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Nutritionist – a specialist in the field of science like nutrition. To be called a doctor-dietology enough to pass any courses, you need a diploma from a medical school and subsequently obtain additional specialty in nutrition, which must also be confirmed by the diploma.

A nutritionist is a real expert in nutrition. Doctors with this specialty engaged in the treatment of obesity, structuring a proper diet and give recommendations for a healthy lifestyle.

It is worth noting that the profession of nutritionist is not one of the most popular in medicine. Dietitian to meet in the usual district clinic is problematic. However, this does not mean that a dietitian is a specialist in demand.

What is a nutritionist?

A doctor involved that selects and generates a correct diet plan, both for patients and for healthy people. It is not surprising that the advice of a specialist treating people who do not have health problems. If properly organize your diet, you can avoid many diseases in the future. Thanks to nutritious food, the body receives all the vitamins, trace elements and minerals that will contribute to its improvement.

In addition, a nutritionist will help determine the caloric intake. The modern human diet is saturated with foods containing proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are very high in calories, but use them a little.

In the end, both adults and children gaining extra weight, and the body suffers from a lack of life-supporting substances. Such a diet adversely affects bone, cartilage and muscle tissue, nerve cells, heart and blood vessels, etc.

Often wrong eating people, there is a hormonal imbalance, when disrupted the normal production of hormones. For example, when iodine deficiency affected the thyroid gland. (See also: thyroid Disease in men and women)

The nutritionist builds with the features of a particular region of residence. So, somewhere people suffer more from a lack of selenium, anywhere from lack of iodine. Then the doctor, whenthe preparation of the diet is focusing on the related products. In addition, can be prescribed medicines, contributing to the completion of missing substances. Such diets are called preventive in nature perform the task of prevention of various diseases.

When a dietitian come to reception the person suffering from any disease, then the primary task of the expert is a compilation of medical diet. It necessarily eliminates all harmful products and involves certain methods of cooking.

Therapeutic diet schemes help to normalize metabolic processes in the body and accelerate the recovery of the patient. In addition, the specialist is able to recommend to include in the diet foods that have a curative effect in a particular disease.

What illness is cured by a nutritionist?

Diet can cure many diseases, they all fall within the competence of the dietitian. In addition, the treatment the doctor can prevent the development of a variety of pathologies, ranging from cancer formations and ending colds.

Contacting a dietitian is useful when:

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Natural process of digestion may be significantly broken if one adheres to the irrational power circuit. After all, any product that goes a long way in the body, which involved all the organs of the digestive tract. In addition, proper nutrition, in combination with drug therapy will help to ensure that people get rid of gastritis, peptic ulcer, colitis, cholecystitis, etc., the Doctor gives recommendations concerning the ban on certain products that indicates the cooking methods that should be priority for a particular disease.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels. Wrong approach to nutrition is a powerful factor provocateur formation of irregularities in the functioning of the heart, leading to blockage of blood vessels, atherosclerosis, thrombosis, etc. power Correction – true method of these problems to avoid and not only to improve the quality of life of the patient, but also to extend it.
  • Obesity. Often, people with overweight can't get rid of extra pounds, in spite of their regular exercise and they think, eating right. Only nutritionists know the patterns of the flow of metabolic processes in the body. Thanks compiled from the scientific point of view diet and our individual approach to each patientis possible to speed up the metabolism. As a result, the reduction of excess weight will occur faster. (Also read: the Obesity degree of obesity and its causes)

  • Anorexia. This problem becomes more and more popular in recent years. And if earlier the disease suffered mostly teenage girls, in recent years there has been a tendency to increase in anorexia among women of childbearing age. In this case, the consultation and drafting them the right nutritious diet is a necessity. (See also: Causes and symptoms of anorexia nervosa)

  • Infectious and viral diseases. Diet can not replace in this case the drug, but it can help the body to fight against pathological agents, the disease provoked.
  • Oncology. It is no secret that certain foods have anti-cancer activity. Diet meal plan with a priority of those or other products can't cure cancer, but to serve him with a prevention and remedy for neutralization of carcinogen is quite capable. In addition, proper diet during chemotherapy – the key to a speedy recovery.

When you need to refer to a dietitian?

It is not necessary to wait for the onset of the disease, to go for a consultation with a nutritionist. Take care to maintain their health in advance.

In the presence of excess or insufficient weight, be sure to consult a specialist to compile a competent diet.

In addition, if the violations in the digestive tract and if you have problems with heart and vessels, in conjunction with a dietitian to determine the appropriate power scheme. Sometimes, changing the diet resolves problems with nails and hair. Indeed, many beauty problems are triggered by lack of vitamins and minerals or the impossibility of full assimilation in the body.

Tests that you must pass before going to a nutritionist

Well, if the first appointment with the dietician the patient will come with a ready-made General blood test. He will give the doctor specific information about the condition of the patient.

In addition, may require:

  • Data on the level of blood sugar;
  • OAM;
  • TANK.

Nutritionists often ask their patients to be tested to determine the level of thyroid hormone.This is because a disruption of the body often leads to the problem of excess weight.

Testing is the first step when creating a diet for a particular patient. They also allow to determine or to suspect some hidden chronic illness and begin their treatment.

Diagnostic methods used by nutritionists

The most popular research methods in dietetics is laboratory tests. However, if the doctor will be necessary to clarify any information on the health status of the patient, he will send it to the passage of ultrasound of the organs located in the abdominal cavity. Sometimes, a nutritionist recommends to refer the patient to other specialists, for example, diabetology, gastroenterologist, etc.