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Contrary to popular incorrect opinion that a urologist deals exclusively a male disease – not true, specializiruetsya this doctor also on the study and treatment of pathologies of the reproductive and urinary system in women. That is, urology is divided into two main areas: urology female urology and men in the area of which includes diseases of the urethra, adrenal glands, kidneys, ureters, prostate,external genitalia and other pathologies of the urinary system.

Skilled care with a urologist is required when symptoms such as pain and burning during urination, presence of impurities in the urine, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, pain in the lumbar region. (See also: 40 reasons for pain in the lumbar region)

What does a urologist?

In addition to the division of urology at the women's and men's direction, her klassificeret and age groups – pediatric, geriatric (focused on the treatment of the elderly). In this regard, the urologist should have knowledge in Pediatrics, gynecology, andrology, Nephrology.The main difference in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the urinary organs is sex. Consider in more detail the aspects of male and female urology.

Men's urology

Male urology called andrology. This area of medicine is specialized in research and therapy of male diseases, including pathology of the ureters, urethra, bladder,kidney, penis, prostate, testicles, scrotum.

The most common male diseases, which fall within the scope of a urologist are:

  • Male infertility;
  • Incontinence or opposite shortness and the rare urination;
  • Soreness during sexual intercourse;
  • Problems with potency;
  • Extinction of sexual function or male menopause;
  • The curvature of the penis;
  • Inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (prostatitis,adenoma, orchitis, cystitis, urethritis, epididymitis, balanoposthitis);
  • Venereal disease, sexually transmitted diseases (ureaplasmosis, genital herpes, chlamydia, etc);
  • Kidney failure;
  • Kidney stones;
  • Cancers of the genitourinary system.

Female urology

Female urology is called Urogynecology. The competence of the female urologist is the diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory processes of internal and external genitalia and urinary system, adrenal glands, kidneys, urethra, ureters, and urinary bladder. In particular, the sexually transmitted diseases, cystitis, urethritis, urolithiasis, renal failure, pyelonephritis, urinary incontinence,abnormal discharge, tumor formation of the genital organs, and disorder of a sexual nature.

Thus, the urologist is engaged in the identification, prevention and treatment of problems not only men but also women the genitourinary system.

We also want to highlight the work of children's urologist, who deals with the treatment of the reproductive system in children and adolescents up to the age of eighteen. His invaluable role in the prevention and therapy of many diseases of the sexual sphere, along with which pediatric urologist conducts research in the field of anatomy, physiology, psychophysiology, and hormones of the developing organism.

How is the reception at the urologist?

With abnormalities of the urinary and reproductive systems may face both women and men of any age, including children and adolescents. No exception and very young children. Among the most common diseases related to urology in children include the following:

  • Cystitis is an inflammatory disease of the bladder, accompanied by different degrees of severity of manifestations: pain during urination, a darkening and clouding of urine, frequent urination, increased body temperature, pain in the abdomen. Can be and boys, but is most common in girls, in connection with the peculiarity of the location of the genitals.
  • Phimosis – pathology, which is characterized by the narrowing of the foreskin on the penis, which does not allow to expose the head.
  • Balanoposthitis and balanitis is an inflammatory manifestations in the head and foreskin of the penis, in the form of itching, redness, burning, swelling, pus, erosions.
  • class="bb">kriptorhizm – patologicheskoe sostoyanie, dlya kotorogo harakterno nedorazvitost odnogo ili oboih yaichek, ili ih nepravilnoe raspolozhenie.

  • vospalitelnye anomalii, svyazannye s travmami polovyh organov.

naibolee vyrazhennymi priznakami patologii polovoj sfery u malchikov yavlyautsya vypuklosti i novoobrazovaniya v zone moshonki, ne opushennoe yaichko, sushestvennaya raznica v razmerah yaichek, otkrytaya golovka polovogo chlena u rebenka posle trehletnego vozrasta libo suzhenie krajnej ploti, chastoe libo boleznennoe mocheispuskanie.u devochek povodom dlya vizita k urologu mogut byt problemy s mocheispuskaniem, a takzhe otsutstvie menstruacii k pyatnadcatiletnemu vozrastu, narushenie menstrualnogo cikla, neestestvennye vydeleniya iz vlagalisha.v etih sluchayah trebuetsya nezamedlitelno pokazat rebenka specialistu, kotoryj provedet sootvetstvuushee obsledovanie i naznachit lechenie. a v kachestve profilaktiki poseshat urologa detyam, kak i vzroslym, rekomenduetsya hotya by odin raz v god, poskolku luboe zabolevanie polovoj sfery,vovremya ne vyyavlennoe mozhet perejti v hronicheskuu formu i stat prichinoj sereznyh problem v budushem.

kogda sleduet posetit urologa?

vse perechislennye vyshe patologii polovyh organov, vstrechaushiesya u detej,aktualny i dlya vzroslyh, v tom chisle i kriptorhizm. esli on ne byl vyyavlen v detstve, ego proyavlenie vo vzroslom vozraste imeet bolee sereznyj harakter, naprimer, narushenie reproduktivnoj funkcii.

vydelim soputstvuushie priznaki rasstrojstv mochepolovoj sistemy, pri poyavlenii kotoryh vzroslomu cheloveku trebuetsya nezamedlitelnaya konsultaciya urologa:

  • rezi i bolevye oshusheniya pri mocheispuskanii;
  • chuvstvo perepolnennosti mochevogo puzyrya dazhe pri neznachitelnom skoplenii v nem mochi;
  • redkoe mocheispuskanie;
  • nederzhanie;
  • boli v poyasnichnom otdele i zhivote;
  • izmenenie haraktera mochi - cveta, konsistencii, prozrachnosti, poyavlenie primesej (krovi, gnoya ili slizi);
  • oteki konechnostej i lica;
  • toshnota, rvotnye pozyvy;
  • priznaki prostatita.

k simptomam prostatita otnosyatsya proyavleniya, perechislennye vyshe, k kotorym mozhno dobavit sleduushie: povyshenie temperatury tela, povyshennaya nervoznost, obshee nedomoganie, chuvstvo zhazhdy, snizhenie appetita, a takzhe boli v pryamoj kishke i pri eyakulyacii, problemy s erekciej. sa visit to a specialist should not be delayed. Procrastination can cause a chronic form of prostatitis, and more – infertility, lack of sexual desire, a severe form of cystitis, kidney damage, etc. in Addition, a visit to a urologist is required when changes in the shape of the penis, the appearance of unpleasant sensations in the form of itching, redness, rashes and, if necessary, to carry out the operation of circumcision.

For women with problems in the menstrual cycle, excluding observations at the gynecologist, too, will be important to appeal to the urologist. These rather delicate issues you can trust only an experienced specialist.

How to find a good urologist?

Often, many people try to conduct therapy unpleasant symptoms at home, not even thinking about the possible consequences. First and foremost, the wrong treatment is associated with risk of development of chronic forms of the disease, which cured much harder. So do not hesitate to visit a doctor.

To find a good specialist in the field of urology is sometimes not so easy. After all, a qualified urologist should have a wide range of knowledge in anatomy, physiology, pediatric and adult organism, peculiarities of a psychosexual development as well as surgery. When choosing a good specialist, you should start from the recommendations of friends or relatives have already taken treatment from a particular specialist and remaining satisfied with the results of his work. This doctor, of course, inspires confidence, and in the treatment of many diseases, the belief in the success of medical therapy do not last.

One of the most common ways of finding a qualified professional and recommendations concerning his activities are numerous Internet sites, forums and portals where people share their experiences and advice. Here you can discuss particularly sensitive issues while maintaining anonymity. Here, on the forums you can know the opinion of the doctor about existing diseases and to make an appointment to see him.

You should pay attention to the experience of a doctor in this field. A good option to search for an appropriate specialist may be appeal in a prestigious clinic. Such institutions value their reputations, so you are sure to find a good doctor with great experience and positive feedback. Although many medical centers reception is highly qualified doctors on a fee basis, this may be the only true. Because time the disease is detected is the key to your health in the future.

Pay special attention to the actions of the doctor at the first visit. He is obliged to conduct a survey about currently available symptoms of how long ago they began to study history, find out whatdiseases people suffered genetic predisposition to diseases of this kind, to conduct a thorough examination of the patient, in particular his genitals, and assign the appropriate patient examination, which includes tests, ultrasound. If the doctor has not fulfilled these actions, you should think about the refusal of his services, and finding another specialist.

The criteria for selecting a urologist

When choosing a urologist, as has been said, should be guided by its experience in this field. The ideal is a specialist practiced in the treatment of diseases of the urogenital area not less than ten or fifteen years, having acquired skills, methods and techniques. This takes into account the impact of its approaches in the treatment of pathological conditions of patients, the number of wrongly installed diagnoses assigned to methods of diagnosis and treatment. A good specialist you can call someone who, despite enormous experience, continues to improve their professional skills by attending various seminars, improving the traditional methods, studying and introducing into practice new methods, systematizing and presenting them in the form of scientific papers and articles.The big advantage possess practicing urologists who have a degree, a few higher education related positions and experience in surgical, gynecological, pediatric activities.

A specialist will never do hasty conclusions and to formulate a treatment therapy without a thorough examination, even on the basis of characteristics that clearly indicate a specific disease, with clear symptoms and the patient's intrinsic sensations. During the initial examination, the doctor must ask questions concerning the availability of discomfort, the intensity and nature of their course, studying the behavior of the patient, his history, not excluding the presence of other pathologies, resulting in the formation of these symptoms. During the initial appointment the doctor examines the genitals and assigns the conduct of diagnostic procedures, the results of which will accurate diagnosis and prescribed treatment.

It should be noted that an experienced urologist in the selection of research methods and diagnosis would not exclude the possibility of transition of diseases in the stage of cancer.Therefore, it needs to set not only the treatment of existing pathologies, but additionally to prevent cancerdiseases.

Preventive measures are aimed at stopping the deterioration and progression of diseases of the urinary organs are:

  • The purpose of the diet, which is not recommended to consume alcoholic beverages, spicy, fatty, very salty dishes, contributing to the exacerbation of inflammatory processes;
  • In compliance with the rules of hygiene;
  • The introduction of an active lifestyle because inactivity leads to poor circulation, adversely affecting the functioning of the kidneys;
  • To provide the body an optimal amount of liquid – about one and a half liters per day.

In addition, the urologist should not exclude the possibility of the defeat of the genitourinary system infectious diseases, sexually transmitted. So a competent specialist must conduct a study on the determination of these factors, which is an additional sign confirming his competence.

Another important criterion in choosing a good urologist is its focus in the field of sexologist. After all, sexual life, satisfaction or dissatisfaction it has a great impact on the health of the genital organs and Vice versa, as the genitourinary system is directly related to the quality of sexual life.

Equally important when identifying qualified professional is the respect for medical ethics. In this case, is the preservation of confidential information about the specifics of the patient's illness, regardless of severity and causes of pathologies.

And finally, the final criterion under which it will be possible

to make a conclusion about the competence of the doctor is the performance of their assigned treatment.

What is included in a reception at the urologist?

The urologist includes a number of procedures, is divided into two main areas:

Mandatory medical services:

  • Gathering information about the medical history of the patient and his complaints about the condition;
  • The measurement of body temperature;
  • Inspection and visual examination of the genital organs;
  • Palpation (feeling method);
  • The tapping in cases of suspected renal pathology.

During examination of the patient male doctor examines and determines the condition of the lymph nodes in the groin area, penis, scrotum, prostate (by inserting your finger through the anus). To determine the status of the bladder and ureters in women, the examination is performed in the gynecological chair. If we study the condition of the child, parents or closerelatives should be present during this procedure.On the basis of the information obtained, appoint additional methods of research.

Additional medical services:

  • Pilosopiya – method study of the renal pelvis and cups with the use of x-ray after filling of contrast agent;
  • Cystoscopy - inspection of the inner walls of the bladder using a cystoscope;
  • Urethroscopy – use of urethrocystoscopy for the study of the bladder;
  • Suprapubic catheterization of the bladder;
  • Biopsy taken from the body tissues and cells;
  • Ultrasound examination;
  • Analysis of prostatic secretions, vagina, urine and blood;
  • The appointment of appropriate medical therapy.

How to prepare for a renal ultrasound?

Ultrasonography (us) of the kidney is one of the best surveys of this body. First, it is painless and safe. Secondly, it gives enough information for setting or confirmation of the diagnosis. Ultrasonography of the kidneys is assigned when the pain during urination, pain in the lumbar region, renal colic, turbidity and other indicators of urine.Ultrasound examination allows to determine the condition of the kidneys, changes in the size, shape and structure of this body, to detect the presence of tumors, stones or sand. This procedure is used to control the process by biopsy (USEPA tissue by introducing into the kidney of a special needle), as well as the drainage tube.

Despite the safety and ease of ultrasound, this procedure is not so easy, especially when obesity, flatulence and gases, as gases contribute to data corruption.To obtain reliable information during the procedure, require special training, which aims to eliminate toxins and impurities that are involved in the formation of gas. To do this, three days before the procedure you cannot eat foods that promote fermentation and gas formation - fruits and vegetables in its raw form, cabbage and potatoes in any form, milk products, brown bread, sweets, fizzy drinks. Better before the ultrasound diagnosis of to follow a special diet, allowing the use of cereals, cooked with water, cooked meat, chicken, fish, meatballs, steamed cheeseboiled eggs, baked vegetables and fruit, day-old bread. To cleanse bowel from gases need to make absorbent products – activated carbon, Smectite or Filtrum, and at night to do a cleansing enema. Immediately before performing the ultrasound should not eat after seven PM and be limited to light food.

Ultrasound examination is performed as follows. The patient should be free from wear upper body, lie down on your stomach or on the side, or make the standing position. Then the doctor puts on the skin in the lumbar region is a special gel that is distributed with the help of a special device – a Converter of ultrasonic waves. Ultrasonic wave from the device pass through the skin to the tested bodies, and reflected from them, returned to the sensor device, which displays them in electronic form on the monitor screen. Use of the gel allows easy movement of the transducer, displacing the air between the device and the skin. The process of ultrasound examination lasts no more than fifteen minutes. At the end of the session the gel is removed, so the procedure should bring your towel.

Ultrasound diagnosis in children is similar. The only thing that is difficult is to provide a motionless condition of the child during the study, which is important for crisp images and obtaining reliable information. In this case, the presence of parents is mandatory.

By the way, the doctor conducting the research should be notified about ongoing treatment or medication, as they can significantly affect the accuracy of the results.