مترجمو English إلى Turkish التحريريون والفوريون » General fields

مترجمون English إلى Turkish التقنية/الهندسة (0)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish الفن/الأدب (0)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish الطب (0)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish القانون/براءات الاختراع (0)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish العلوم (0)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish الأعمال/المال (0)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish التسويق (0)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish أخرى (0)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish العلوم الاجتماعية (0)

مترجمو English إلى Turkish التحريريون والفوريون » Specific fields

مترجمون English إلى Turkish: المحاسبة (1016)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الدعاية والإعلان \ العلاقات العامة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الفضاء الجوي \ الملاحة الجوية \ الفضاء
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الزراعة (1367)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الماشية \ تربية الحيوان
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علم الإنسان (699)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علم الآثار
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: فن العمارة (1232)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الفن، الفنون، الحرف اليدوية، الرسم
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الفلك والفضاء
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Asylum/Migration/Displacement
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: العلوم المالية عموماً
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الأتمتة والآليات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: السيارات \ المركبات والشاحنات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علم الأحياء- التكنولوجي و الكيميائي و المجهري
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علم النبات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الإنشاء \ الهندسة المدنية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الأعمال\التجارة عموما
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: المواد: البلاستيك، الخزف، إلخ (978)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الشهادات، التراخيص، السير الذاتية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الكيمياء؛ علم الكيمياء/الهندسة الكيميائية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الشعر والأدب
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: السينما، الأفلام، التلفزيون، الدراما
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الأقمشة \ الملابس \ الأزياء (2124)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Comics/Manga/Graphic novels
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الاتصال عن بعد
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الحاسوب - عام
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الحاسوب: مكوناته
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الحاسوب: البرمجيات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الحاسوب: الأنظمة، الشبكات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: القانون: العقود (1977)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الطهي \ علم الطبخ
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: مستحضرات التجميل، الجمال
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الطب: طب الأسنان (539)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: وسائل الإعلام \ الوسائط المتعددة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الاقتصاد
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: التربية والتعليم \ علم أصول التدريس
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الإلكترونيات \ هندسة الإلكترونيات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الطاقة \ توليد الكهرباء
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الهندسة عموماً (1930)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الصناعة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علم الميكانيك \ الهندسة الميكانيكية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الهندسة النووية\العلوم
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: البيئة وعلم البيئة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: المهن القليلة الانتشار
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: السماكة-صيد السمك
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: التراث الشعبي
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الأغذية ومنتجات الألبان
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: زراعة الغابات \ الخشب \ الأشجار
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الأثاث \ المعدات المنزلية (643)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Gambling/Casino/Bets
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الألعاب \ ألعاب الفيديو \ ممارسة الألعاب \ ألعاب القمار
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: التعدين والمعادن \ الجواهر (342)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علم الأنساب
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: عام \ محادثات \ تحيات \ خطابات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علم الوراثة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الجغرافيا
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علم طبقات الأرض
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: حكومي \علم السياسة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: التصوير\فن التصوير
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الطب: الرعاية الصحية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: التاريخ (2827)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: السياحة والسفر
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الموارد البشرية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Human rights
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: التعبيرات الاصطلاحية \ الأمثال \ الأقوال المأثورة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: التأمين
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: المنظمات الدولية\التنمية الدولية\التعاون الدولي
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الإنترنت، التجارة الإلكترونية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الاستثمار \ السندات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علم الفلزات \ السباكة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: تكنولوجيا المعلومات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الصحافة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: العقارات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: القانون عموماً
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: القانون: براءات الاختراع، العلامات التجارية، حقوق الملكية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: القانون: الضرائب والجمارك
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: LGBTQ
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Linguistic evaluation/cognitive debriefing
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: اللغويات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: النقل \ وسائط النقل \ الشحن
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الإدارة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: التصنيع
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: السفن، الإبحار، الملاحة البحرية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Market Research
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: التسويق \ أبحاث التسويق
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Massages/Reflexology
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الرياضيات والإحصاء
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الطب العام
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الطب: علم أمراض القلب
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: المعدات الطبية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Medical: Oncology
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الطب: علم الأدوية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الأرصاد الجويّة (171)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علم القياس والموازين
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: العلوم العسكرية \ الدفاع
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الموسيقى (2247)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الأسماء الشخصية وأسماء الشركات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: التغذية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: هندسة البترول\العلوم
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: أخرى
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الورق \ صناعة الورق
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: براءات الاختراع
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الفلسفة (1324)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الفيزياء
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الطباعة والنشر
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علم النفس
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الدين
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: بيع التجزئة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: السلامة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Safety Data Sheets/Regulations
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الأنظمة والتطبيقات والمنتجات
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علوم عامة
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: اللغات العامية
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: العلوم الاجتماعية، علم الاجتماع، الأخلاقيات، إلخ
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: الرياضة \ اللياقة البدنية \ الاستجمام
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: المسح/المساحة (884)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Veterinary (12)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Waste management/Waste disposal/Recycling
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: Water resources management (12)
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: النبيذ \ علم انتاج الخمور\ زراعة الكروم
مترجمون English إلى Turkish: علم الحيوان

English إلى Turkish translators and interpreters

حول عمود العضوية ProZ.com Member Profile Keywords Native Language
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Identity Verified   Recep Kurt
  Level Up in Turkish! ⇫ ✯✯✯✯✯
native Turkish translator, freelance Turkish translator, professional Turkish translator, Turkish linguist, notary certified Turkish translator, russian Turkish translator, russian Turkish translations, Turkish localization, website localization, web site localisation, перевод на турецкий, турeцкий переводчик, локализация, Turkish subtitling, Turkish subtitles, Turkish proofreading, Turkish checking, Turkish editing, Turkish SEO, Turkish search engine optimization, Turkish copywriter, Turkish content writing, Turkish legal translations, English Turkish translator, English Turkish translation, English Turkish translations, Turkish editor, Turkish linguist, Turkish proofreader, Turkish editing, Turkish proofreading, Turkish localizer, game localization Turkish, Turkish game localization, online game localization Turkish, Turkish video game localization, video game localization Turkish, Turkish computer game localization, computer game localization Turkish, Turkish console game localizat ... Turkish
2377 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Raffi Jamgocyan
  Microsoft Certified Tech. Specialist
accounting, acrobat, adobe, advertising, agreement, architecture, art, bond, business, cafetran, collateral, communication, company, computer, contract, corporation, correspondence, document, economy, editing, education, energy, English, environment, establishment, excel, finance, financial, firm, folklore, geography, hardware, health, history, HR, human, IT, immovable, industry, institution, insurance, international, internet, investment, law, literature, localization, management, manager, manufacture, manufacturing, market, marketing, media, medical, microsoft, mortgage, movable, national, network, organization, passport, patent, pharmaceutical, powerpoint, private, proofreading, public, relations, publish, publishing, real estate, record, registration, research, resource, retail, security, social, software, survey, system, telecommunication, tourism, trade, training, translation, Turkish, website, word, crypto, cryptocurrency, exchange, finance, cryptocurrencies, bitcoin, ethereum, ... Turkish
1944 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Selçuk Dilşen
  Professional Attitude & Amateur Spirit
technical translation, engineering translation, translator engineer, engineer translator, safety translation, health & safety translation, machinery translation, software translation, software localisation, ui translation, ux translation, website translation, user manual translation, app translation, app localisation, post-editing, terminology, translation project management, translation review, translation editing, cat tool, computer assisted translation, computer aided translation ... Turkish
المملكة المتحدة
1450 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   ATIL KAYHAN
  Turkey & US Educated Engineer
adult learning, boating, business, troubleshooting, automotive, communication, training, mechanics, education, e-commerce, human resources, hrd, instruction, design, engineering, management, industrial, international, executive, manufacturing, production, factory, mechanical, quality, machinery, physics, resume, research, robert college, safety, sailboat, science, sdwt, teams, development, kepner-tregoe, muslim, computer, web, Internet, systems, technical, Turkish, vehicle, tobacco, cigarette, planning, textbook, text, book, tv, radio, newspaper, news, article, USA; ARASTIRMA, otomotiv, iletisim, egitim, gelistirme, mekanik, mekanizma, dizayn, TASARIM, mühendis, mühendislik, yönetim, yöneticilik, üretim, kalite, fabrika, makina, makine, bilim, sistem, sistemler, teknik, araç, tütün, sigara, planlama, ARIZA bulma, talimat, endüstri, endüstriyel, güvenlik, ekip, bilgisayar, tercüman, çevirmen, okul, bogaziçi, üniversite, asistan, ingilizce, tekne, türkçe, türkiye, amerika, ABD, ULUSLARAR ... Turkish
1341 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Gulay Baran
  Tech/Engineering, IT, Gaming, Marketing
translation, tercüme, website, tercüman, çeviri, çevirmen, economics, finance, financial, securities, Turkish software localizer, investment, accounting, business management, marketing, Market Research, e-commerce, press releases, Turkish internationalized, civil, robotics, software, computers, letters, Turkish project manager, hardware, banking, engineering, mathematics, mechanics, statistics, English, law, contracts, user guide, patents, trademarks, copyrights, medical equipments, taxation, cars, trucks, customs, internationalisation, automotive, ships, article, shipping, letter of recommendation, sailing, maritime, transport, transportation, botany, Turkey, zoology, construction, plastics, ceramics, materials, printing&publishing, photography, graphic arts, paper manufacturing, music, web site çevirisi, internet, manufacturing, Turkish website, website translation, history, politics, cinema, film, portable devices, TV, software localization, environment, ecology, tourism, technical ... Turkish
1051 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Zeki Güler
Turkish translator, quality Turkish translator, qualified Turkish translator, quality English to Turkish translator, English to Turkish certified translator, qualified English to Turkish translator, English to Turkish translation, English to Turkish quality translator, English to Turkish translator, English to Turkish freelance translator, website localization into Turkish, website localization Turkish, software localization into Turkish, MITI Turkish translator, ITI Qualified Turkish translator, CIOL Turkish translator, ITI Turkish translator, ATA Turkish translator, Website Localization Turkish, Software Localization Turkish, localization Turkish, English into Turkish Software Localisation, government, international organizations, politics, news, journalism, web, e-commerce, reports, surveys, www.TurkishTranslator.com, English into Turkish Legal translator, English into Turkish Business translator, English into Turkish IT translator, English into Turkish Marketing translator, English ... Turkish
1023 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   H&G Ozcan
  Tech/Engr. Translations, Electrical Eng.
across, acoustics, agricultural equipment, appliances, apps, audio, audio equipment, automation, automotive, autopilot, blow molding, brochures, cable, cables, cabling, cars, catalogues, clean energy, communications, computers, connectors, construction, construction equipment, datasheets, defense, defense technology, DJ equipment, DJ controller, DJ mixer, DJ software, document, documentation, elearning, e-learning, electric, electrical devices, electrical equipment, electronic, electronic devices, electronics, English, English to Turkish, English to Turkish translator, English to Turkish translation, English to Turkish freelance translator, English to Turkish technical translation, English to Turkish technical translator, excel, fishfinder, forestry, fuel cell, fuel cells, gamepads, gaming accessories, green energy, headsets, headphones, healthcare, health care, heavy equipment, household products, HTML, industrial devices, industrial equipment, industry, information technology, inject ... Turkish
968 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Cagdas Karatas
  L10n Spc. / MT Post-Editor - AI Reviewer
Turkish localization, English Turkish localization, Turkish localization specialist, Turkish language specialist, Turkish localization professional, Turkish language professional, Turkish localizer, Turkish linguist, Turkish reviewer, Turkish editor, Turkish proofreader, Turkish QA specialist, Turkish linguistic tester, Turkish spot checker, Turkish linguistic QA, native Turkish translator, Turkish native translator, Turkish gaming translator, Turkish IT translator, Turkish UI translator, Turkish app translator, Turkish help content translator, Turkish website translator, Turkish marketing translator, Turkish website translator, Turkish web localization, Turkish social networking translator, Turkish social media translator, Turkish technology translator, Turkish software localization, Turkish social media localization, Turkish l10n, Turkish mobile app translator, Turkish mobile localization, mobile Turkish localization, Turkish mobile app localization, Turkish game localization, turkis ... Turkish
877 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Nuri Razi
  15 years in the industry
Turkish, English, Russian, Turkmen, Turkey, technical, translator, finance, law, automotive, mechanical, engineer, economist, engineering, economics, petroleum, chemistry, native, Turkish, translator, Turkish, translator, localization, service, medical, interpreter, ethnic, petrochemistry, native, experience, commitment, professional, proofreading, subtitling, editing, переводчик, турецкий переводчик, турция, DTP, xml, Passolo, Framemaker, ATA, member, American Association of Translators, interpreter, SDL Trados, IT, information, technology, proofreader, editor, Türkçe, İngilizce Tercüman, Çevirmen, Yeminli, tercüman, sworn, translator, certified, ITI, simultaneous, consecutive, experienced, proficient, reference, master's degree, PHD, foreign language, Turkish, paypal, conference, translator, moneybookers, SDL Studio 2011, SDL Studio 2009, Multitran, Across, Multilizer, WordFast, Deja Vu, DipTrans, DPSI, Chartered Institute of Linguists, CIOL, IOL, IOLET, Trados, proz.com, proz, SDL, ... Turkish
840 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Nurettin Ceylan
  Technical Translation Expert
technical translator, proofreader, Turkish translator, automotive, mechanical engineering, Turkish, localization, power systems, electronics, computer hardware, engineering, manufacturing, medical instruments, metallurgy, English to Turkish, domestic appliances ... Turkish
794 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   1964
  Turkish Freelancer -since 1983
MSDS, Materials Safety Data Sheet, Turkish MSDS, Safety Phrases, Turkish Freelancer, Turkish Translator, Turkish Translation, Medical Translation, Bids, Tender, Tender Document, Tender File, Tender Authority, Bidding, Contract, Sub-Contract, Legal, Agreements, Manuals, User's Manuals, Patent translations, Patents, Turkish Translator, Turkish translation, Financial, Business, Political, Copywriter, Copywriting Localization, Localisation, Turkish localization, DTP, Turkish Sworn, Sworn Translator, Web Page translation, Turkish Web Page translation, Windows XP, Digital Camera, PocketDV, PC Camera, Video Camera, Camcorder, Satellite Receiver, Decoder, Mainboard, Motherboard, Strings translations, Fiche de sécurité, MSDS, Material Safety Data Sheet, Laparoscopy, Dentistry, composite, Cements, Sealants, Vacuum Cleaner, Air Conditioner, Satellite Receiver, source, help files, OSD, CNC, Machining, Software, Web Pages, HTML, DHTML, Visual Basics, C, C++, CSS, Scripting, DOS, Windows, Office, Pa ... Turkish
718 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Aziz Kural
  Real meaning behind the clutter of words
IT, PHP, ASP, Photoshop, Flash, Dreamweaver, Web Design, Web Programming, Medical, Pharmaceutical, Medicare, Video. Software Localization, Audio, Audios, Books, Novels, Proofreading, Editing, Translation, Translator, T+E+P ... Turkish
687 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   chevirmen
  a solid touch to translation...
Türkçe, Çevirmen, Aerospace, Landing Platform Dock, High Speed Trains, Measurement Trains, Catenary, Balises, Sensors, Track Gauge, Overhead Lines, Landing Platform, LPD, Havuzlu, Havuzlu Çıkarma Gemi, Çıkarma Gemi, Türbin, Gemi Türbin, Korvet, Fırkateyn, Deniz Kuvvetleri, Navy, Air Force, Army, KKK, TSK, Aviation, Business, Commerce, Contract, Law, Engineer, Engineering, Translation, Translator, Turkish to English, Translator, Turkish English Translator, Interpreter, Interpretation, Pricewise, Localization, Power Generation, Translator, Energy Agreement, Master Franchise, Pipe, line, pipeline, welding, Bidding, Tender, Turkey, Türkçe, Turkish, İngilizce, Tercüman, Çeviri, Türkçe, İngilizce, İngilizce Türkçe Çevirmen, Mütercim, Converter, Trados, contractor, subcontract, subcontractor, Turbine, Turbine Blades, Condenser, Boiler, Piping, Metro, Tunnel, Highway, Asphalte, Chromium, Alloy, Chrome, Steel, Stainless, Composite, Armor, Shield, Weapon, Arms, Munitions, Aerodrome, Aeroplane, A ... English/Turkish
683 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Baran Keki
  Sworn Legal & Financial Translator
English to Turkish Translation, Turkish Translation, Turkish Translator, Turkish Sworn Translator, English to Turkish Legal Translation, Certified English to Turkish Translation, English to Turkish Localization, English to Turkish Technical Translation, American Translators Association, Certified Turkish Translator, Native Turkish Translator, Certified Translator, Turkish Court Translator, Turkish Notary Translator, Turkish Notarization, Trados Studio, Memoq, Across, SDL, ATA, Contracts, Agreements, Powers of Attorney, Technical Patents, Design Patents, Notarial Deeds & Certificates, Apostilles, Wills, Court Orders, Divorce Settlements, Property Settlement Agreements, Patent Laws, Insurance Laws, Reassurance, Statutory Decrees, Arbitration Decisions, Corporate Charters, Guidelines, Terms and Conditions, Internal Directives, Articles of Association, Codes of Conduct, Ethics & Compliance, Corporate Communications, Privacy Notices, Data Protection, GDPR, EU Laws and Directives, Turkish Co ... Turkish
648 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Dagdelen
  Fachübersetzer & Diplom-Kaufmann
Fachübersetzer Deutsch Türkisch, Übersetzer Türkisch, Übersetzer Deutsch Türkisch, Translations German - Turkish specializing in business administrations, freelancer Turkish, freelance Übersetzer, freelance translator Turkish - german, business translations, finance translations, legal translations, tourism, media, german Turkish translations, proofreading, Freelance-Übersetzung, freelance-translating, Fachübersetzung Türkisch, Türkisch Übersetzung, Übersetzungsauftrag, translating Turkish - german, Übersetzungen in Türkisch, Fachübersetzungen Wirtschaft, Marketing, Werbung, Fachübersetzungen für die Industrie, öffentliche Ämter und Institution, Unternehmen, Übersetzungen in Betriebs- und Volkswirtschaft (allgemein) Finanz- und Rechnungswesen (Kontenrahmenplan, Bilanzen, Geschäftsberichte, Periodeabschluss bzw. Jahresabschlüsse), Controlling, Berichtswesen (Finanz-, Absatz-, Logistikberichte), EDV-Systeme, IT, Marketing, Werbung, Marktforschung, Übersetzung von Webseiten, Firmenkorre ... German/Turkish
599 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Tuncay Kurt
medical, nursing, denstistry, pharmacology, marketing authorization, drug products, pharmaceuticals, pharmachology, clinical review, non-clinical review, validation files, approval files, common technical documents, new drug applications, study reports, patient reports, medical devices, medical instruments, sop, ctd, icf ... Turkish
516 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Yunus Can ATLAR
  Technical, Games, Military
English, Turkish, translation, English to Turkish translation, Turkish to English Translation, IT, electronics, computer, military, defense, defence, NATO, military correspondence, subtitle, subtitling, Turkish lessons for foreigners in Izmir, Turkish lessons for English speakers in Izmir, Turkish Tuition in Izmir for English speakers ... Turkish
467 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Balaban Cerit
  Speed is important, quality is essential
accurate, ASP, Automation, bilgisayar çevirisi, business translation, business translations, çeviri hizmeti, çeviri hizmetleri, çevirmen, deneyim, deneyimli, Document Translation, Excel, Doküman çevirisi, DTP, electric, electronic, elektrik, endüstri, English-to-Turkish, English-Turkish, fast, finance, financial, finans, freelance translator, free-lance translator, freelance translators, free-lance translators, freelancer, free-lancer, fulltime, full-time, Games, Gaming, GSM phones, hızlı, HTML, Word, industrial, industry, İngilizce çeviri, İngilizce tercüme, İngilizce tercüman;İngilizceden Türkçeye, İngilizce-Türkçe, kalite, kullanım kılavuzları, kullanım kılavuzu, Management, manual, manuals, Media, Mobil, Mobile, network, newsletters, online çeviri, on-line çeviri, on-line çevirmen, online translation, on-line translation, on-line translator, Otomasyon, Pazar araştırması, PDF, PHP, Flash, Photoshop, Physics, Political, PR, Profesyonel çevirmen, program, programlama, programming, pro ... Turkish
274 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Nihan Pekmen
  All technical and business
Turkish, science, engineering, health, management, non-fiction, agreements, contracts, medicine, manuals, türkçe, ingilizce, tercüme, mühendislik, sağlık, altyazı, sözleşme, teknik şartname, kullanım kılavuzu, tıp, beslenme, beslenme destekleri, gıda takviyeleri, bitkiler, website localization, yerelleştirme, kimya, biyoloji, mikrobiyoloji, biyokimya, biyoteknoloji, enzimoloji, süt teknolojisi, dairy science, cereals, hububat, et ve et ürünleri, meat and poultry, hygiene and sanitation, food packaging, quality control, HACCP, GMP, ISO 22000, Codex Alimentarius, Gıda Kodeksi, notary approved, noter yeminli, pazarlama, yeme-içme, marketing, sales, satış, OHSAS, Occupational Health and Safety, İş ve İşçi Güvenliği, Health at Work, dietary supplements, HORECA ... Turkish
264 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Serdar Usta
  Exquisite Turkish Translation
desktop publishing, DTP, Turkish, translation, translator, proofreading, editing, telecommunication, telecommuting, computer books, software, hardware, IT, information technology, computer, engineering, communication, science, scientific articles, localization, help, pc, manuals, brochures, magazines, technical, trade, marketing, contracts, Turkish Localization, Turkish translation, Turkish proofreading, information technologies, commercial translation, technical translation, Computers: Software, Computers: Hardware, Business/Commerce (general), Automotive / Cars & Trucks, Turkish linguist, experienced Turkish translator, SW Strings translation, Trados, SDL Trados, SDLX, Wordfast, Passolo, Catalyst, Sworn Translator, Web Page translation, Turkish Web Page translation, IT, Telecom(munications), aviation, navigation, aircraft technology, English to Turkish linguist ... Turkish
257 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Bora Taşdemir
  🔐Let's unlock the Ultimate Achievement!
Turkish translation, Turkish localization, Turkish game translation, Turkish game localzation, Turkish app translation, Turkish app localization, Turkish marketing translation, Turkish crypto translation, crypto app, cryptocurrency, mobile game, online game, e-sports, casino, professional translation, professional Turkish translation, English to Turkish translation services ... Turkish
256 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Engin Gunduz
  Professional, reliable translations
Italian, English, Spanish, French, Turkish, science, engineering, computers, networks, software, localization ... Turkish
219 points
English إلى Turkish
  Nigar Mancini
  Expertise in IT/EN>TR translation
Turkish-English English-Turkish translation, academic texts, technical texts, articles, manuals, legal documents, translator, English Turkish translator, interpreter, trados, italiano-turco, italiano turco traduzione, turco italiano traduzione, italian Turkish translation, traduttore turco italiano, italiano traduzione, interpretario turco, traduttore turco, technical translation, traduzione tecnica, legale, MBA, business management, professional translator, interpreter, Hacettepe University, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Harvard Business School, experienced translator, experienced Turkish translator, full-time freelance translator, sottotitoli in turco, sottotitoli in italiano, subtitling Turkish, trascrizione, traduttore sottotitoli ... Turkish
215 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   FATİH ORUÇ
  Medical Translations
Medical translation services, Medical translator, freelance Medical translation services, certified medical translation, Translate medical terms, health translator, pharmaceutical translation, IFU translation, medical review, proofreading services, English to Turkish medical translation, cardiology, clinical trial, review, informed consent, ... Turkish
204 points
English إلى Turkish
Identity Verified   Ayşe Kıvılcım Karazor
  Forex, Crypto, Banking, Localization
Turkish, translator, technical, business, finance, banking, softwareaccounting, autocad, cars, trains, railways, trade, books, religion, translation, website localization, native Turkish speaker, English-Turkish translation, English-Turkish translator, e-trade, marketing, sourcing management, management, HR, Human resources, export-import, medical, trial, medical experiments, phase 1 experiments, medical translation, software localization, English-Turkish Software localization, technical manuals, drilling machines, computers, technical translation, daily financial analysis, Turkish localization expert, manuals, handbooks, translator for financial services, business translations, medical device translations, medical devices, forex translator, forex, English - Turkish Forex Translator, English Turkish Forex Translator, Turkish Translator, Turkish Software Localization ... Turkish
187 points
English إلى Turkish
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