مترجمو English إلى Romanian التحريريون والفوريون » General fields

مترجمون English إلى Romanian التقنية/الهندسة (0)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian الفن/الأدب (0)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian الطب (0)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian القانون/براءات الاختراع (0)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian العلوم (0)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian الأعمال/المال (0)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian التسويق (0)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian أخرى (0)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian العلوم الاجتماعية (0)

مترجمو English إلى Romanian التحريريون والفوريون » Specific fields

مترجمون English إلى Romanian: المحاسبة (1035)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الدعاية والإعلان \ العلاقات العامة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الفضاء الجوي \ الملاحة الجوية \ الفضاء (292)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الزراعة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الماشية \ تربية الحيوان
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علم الإنسان
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علم الآثار
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: فن العمارة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الفن، الفنون، الحرف اليدوية، الرسم
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الفلك والفضاء
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Asylum/Migration/Displacement (3)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: العلوم المالية عموماً
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الأتمتة والآليات
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: السيارات \ المركبات والشاحنات
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علم الأحياء- التكنولوجي و الكيميائي و المجهري
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علم النبات (302)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الإنشاء \ الهندسة المدنية
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الأعمال\التجارة عموما (2229)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: المواد: البلاستيك، الخزف، إلخ
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الشهادات، التراخيص، السير الذاتية
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الكيمياء؛ علم الكيمياء/الهندسة الكيميائية
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الشعر والأدب (2157)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: السينما، الأفلام، التلفزيون، الدراما
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الأقمشة \ الملابس \ الأزياء
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Comics/Manga/Graphic novels
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الاتصال عن بعد
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الحاسوب - عام
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الحاسوب: مكوناته
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الحاسوب: البرمجيات
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الحاسوب: الأنظمة، الشبكات
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: القانون: العقود
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الطهي \ علم الطبخ
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: مستحضرات التجميل، الجمال (1249)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الطب: طب الأسنان
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: وسائل الإعلام \ الوسائط المتعددة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الاقتصاد
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: التربية والتعليم \ علم أصول التدريس
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الإلكترونيات \ هندسة الإلكترونيات
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الطاقة \ توليد الكهرباء (603)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الهندسة عموماً
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الصناعة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علم الميكانيك \ الهندسة الميكانيكية
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الهندسة النووية\العلوم
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: البيئة وعلم البيئة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: المهن القليلة الانتشار
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: السماكة-صيد السمك
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: التراث الشعبي
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الأغذية ومنتجات الألبان (1040)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: زراعة الغابات \ الخشب \ الأشجار
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الأثاث \ المعدات المنزلية
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Gambling/Casino/Bets
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الألعاب \ ألعاب الفيديو \ ممارسة الألعاب \ ألعاب القمار
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: التعدين والمعادن \ الجواهر
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علم الأنساب
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: عام \ محادثات \ تحيات \ خطابات
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علم الوراثة (203)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الجغرافيا
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علم طبقات الأرض
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: حكومي \علم السياسة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: التصوير\فن التصوير
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الطب: الرعاية الصحية
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: التاريخ
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: السياحة والسفر
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الموارد البشرية
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Human rights
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: التعبيرات الاصطلاحية \ الأمثال \ الأقوال المأثورة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: التأمين (570)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: المنظمات الدولية\التنمية الدولية\التعاون الدولي
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الإنترنت، التجارة الإلكترونية (1432)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الاستثمار \ السندات
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علم الفلزات \ السباكة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: تكنولوجيا المعلومات
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الصحافة (1099)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: العقارات
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: القانون عموماً
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: القانون: براءات الاختراع، العلامات التجارية، حقوق الملكية
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: القانون: الضرائب والجمارك
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: LGBTQ
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Linguistic evaluation/cognitive debriefing
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: اللغويات
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: النقل \ وسائط النقل \ الشحن
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الإدارة (1309)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: التصنيع (455)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: السفن، الإبحار، الملاحة البحرية
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Market Research (12)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: التسويق \ أبحاث التسويق
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Massages/Reflexology
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الرياضيات والإحصاء
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الطب العام (1635)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الطب: علم أمراض القلب
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: المعدات الطبية
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Medical: Oncology (20)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الطب: علم الأدوية
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الأرصاد الجويّة (82)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علم القياس والموازين
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: العلوم العسكرية \ الدفاع
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الموسيقى
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الأسماء الشخصية وأسماء الشركات
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: التغذية
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: هندسة البترول\العلوم (336)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: أخرى
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الورق \ صناعة الورق
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: براءات الاختراع (255)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الفلسفة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الفيزياء
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الطباعة والنشر
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علم النفس (1079)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الدين (800)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: بيع التجزئة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: السلامة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Safety Data Sheets/Regulations (5)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الأنظمة والتطبيقات والمنتجات
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علوم عامة
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: اللغات العامية (281)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: العلوم الاجتماعية، علم الاجتماع، الأخلاقيات، إلخ
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: الرياضة \ اللياقة البدنية \ الاستجمام (651)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: المسح/المساحة (378)
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Veterinary
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Waste management/Waste disposal/Recycling
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: Water resources management
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: النبيذ \ علم انتاج الخمور\ زراعة الكروم
مترجمون English إلى Romanian: علم الحيوان

English إلى Romanian translators and interpreters

حول عمود العضوية ProZ.com Member Profile Keywords Native Language
KudoZ Points
(in pair)
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Identity Verified   Mihaela Petrican
  Medical,Pharmaceutical & IT Translations
Romanian medical translator, medical translator, Medical doctor, MD, Romanian medical translations, Romanian medical proofreader, Romanian medical editor, Romanian pharmaceutical translator, English Romanian translator, Italian Romanian translator, Romanian Italian translator, medicine, medical articles, medical documents, medical review articles, scientific review articles, scientific articles, medical website pages, medical website, website localisation, SDL Trados, biotech patents translator, medical instruments, medical devices, pharmacology, pharmaceuticals, pharmacology translations, informed consent, clinical trials, clinical trial translations, clinical protocols, clinical protocol translations, medical surveys, medical records, medical research, medical products, diagnostic equipments, medical equipment manual, medical equipment translation, medical equipment translations, medical equipment translator, chemical translations, material safety data sheets, safety data sheets, MSD ... Romanian
4252 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Claudia Coja
  Your Certified Legal Translator
Engineering, science, construction, sales, mechanical, automotive, specifications, robots, automation, controls, computers, software, torque, tender, bid, engineering data, fuel, efficiency, technology, electrical, lighting, displacement, transport, shipment, shipping, tracking, contract, addendum, product data, shop drawings, electronics, machinery, technical, environment, commissioning, testing, construction documents, oil &gas, ecology, standardization, compliance, home improvement, tools, landscape, interior design, housing, hydro-technical, water, waste, sewage, treatment plants, utilities, instructions, leaflets, catalogs, brochures, medical devices, industrial tools, tender documentation, website localization, school certificates, Degrees and Diplomas, Affidavits, Criminal records, Divorce decrees, Powers of attorney, Sworn translations, sworn interpreting, Research projects, Academic and Scientific articles, English to Romanian Legal Translations, Technical Translations, Medica ... Romanian
3086 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Cristina Ciublan
  Conference interpreter, legal translator
Romanian, legal, localization, interpretation, computers, marketing, pharmaceutical, steel ... Romanian
2636 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Cristian Nicolaescu
  Technical translations by an engineer
Translator, Traducator, Traduceri tehnice, Technical Translation, English to Romanian, English to Romanian Translation, Data Sheets, Specifications, Instruction and Operating Manuals, Service Instructions, Maintenance and Repair Manuals, User Manuals, Owner's Manuals, Shop Manuals, Technical Reports, Test Reports, Design Briefs, Basic Design (Process and Flow Diagrams, Process and Instrumentation Diagrams, General Arrangement Drawings, Schematics, Detail Design (Detail Drawings), Procedures, Method Statements, Product Brochures, Part Lists, Catalogs, Training Literature ... Romanian
2321 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Iosif JUHASZ
  Certified Personal Documents Translation
translation of personal and official documents, personal documents, documents, sworn translations, cluj, kolozsvar, transilvania, transylvania, erdely, juhasz, automotive, cars, trucks, construction, civil engineering, business, commerce, law, engineering, tourism, travel, environment, ecology, finance, education, pedagogy, insurance, business, marketing, oil and gas extraction, brand name analysis, personal documents translation, fordito, forditas, magyar, roman, angol, juhasz, jozsef, juhasz jozsef, iosif, juhasz iosif, iosif juhasz, English to Romanian translations, English to hungarian translations, translator, IT, computers, technical, localization, PC, software, hardware, certificates, diploma, English-Romanian translations, English-hungarian translations, contracts, patents, trademarks, software localization, website translation, user manuals, user guides, European Union, proofreading, editing, project manager, translation project management, translation project manager, fixer, ... Hungarian/Romanian
1800 points
English إلى Romanian
  Andrei Albu
  You won't even notice it's a translation
subtitling, origination, English, french, Romanian, translation, localization, cinema, drama, film, sitcoms, reality-shows, documentaries, quality control, proofreading, marketing, IT, software, MSDS, safety, medicine, medical, technical ... Romanian
1777 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   ANDA PENA RO
  Meaningful bridges
Romanian, translator, localization, subtitling, English to Romanian, French to Romanian, Law, marketing, localisation, patent, chemistry, medical device, book-keeping, accountancy, psychology, literature, Children's books, games, financial, website, software, press releases, European Union, Acquis communautaire, patents, France, Trados, Wordfast, Memoq, trans-creation e-learning, applications, websites traductrice, traducteur, sous-titrage, Anglais, français, roumain, juridique, localisation, chimie, brevets, comptabilité, marketing, psychologie, littérature, jeux, logiciels, communiqués de presse, Union Européenne, France, Paris, Trados, Wordfast, adaptation, formations en ligne, applications, sites internet ... Romanian
1504 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Antonia Toth
  The right word in the right place!
chemistry translator, chemistry translator English Romanian, medical translations English Romanian, medical translator English Romanian, chemistry translations English Romanian, medical translations Romanian, chemistry translations Romanian, medical translations, metrology, chemistry, ECHA, REACH, clinical trials, biochemistry, catalysis, biocatalysis, genetics, spectrometry, photometry, pH measurement, conductivity, turbidity, water analysis, temperature measurement devices, pharmaceuticals, pharma, MSDS, medical devices, physiotherapy, pediatry, environmental protection, ecology, laboratory instruments traduceri medicale, traduceri tehnice, medicină, instrumente medicale, aparatură medicală, aparate și instrumente medicale, fizioterapie, substanțe chimice, ECHA, REACH, metrologie, chimie, biochimie, cataliză, biocataliză, genetică, spectrometrie, fotometrie, masurare pH, conductivitate, turbiditate, aparate de măsurare şi reglare a temperaturii, analiză ape, medicamente, farmaceut ... Romanian
1466 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Ciprian Patrascu
  Native MD, TRADOS, 21-years experience
medicine, cardiology, oncology, ophthalmology, neurology, nephrology, ENT, orthopedy, surgery, anesthesiology, gastroenterology, equipment, clinical trials, medical devices, pharmaceuticals, biochemistry, physiology, pathology, scientific & medical (journal) articles, doctoral theses, patient reports & consent forms, patient information leaflets, disability, determination, instruction, manuals, books, documentaries, drug leaflets, PhD, Terminology verification, Romanian, informed consent, doctor, MD, M.D., Ciprian Patrascu, health, rehabilitation, therapy, physiotherapy, rheumatology, alternative medicine, psychology, psychotherapy, neuropsychology, preventive medicine, health care, computer presentations, case reports, clinical protocols, medical texts reviewing, reviewer, proofreading, proof reading, MSDS, MSDSs translation translations Romanian English ... Romanian
1412 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Cristian Brinza technical, pumps, engines, electricity, heat, cogeneration, education, educational project, localization, TRADOS, SDLX, subtitling, Digital Deluxe Studios, features, featurettes, director'scommentary, screenwriter'scommentary, makingof, proofreading, drilling, oil-industry equipment, Viasat Explorer, Viasat History, Viasat TV 1000, National Geographic, Nat Geo Wild, Travel Channel, HBO, ... Romanian
1258 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Mihaela Sinca
  15 years of professional translation
finances-banking, contract law, IT, medical, environment, political; engineering; sciences, EU institutions and policies, subtitling, voice-over, Trados, SDLX, Transit, Catalyst ... Romanian
1170 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Radu DANAILA
  Not just words!
engineering, technology, mechanics, robotics, electronics, nuclear, finance, accounting, automotive, management, manufacturing, economics, marketing, commercial, contracts, computers, software, transport, business, commerce, advertising, mathematics, science, translation, proofreading, machinery, industry, appliances, accounting, automatics, automation, machine building, pumps, hydraulics, welding, assembling, transport, automatique, mécanique, pompes, ingénierie, construction des machines, centres d'usinage, robotique, technologie, électronique, nucléaire, comptabilité, automobiles, gestion, production, économie, mercatique, contrats, ordinateurs, logiciels, publicité, réclames, mathématique, traduction, relecture, machines, industrie, appareillage électrique, hydraulique, soudure, assemblage ... Romanian
1169 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Iulia Parvu
  Translation, transcreation, localization
translation, translator, English to Romanian translation, English-Romanian translation, en-ro translation, Romanian to English translation, Romanian-English translation, ro-en translation, Romanian website translation and localization, certified translation service, Romanian transcreation, Romanian proofreading, Romanian legal translation, Romanian marketing translation, sworn Romanian translator, Romanian app localization, Romanian translator, native Romanian translator, English to Romanian translator, transcreation, creative translation, marketing translation, IT translation, literary translation, human resources translation, financial translation, business translation, eCommerce translation, Contract translation, Legal documents, Legislation, Court proceedings, Intellectual property, Patents, Dispute resolution, Legal terminology, Arbitration, certified translation, Fiction translation, Poetry translation, Literary genres, Creative writing, Literary criticism, Storytelling, Author's ... Romanian
1036 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Simona Pop
  I take my responsibilities seriously
Romanian, English, English-Romanian, Romanian-English, Hungarian-Romanian, Law, Contracts, Government/Politics, Business/Commerce, Journalism, Travel & Tourism, Environment, Sociology, Ethics, Education/Pedagogy, Linguistics, Literature, Slang, Management, Human Resources, Religion, Media/Multimedia, Cinema-Film-TV-Drama, translator, subtitling, traducător, subtitrare, MTPE ... Romanian/Hungarian
1008 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Cristiana Coblis
  Marketing, IT, e-commerce and travel
English Romanian translator, English Romanian translation, English Romanian reviewer, English Romanian copywriter, English Romanian marketing translator, English to Romanian, Romanian marketing translation, Romanian financial translation, Romanian business translation, Romanian website translator, Romanian language localisation, Romanian language localization, English to Romanian marketing translation, English to Romanian legal translation, English to Romanian terms and conditions translation, English to Romanian website translation, English to Romanian games translation, English to Romanian idiomatic translation, Idiomatic Romanian language, English to Romanian user manual translation, English to Romanian HR translation, English to Romanian Human Resources translation, English to Romanian telecommunications translation, English to Romanian social media translation, English to Romanian app translation, English to Romanian information technology translation, English to Romanian Business ... Romanian
882 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Irene S.
  The real technical translator
general, art, literature, linguistics, music, media, chemistry, biology, genetics, electronics, industry, technical, military, medicine, pharmacy, telecommunications, sport, leisure ... Romanian
826 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Irina Lazarescu
  bridging people and ideas
technical field - brochures, flyers, technical specifications, technical sheets, translation of software/hardware, technical writer, translation of contracts and legal documents, translation of certificates, economical document translations (invoices, balance sheet, insolvency and bankruptcy), chemical products, chemistry, pharmaceutical (human and Veterinary), cosmetics, skin care, paints, marine paints and resins, blasting, artificial and synthetic fibers, cellulose staple fiber, cord yarns and tissues, shipbuilding, shipping, technical documentation, user's manual, handbook, flyers, pamphlets, brochures, technical specifications, technical reports, technical drawings, workshop drawings, diagrams, schematics, iso-drawings, certified translations for police records, school records, contracts, certificates, diplomas, certified translations, notarized translations, certified translator, sworn translator, accounting documents, invoices, balance sheets, insolvency, bankruptcy, software ... Romanian
818 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   anamaria bulgariu
  High thoughts must have high language.
IT, literary translations, accounting, technical, construction equipment, legal documents, law, proofreading, Romanian Highway code translated in English, fiscal legislation, English, Romanian, French, translation, conference interpreting, proofreading, editing, business law, contract law, Human rights, EU, marketing, Market Research, meteorology, weather reporting, pharma, linguistics, philology, fiction, poetry, nonfiction, travel guide, travel guides, tourism, traducere, traduceri, corectura, revizie, engleza de afaceri, engleza juridica, administratie, drept administrativ, contracte, UE, Uniunea Europeana, farmaceutice, lingvistica, filologie, literatura, beletristica, proza, poezie, ghid turistic, ghiduri turistice, turism, traductor, títulos, registro sanitario productos, rumano español, traducción, traductor jurado, matrícula, expediente académico en rumano ... Romanian
729 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Éva Krecht
  Engineer and philologist
textiles, user manual, subtitle translation, religion, clothes, textile machines, home decoration, fashion, pedagogy, education, psychology ... Hungarian/Romanian
650 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Cristina Bolohan
  MA in Translation Theory and Practice
law(contracts), medical, catheter, steerable guidewire, embolization, EU affairs, transcreation, tourism and travel, marketing, finance, certificats, extraits de compte, libri per bambini, vibrovaglio circolare, documenti e contratti, cosmetic products, household appliances, e-Commerce research, economy, podiatry, delivery application, healthcare, clinical trials, SmPCs, user license agreement, Android applications, TV menu localization, DG Mare, cosmetic devices, bilancio, lettera di incarico, tariffario, code of conduct, agriculture, bio, jardinage, contratto, attestato di residenza, history, nurbs, spline surfaces, children's books, geography, oxycoupage, household appliances, conveyors, nanotechnology, amendments, draft reports draft opinions, communications to members, petitions, verbatim reports, bladder sling, ancillary instruments, stent-graft system, management scenario, smartphone menu, clinical trials, Blood Glucose Meter, medical software, wisdom teeth extraction, SOPs, pri ... Romanian
635 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Valentin Cirdei
  As good as my words
translator, English, Romanian, site, localization, software, IT, technology, app, application, game, OS, DLC, business, help, content, creative, transcreation, elearning, corporate, phishing, antivirus, help, safety, security, newsletter, automotive, car, user, maintenance, TSB, FSA, sports, luxury, manual, service, workshop, SAP, ERP, investment, tourism, booking, compressor, engineering, industrial ... Romanian
633 points
English إلى Romanian
  Manuela C.
  Experienced & qualified linguist
Romanian translator, translation for business, localization translator, traduction documentation technique, traduction documents commerciaux, localisation produits, Romanian-French translator, juriste-linguiste français, traducteur roumain-français, English-Romanian lawyer-linguist, industrial content, legal translations, lawyer-linguist, juriste-linguiste, traduction juridique, technical translations, aeronautics, industrie automobile, traduction technique, UE documents, law related, Nouveau Code civil roumain, traduction marchés publics, défense, marché public défense, traduction domaine nucléaire, traduction industrie navale, traduction HVAC, traduction roumain, traduction assermentée roumain, traducteur roumain Poitiers, traduction roumain Poitiers, traducteur roumain, traducteur assermenté roumain, traducător limba franceză, traduceri juridice, traducător autorizat Franța ... Romanian
625 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Irina-Maria Foray
  Seamless translations
Trados Studio. Medical books and medical literature articles - anesthesia, pain medicine and regional anesthesia, arthroscopy, physiology, neurology, orthopedics, peripheral nervous stimulation, traumas of the nervous system, critical care, injection techniques in orthopaedics and sports medicine, musculoskeletal injection skills, pharmaceuticals (SPC/PIL/Labelling), ECG guide, bipolar disorder interviews, subtitler, legal documents, contracts, technical documentation: bottling and packaging equipment, injection molding systems, rehabilitation of water treatment plants, RFID devices and automation components, RAD Telecommunication equipment, systems and accessories for the wire-based networks (modems, routers, multiplexers) ... Romanian
622 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Cristina Moldovan do Amaral
  Fast, Reliable, Certified
cosmetology, medicine, film, music, tennis, business, documentary, history, immigration, legal, certified, ATA, Romanian, English, German, editing, SDL, TRADOS, Meta Texis, Transit, proofreading, interpreting, translating, law, Romania, Austria, Iran, USA, tourism, hotel industry, Arizona, Österreich, Deutschland, Übersetzungen, Wirtschaft, technische Übersetzungen, Medizin, traduceri legalizate, medicina, economie, traducator autorizat al Ministerului de Justitie, documente, Kosmetik, turism, germana, romana, engleza, persana, Recht, Wien, Tucson, diplome, migration, contracts, legal documents, diplomas, certificates, Phoenix, depositions, court, fast, urgent, rapid, Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New ... Romanian
الولايات المتحدة
519 points
English إلى Romanian
Identity Verified   Mihaela Buruiana
  Business translations and localization
English to Romanian, French to Romanian, translator, reviewer, localization, financial translator, marketing translator, legal translator, literary translator, business translations, creative writer, creative work, transcreation, copywriting ... Romanian
365 points
English إلى Romanian
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