
The content of the article:

Pediatrics is the branch of medicine that deals with the study of the effects of drug abuse, substance abuse and alcoholism identifies and creates methods for suppressing, preventing and therapy of these diseases.

The psychiatrist is the specialist that helps people get rid of their existing dependencies. His professional activity is connected not only with treatment of the underlying disease, but also with the provision of competent psychological care to the patient.

Who is the psychiatrist?

To be eligible to work in the specialty of "psychiatrist", it is necessary to have a diploma of higher medical educational institutions and to obtain an additional specialization in addiction medicine. Most often the drug experts become psychiatrists or intensive care specialists and anesthesiologists, getting additional education.

The psychiatrist can work on site at the district hospital. He consults with patients, performs treatment as an outpatient, or gives direction on the need for inpatient treatment. In addition, the psychiatrist carries out visits to patients at home and, if necessary, interacts with the ATS.

A doctor working in narcological hospital, has been treating patients with mental disorders (e.g. alcoholic delirium), works with drug addicts and alcoholics during abstinence.

The doctor-psychiatrist, is also necessary in offices expertise in order to perform the medical clearance process.

Narcologists also work in rehabilitation centers, where people with dependencies, they are trying to get rid of, after I overcame the stage of withdrawal.

What does the psychiatrist?

The psychiatrist provides professional assistance in the field of addiction. It can be, both primary and re. It is possible to assist the person in the clinic, in the office in the community and even at home.

At the first meeting of the patient with the doctor, the man exhibited a diagnosis and determined the amount of required therapy, and the patient is sent to take required tests and the passage of instrumental examinations.

Re-consultationaims to clarify the diagnosis, the study obtained information on the survey results and establishing treatment regimens. It is possible that the patient may need inpatient therapy.

The psychiatrist can:

  • Professionally bring people out of the binge;
  • To help to overcome addiction;
  • To help you better cope with withdrawal syndrome;
  • Arrange drug and non-drug treatment;
  • Perform examination of medical examinations;
  • Put on dispensary registration;
  • Remove from the dispensary;
  • To help to challenge the results of the performed examination.

Perhaps the passage of anonymous consultation in the office of a psychiatrist.

What illness is cured by a psychiatrist?

Diseases, which helps to get rid specialist:

  • Pseudospiralis alcoholic origin, manifested in the defeat of the internal organs, disorder of speech, movements, vision, etc.
  • Alcohol depression;
  • Acute alcoholic paranoid delusional (psychosis) characterized by delusions, obsessions, illusions, and other mental disorders;
  • Alcoholic epilepsy; (see also: What is alcoholic epilepsy?)

  • Polyneuritis psychosis, which is a variant of alcoholic encephalopathy;
  • Delirium tremens;
  • Addiction;
  • Alcoholic delirium and hallucinations.

When you need to talk to the psychiatrist?

A doctor can come to the consultation, both independently and after receiving a referral from another specialist. This may be a psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, etc. Emergency treatment is necessary:

  • Overdose drug;
  • In case of severe alcohol poisoning;
  • If necessary, the release of the binge;
  • If necessary in the detoxification in severe and thelomathesian the abstinence syndrome.

In addition, the patient may require routine visits to the psychiatrist, when he is to receive treatment for drug addiction, alcohol addiction or other diseases.

Specialist advice is also required for inspection to determine the condition of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication.

On the basis of reasons,it can be voluntary and involuntary. Regarding outpatient appointment, it is always voluntary. If a person thinks that he required the assistance of a psychiatrist, he may refuse it. However, in this case, the responsibility for his health doctors removed. The same applies to the refusal to undergo examination to detect alcoholic intoxication. Only in this case, the person takes responsibility for their actions, which are considered by the courts as indirect evidence of the presence of such intoxication.

Compulsory treatment in hospital is possible:

  • According to the court, when a person has committed a crime in the state of altered consciousness;
  • In identifying acute psychosis;
  • During exacerbation of alcoholic and drug psychoses of chronic;
  • With the threat to life and health, both own and of others due to dependencies.

Can on reception to the psychiatrist to come relative, who worry about the health of a loved one, or wants to confirm or deny their doubts about their dependence. However, assistance in this case is rather a limited amount, so it is not possible to establish the diagnosis in absentia or assign treatment. However, the doctor can advise on what tactics of behaviour should elect in order to persuade the patient to come to the reception.

How is the reception at the psychiatrist?

For starters the specialist will interview the patient, find out his personality, will determine mental and intellectual safety, the adequacy of the psyche, the nature of the perception of self, etc.

The doctor will be interested in the length of treatment drug and alcohol tools and features specific to particular patient. It repents the duration of drinking bouts, the dosage necessary for the state of euphoria a psychoactive substances, periods of abstinence, etc. in addition, you must inform the doctor about the already existing attempts at treatment if they were.

The psychiatrist finds out what the patient has health problems: with internal organs, nervous system, mentally.

When the conversation is completed, the doctor performs the examination of the patient, which evaluates:

  • The health of the person;
  • Physiological parameters (body weight and its correlation with growth);
  • The condition of the skin;
  • Nerve and muscle tone;
  • Pulse;
  • Blood pressure;
  • The function of breathing.

If necessary, the psychiatrist makes a recommendation to visit a specialist, e.g., neurologist, internist, psychiatrist, etc. At the end of the reception, the doctor sends the patient a diagnosis and recommends treatment.

What methods of diagnostics uses the psychiatrist?

  • TANK;
  • OAM;
  • The KLA;
  • ECG;
  • X-ray examination of the chest;
  • Tests to determine the content of drug in biological fluids and tissues;
  • Express-tests to determine narcotic substances;
  • Hair analysis for drugs;
  • Analysis of antibody drugs, etc.

The treatment that the physician prescribes is always versatile. It includes conservative therapy and psychological support to the patient. Depending on the situation, can be recommended therapy in the hospital or in rehab. No less an important support of loved ones, occupational therapy and social rehabilitation.