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Neurosurgery is one of the sections of surgery that is responsible for the decision of questions of surgical treatment of diseases of the nervous system. Doctor who is a surgery implements in practice, called a neurosurgeon. He deals with the elimination of pathologies of the brain and spinal cord, as well as pathologies of the peripheral nervous system.

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Who is the brain surgeon?

A neurosurgeon is a specialist who identifies and treats diseases of the nervous system of people in need of surgical intervention. This can be complications on the Central nervous system, resulting from injuries of the spine or head, birth defects, neuro-oncological diseases, etc.

The neurosurgeons of neurosurgical practice in major hospitals and specialized centers.

The responsibilities of the doctor include:

  • Consultation and comprehensive examination of patients;
  • Execution of neurosurgical interventions;
  • The appointment of conservative treatment of patients before the surgery and after it.

The expert must have a profound knowledge of physiology and human anatomy, the functioning and the structure of its nervous system. This is necessary because all operations performed by a neurosurgeon, are characterized by high complexity. They require maximum concentration, competence and responsibility on the part of the doctor.

What is a neurosurgeon?

The competence of a neurosurgeon include diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the nervous system. The doctor performs surgery on the brain (spinal and head), spinal column and other bodies, which are violations associated with the process of innervation.

Modern neuroscience is built in such a way that the neurosurgeon often receive patients, the diagnosis of which has already been exposed. So the doctor further investigating the opinions of other specialists. This doctor works closely with neuropathologists and neurologists.

In addition, the duties of a neurosurgeon is required to maintain a patient when hewatching the patient control his condition. He appoints effective rehabilitation, allowing patients to recover faster after the surgery. As necessary, the neurosurgeon assigns subsequent therapeutic treatment and schedules further management of the patient.

What diseases are cured by a neurosurgeon?

Often, the quality of a neurosurgeon performed surgery on the patient. This is especially true in emergency surgery.

The physician often faces in his work with the following diseases:

  • Malformations of the nervous system;
  • Tumors of the brain and spinal cord, and peripheral nerve trunks;
  • Hematomas, abscesses and empyema of the brain;
  • Tunnel syndrome (nerve entrapment, located on the periphery to narrow the musculoskeletal space);
  • Hemorrhagic stroke;
  • Ocular melanoma;
  • Osteochondrosis of the spine;
  • Intracranial hemorrhage;
  • Ischemic stroke;
  • Spinal hematoma;
  • Injury to the brain, spinal cord and peripheral nerves;
  • Herniated discs, accompanied by compression of the spine spinal cord and pronounced reduction in muscle innervation;
  • Epilepsy, accompanied by frequent epileptic seizures;
  • High speed progressive Parkinson's disease and the ineffectiveness of the therapy;
  • Acromegaly;
  • Plexopathy;
  • Abscesses of the neck, head and brain;
  • Neuralgia of ternary nerve;
  • Exophthalmos;
  • Hypopituitarism, etc.

When it is necessary to consult a neurosurgeon?

In order not to complicate the work of a neurosurgeon and not create serious threats to their health and life, do not delay consultation with a specialist. The fact that the treatment in advanced cases is much more difficult than the detection of pathology in the early stage of its development. Therefore, it is important to know the symptoms signaling that requires the consultation of a neurosurgeon.

Among them:

  • A patient has disc herniation or are her symptoms.
  • Concerned about the numb fingers of the upper limb or hands fully. In this casenumbness is accompanied by irregular blood pressure and dizziness.
  • Concerned about the finger numbness in the lower extremities. This feeling is accompanied by pain in the lower back. Pain present on a regular basis, can irradiate not only the fingers but also capture the entire limb as a whole, to give in the lower leg and thigh.
  • The occurrence of pain in the breast or in her neighborhood.
  • The resulting traumatic brain injury, which is accompanied by nausea or vomiting, loss of consciousness, tinnitus and dizziness. Human cognitive perception, it disturbed coordination of movements. In this case, hospitalization should be immediate.
  • Congenital malformations of the brain or the skull, as well as pathology in the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Any symptoms indicating disturbances in the functioning of the Central nervous system, especially one which arises suddenly. This can be a violation on the part of speech, vision, headaches, loss of consciousness, etc. (see also: Causes, signs and symptoms, consequences)

In addition, advice from this specialist often recommend other doctors. Sometimes requires emergency surgery with a neurosurgeon.

How is the consultation with the neurosurgeon?

The physician begins with the patient complaint. Then he studies the available documentation: medical history, examination results, recommendations and conclusions from other experts. The doctor may ask clarifying questions that will allow him to put his diagnosis or confirm an existing one.

The next stage of acceptance – aimed examination of the patient. It identifies the severity of the disease, performs a full neurosurgical examination. The doctor examines the body, through which he will subsequently perform the access to the pathological area, if surgical intervention will be necessary.

Most often, before deciding on the need for surgery (unless an emergency), the doctor prescribes additional examinations and tests.

Survey, appointed by neurocirugia

Before surgery, the doctor will need to collect about the patient the following information:

  • Information about blood group and RH factor;
  • LIKE;
  • Koagulogramma;
  • Radiographic images;
  • CT or MRI;
  • The data of ultrasonic doplerography;
  • Datamyelography;
  • Puncture of the abscess, or cystic education;
  • Biopsy of a brain tumor or a biopsy of the vertebra.

Of course, not all of these studies, the patient will have to undergo mandatory. The doctor during the appointment, clarify what tests need to be ready for further consultation.

When all the results are collected, the person will have a visit to the neurosurgeon. On this admission, he made the decision on necessity of surgical intervention is determined by the size of the transaction, assigns the date of its implementation. If it is possible to manage conservative methods of treatment, the doctor sends the patient to the passage of further treatment from the specialist who led him informed.