 minutes of food intake.
  • Develops at the same time as the pilorospazme.
  • Character of vomit breast milk or infant formula.

  • Weight loss.
  • Ceasing Fontanelle.
  • Pathology is more common in girls.

Only surgical treatment.

Gastritis, duodenitis. In infants the disease develops most often from prima medicines, and older children from consumption of new exotic products.

  • The appearance of nausea.
  • The occurrence of repeated vomiting.
  • The admixture of bile in the vomit.
  • Pain in the epigastric region.
  • The lack of appetite.
  • Flatulence.

Therapy involves changing the power scheme. Portions should be small, to drink frequent and copious, but in small doses. Drug therapy depends on the condition of the child.

Diverticulum of the intestine.

  • Vomiting right after eating, but scant.
  • Vomit consists of undigested formula or breast milk.
  • Develops vomiting from the first days of baby's life.

Loss of body weight.

Intussusception of the intestine. The introduction of one portion of intestine into another in children younger than years most often occurs because of improper introduction of the first feeding, and the children at a later age due to infection of pinworms, because of the polyps or tumors of the intestine.

In the beginning, the child develops an acute attack of pain, followed by vomiting of bile.

  • Cramping pain.
  • Strong crying during the attack.
  • Weakness and paleness.
  • Jelly-like stool with blood.

Treatment only operative.

Diseases of organs of digestion (gallbladder, liver, pancreas).

  • Vomiting after a meal (single or multiple).
  • In vomitus contained particles of undigested food and bile.
  • The smell is sharp and unpleasant.
  • After a bout of vomiting does not come easy.
  • Severe pain in the epigastric region.
  • The lack of appetite.
  • Belching and flatulence.

The treatment is carried out in terms of the children's gastroenterology Department. The child is shown a special diet. Depending on the type of disease prescribed medicines-enzymes, hepatoprotectors, antispasmodics.

Disease of the CNS, including ischemia and hydrocephalus (for newborns), brain tumors and increased intracranial pressure (for children after a year).

  • Persistent vomiting, not bringing relief.
  • Vomiting develops at the peak of the headache and not associated with food intake.
  • The bulging of the Fontanelle (for children up to 6 months).
  • Drowsiness, weakness, dizziness and headaches.

Depending on the specific CNS lesions, treatment is carried out either at home or in the hospital. Prescribers to improve cerebral circulation, or is carried out surgery.

Ingestion of a foreign body.

  • Vomiting begins a few minutes after the incident.
  • Vomit presents the contents of the stomach of the child.
  • Possible impurity of blood of scarlet colour.
  • Strong salivation.
  • impairment of respiratory activity.
  • Concern on the part of the child.

Depending on the situation illustrated or surgical treatment, or supervision over the child until such time as the foreign body does not come out through the intestines.

Another pathology in which there is vomiting without fever is appendicitis. But in appendicitis the vomiting will be only the first symptom of incipient inflammation, and after a few hours the body temperature will still increase.

Causes of diarrhea in a child without fever

Causes of diarrhea without fever in a child can be the following:

  • Intestinal infection, minor food poisoning. Intestinal infection diarrhea frequent, on average, sometimes up to 5 times per day. If the child poisoning, foreign substances in the stool will be, and if the intestinal infection, stool can be custom color and mucous consistency. As the work of the intestine is disrupted, the chair will be present particles of undigested food. In addition to diarrhea, the child will be observed abdominal pain, the tongue is coated with white bloom. Probably, the appearance of the rash. As for treatment it depends on the severity of intestinal infections or poisoning. In mild cases the child remains at home.
  • Allergy to the drug. Diarrhea manifests after a couple of hours after taking the drug. In addition, there may be skin reactions. Treatment is reduced to refusal of treatment.
  • Enteritis. Inflammation of the small intestine characterized by severe diarrhea up to 6 times per day. The feces are greasy with food particles. Localized pain in the region of the navel, the appetite disappears. The treatment is carried out at home.

  • Parasitic infection of the intestine. Chair unstable, diarrhoea replaced the constipation. The child loses body mass, possible abdominal pain on the type of colic, sleep is disturbed. Perhaps increased salivation and lethargy. Treatment is reduced to appointment of Anthelmintics.

  • Dysbacteriosis. Stool frothy, has an unpleasant smell and can sometimes be up to several times per day. You experience bloating, poor appetite, pain occurs in the stomach a couple of hours aftermeal. Sometimes there are skin reactions, the tongue is covered with a dense white bloom. The treatment at home.

It should be remembered that the diarrhea without fever may develop with other, more serious diseases. Therefore, if the diarrhea does not pass a day later, expert advice is required.

Safe for a child's life causes vomiting and diarrhea without fever

Not always vomiting and diarrhea without fever indicate serious health problems of the child. Often these two symptoms just accompany the natural physiological States of children.

Only vomiting (without fever and diarrhea) may occur in a child for the following reasons:

Physiological regurgitation

The infant may spit up milk or formula milk. However, his health does not deteriorate, body weight remains in the normal range. Vomit the children up to 20 ml at a time. Detached the content is coagulated milk without impurities.

Physiological causes regurgitation can be the following:

  • Large volumes of food.
  • Incorrect posture of the child during feeding.
  • The imperfection of the digestive tract of the infant.
  • Poor latching nipple.

To reduce the frequency of regurgitation, the child should be at feeding time to keep up with a slightly raised head. After a meal you need to give the baby upright for 15 minutes. It will come out excess air. It is equally important to monitor the amounts of food that a baby consumes.


Vomiting with the appearance of the first teeth is not associated with food intake, its volumes are insignificant, the recurrence is not observed. It happens because of the crying of the child during feeding, due to the soreness of the gums. While during crying children swallow too much air. Also, do not to force a child to eat, at a time when he's teething.

To help your child in the following way:

  • To massage the gums with your finger or using the teethers.
  • Apply on the gums gel with an analgesic component.
  • To abandon force-feeding if the child does not want to eat.Incorrect introduction of complementary foods

Vomiting in case of incorrect introduction of complementary foods happens once and does not harm the health of the child. It is because the body either does not accept a new product, or the fact that the enzyme system is not able to cope with input components.

In case of vomiting, the new product needs of the child menueliminate for a few weeks or more. After this time, you can offer it again, but in small quantities.

Psychogenic vomiting

Neurotic vomiting common in children after the age of three years. It arises as a response to a certain stress factor.

Common causes of psychogenic vomiting be:

  • The insistence of the parents that the child ate,
  • The child underwent strong positive or negative emotions, including, hurt, or excitement.
  • The child is upset before any important event.

If a child experiences episodes of psychogenic vomiting, it should be possible to protect him from a stressful situation and consult with the child's therapist.

What can you give a child with vomiting and diarrhea?

As vomiting is not an independent disease, but a symptom of the poisoning of the organism, or a sign of any infection, then anti-nausea drugs to offer the child should not be. Stop vomiting with antiemetics will only exacerbate the patient's condition, as all the harmful substances will stay inside and will be absorbed into the blood. In that case if the cause of vomiting is not food poisoning, medication can be given. As soon as possible to seek help from professionals to prevent serious health problems of the child.

To stop the diarrhea you should also not give the baby antibiotics (Enterofuril, Chloramphenicol, Loperamide (Imodium), Furazolidone), as is often the therapeutic effect they will have. Statistics indicates that in the majority of cases, diarrhea in children is triggered by a viral intestinal infection, food poisoning or overeating. In all three cases, antibiotics can not help. In addition, stop diarrhea, like vomiting, will lead to the fact that harmful substances will linger longer in the body and will continue to poison it from the inside.

Most likely, the parents who own the child was given an antibiotic with vomiting and diarrhea, will argue that both these symptoms stopped after 1-3 days after you start taking medicines. However, it is known that viral intestinal infection over the time is yourself, so taking antibiotics was unfounded and not necessary. In poisoning diarrhea stops once all the harmful substances from the body will be withdrawn. Therefore, the disease with antibiotic therapy for positive impact notrender.

However, to help the child's body to fight infection and poisoning can, offering him drugs-probiotics and enterosorbents. The action of the first drugs aimed at the destruction of viruses, and the second binding harmful substances and preventing the fact, that they get into the blood. Therefore, the food poisoning, the child is given chelators, and in intestinal infection probiotics.

If the child is very small and is breastfed, then he is allowed to give only Smectite (enterosorbent), or probiotics Bifidumbacterin Linex and. When the age of the child older than two years, he shall appoint the following sorbents: White charcoal, Enterosgel, Filtrum and Smectite. After two years to resolve diarrhea can drug called Enteral.

Also, if the diarrhea, regardless of the age of the child, it is possible to give Zinc (10 to 20 mg in 24 hours), or any other drug zinc. With regard to the Zincite, the course of treatment is 10 to 14 days.

So, the primary task facing parents is the restoration of electrolytes and lost fluids. Antiemetic drugs do not give the child, and diarrhea offer or chelators, or probiotics, depending on the causes of the disease.

The lost liquid is reduced by using a special saline solution that can be purchased in the pharmacy section. The most famous of them is Regidron, but you can also buy drugs and Disol Trisol. If the opportunity to visit a pharmacy, you can make the saline solution yourself. For its preparation you will need a liter of boiled water, teaspoon of salt, five teaspoons of sugar. You need to ensure that a sick child is constantly drinking this liquid, but in small SIPS.

As soon as an attack of diarrhea or vomiting, you need to give baby water or a saline solution. It is not necessary to wait until the work drug. If vomiting recurs, offer water again. Infants as often as possible put to the breast and additionally watered during feeding. The older age the children are fed boiled vegetables, rice, lean meat, offer them a yogurt or a fermented milk product. Given the food portions, small amounts. Until the end of the disease, children can be BRASH diet (lamb, rice, apples and crackers). Fluid must be consumed during breaks in food (at least 60 ml for infants, at least 100 ml for children after 2 years). If a child drinks the required amounts of liquid, but asks for more, then you should not deny him this.

Under the categorical prohibition during vomiting and diarrhea are carbonated drinks and juices, chicken broth and milk and rice water. All of these fluids will increase duringdisease due to dehydration.

If vomiting and diarrhea are persistent in nature and do not stop for 4 hours, then you should call the doctor to adequately assess the child's condition. You may need hospitalization, as the incessant vomiting often indicates meningitis, concussion, or other severe pathologies.

Situations in which a call to the local doctor or ambulance is required:

  • Three or more episodes of vomiting, one after the other over less than three hours.
  • The refusal of the child not only food, but also from liquid.
  • All that eats and drinks child comes out with vomit.
  • The lack of tears during crying.
  • The child is drowsy and lethargic, he had dry lips and eyes.
  • In the vomit contained blood.
  • Complaints of headaches and muscle tension in the neck and loss of consciousness.
  • Suspected poisoning poisons.

The remaining episodes of vomiting and diarrhea, usually successfully dealt with by taking the above drugs, adequate replenishment of lost fluid and electrolytes.

Topic: what to do if the child has severe vomiting?

Safe for a child's life causes vomiting and diarrhea without fever

  • Error in the diet. If the child's diet is not balanced, the diarrhea can develop it at any age. In this case, appears loose stools with undigested food particles. Often parents are able to self-identify relationship between diarrhea and certain product. Such diarrhea due to imperfect digestive system of children. To avoid such situations, it is necessary to correctly introduce the first solid foods and to limit the children to a soda, chips, sweets, etc.
  • Psychogenic diarrhea. Diarrhea psychogenic, as a rule, it happens once and occurs on the background of emotional turmoil. Thus, stress responsive system of the growing child. To avoid this situation, it is important to protect the baby from stressful situations. Possible single purpose anti-diarrhea medication and a brief introduction of the diet without milk and fatty foods.
  • Indigestion oroverfeeding of the baby. Vomiting and diarrhea occurs immediately after eating and will contain particles of undigested food. The frequency of diarrhea and vomiting does not exceed two times. Cause indigestion can a new food product (this is especially true for exotic products), introduction of food, or too large volumes of food. To help the body cope with vomiting and diarrhea must be removed from the menu of the child are not suitable for him product and to provide adequate drinking mode.
  • A lot of emotional stress. Episode of vomiting and diarrhea on the background of emotional stress in children occurs usually once. Thus the shock-responsive autonomic nervous system. To prevent such situations, you need to create for the baby a comfortable psychological environment, to eliminate stress from his life. You can offer the drug from diahrea and vomiting. We need to do it once.

  • Acclimatization when changing climatic zone. Likely to develop vomiting and diarrhea in the first two days spent in a new climate zone. This is due to the adaptive mechanisms of an organism to new conditions. To eliminate unwanted symptoms need to provide the child with maximum comfort, to give him new food and refuse to exercise.