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Description, useful properties, application and recipes funds from calamus

Botanical description of calamus

Calamus swamp is a tall perennial herbaceous plant, which belongs to the family hrennikovym. This plant has the color brown, its rhizome is stout and creeping, the Leaves acute, reach a length of 1 meter and in form like a sword, they have their bases cover each other. The stem which has flowers, starts at the root apex. This root green color, one side has a rib and a groove. Cob located above the upper part of the ear, yet it is called a blanket, because it looks like a leaf. This ear has the shape of a cylinder, it deviates from the stalk. The cob has numerous flowers, which are arranged on a fleshy axis.

Calamus grows in wet soil, it is strengthened in the soil with their strong root with many branches. Root length reaches 150 cm Calamus grows near water, on the banks of lakes and rivers, swamps, it forms large thickets that are clean, and there are mixtures of sedges and horsetails. Grows in middle and southern strip of the European part of Russia, it can be found in Eastern Siberia and in the Caucasus. Grows well in the steppe and forest-steppe zones along the banks of ponds, marshy soils, flooded fields and ravines.

Picking and harvesting calamus

Today not everyone will be able to find and collect the air, however, many still find him and make him preform. To make it easier for people, set up special farms that grow air. From early autumn to early winter pickles at calamus: it is pulled from the mud with a rake or pitchfork. Then collected the roots need to wash from the dirt, cut off the remaining leaves. After that, the roots should be provaliti, leaving the plant outdoors. Next, you need to cut the roots into pieces, the length is 10-20 cm. And if the root is so thick, it needs to be split along.

Dried material beneath a metal roof at a temperature of 30-35 degrees, increase the temperature, as the essential oil evaporates quickly. The rhizomes are considered to be well dried when they are easily broken. The essential oil in rhizome about 5 %, it also contains tannins, ascorbic acid, resin, copper, and starch.

The dried preform calamus represent the spongy pieces of roots which are very light. Untreated roots have a flattened shape, slightly curved, outer colour is yellowish-brown with reddish or grayish-green shade. Morepart of the dried roots get split. Peeled and split roots at the turn and from the outside must be white or pinkish. The dried raw material peculiar smell and has a spicy-bitter taste.

Useful properties of calamus

Since ancient times people knew that calamus has many medicinal properties. This plant is often used in folk medicine. From the roots of calamus made a tincture with vodka, which is used with a medicinal purpose. A decoction of calamus helps with liver diseases, diseases of the bladder, nervous system, tuberculosis. And also tincture of calamus is used in rheumatism. If a person has heartburn, then it will help calamus root, which just need to chew.

A decoction of the roots of calamus are used by people who want to strengthen the hair, as well as suffering from ringworm. Women's diseases can also be treated with calamus – his broth need to make a douche.

Putrid wounds sprinkled with powder of calamus. People who complain of pain in the stomach, can make a decoction of calamus inside.

Plant roots have an effect that increase appetite, improve digestion, and increase reflex separation of juice in the stomach.

Today calamus is used in medicine as a remedy for peptic ulcer. But in veterinary medicine the roots of calamus has been used as a stomachic.

The chemical composition of calamus

In calamus root contains: essential oil, tannins, glycoside akorin and alkaloid calamine. Calamus leaves also contain tannins and essential oil. The essential oil consists of a mixture of terpenes, sesquiterpenes, and carriers of the smell of it are isarranged.

Also in the roots of sweet flag is a bit nedoshitko soap, and even at the root of calamus contain vitamins, starch, protein, and minerals, all of which are related substances.

The use of calamus

The use of calamus in alternative medicine is quite diverse. Fresh roots used for water disinfection. Decoction is prescribed for diseases of the teeth and gums. Effective calamus in diseases of the biliary tract and the liver, kidney stones. In leukemia use of therapeutic herbal collection, which includes calamus root, nettle and elecampane. Useful air for better digestion and increased appetite.

Rhizome sometimes used in diseases of thethe Central nervous system. Pounded into a powder, they help with heartburn, diarrhea and foul breath. Preparations of calamus reduce blood pressure and increase sputum production. Them useful to take for gastritis with low acidity of the stomach. The plant is also used for quick healing of wounds. In gynecology used a decoction of calamus in diseases of the coccal and Trichomonas etiology, secondary amenorrhea, failure of ovarian function.

Calamus root

About the bactericidal properties of the calamus root is known to many. In traditional medicine alcohol tincture of it is recommended to improve appetite in gastrointestinal diseases, as well as a good expectorant and tonic. In childhood rickets and diathesis do baths, the main component of which is air.

Much wider calamus root is used in folk medicine. From him prepare various decoctions and alcohol tinctures. It is a part of a variety of medical fees and teas. The root powder of sweet flag is used as a topping for purulent ulcers and wounds. Besides, it's a good snuff for the treatment of colds or sinus headaches. It clears the respiratory tract, contributing to the sneezing.

The air – effective means to neutralize the damaging effect of drugs, in particular marijuana. If marijuana is to smoke a pinch of fine shavings of the root, the air completely suppresses the toxic action of the drug. In fact, the calamus root can be neutralize the side effects of all hallucinogens.

If you take a pinch of powder with a half teaspoon of honey morning and evening, this remedy improves memory and cure heartburn. Decoctions and infusions of calamus root in sedentary baths to help with gynecology. In addition, the air has a soothing and tonic effect, improves secretion of the stomach contents. It is taken to improve vision, in the treatment of hepatitis and cholecystitis.

The flowers of Aira

Air somehow not very popular in home gardening, but he is a very hardy and undemanding. Plant is particularly suitable for those who have little time to care for flowers. Need to ensure that the soil the plant was always wet, as this flower grows mainly in swamps. The pot can be put on the tray with water and addher as needed.

The unpretentious air in relation to temperature, it feels good at 6-16 degrees, grows well in the shade and does not tolerate direct sunlight. Love the room with moist air. Fertilization is not required. Calamus is propagated by dividing the Bush during the whole year. The flower can be used for medicinal purposes in arterial pressure, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, at loss of hair.


A perennial herb of the family airnyh. He has a long, thick rhizome with multiple additional roots. It is covered with remains of leaf sheaths. The color of rhizome is greenish-brown, inside it is white with a pungent smell and bitter taste. Stem erect, not branched, up to 120 cm, with a sharp edge. The leaves are long, up to 1 m, width 3 cm, conical, flat.

Inflorescences are arranged obliquely on the stem in the form of cobs cylindrical shape, from 3 to 14 cm in length. Fruits – seeded oblong berries red. The air blooms from late spring to July. Vegetatively propagated. In Ukraine it grows everywhere in swamps, muddy banks of ponds, forming large thickets.

The therapeutic properties of the rhizome and root of Acorus calamus. Harvest the rhizome in autumn or early spring. In the traditional medicine of air used for a long time. Prescribe drugs from calamus liver disease, malaria, rickets, diseases of the kidneys and bladder. They have a tonic effect on the depressed state of the nervous system, improve hearing and vision. Act as germicide during epidemics of influenza, cholera.

Due to the expectorant properties of air to cure bronchitis. This plant is also used in chronic diseases of the spinal cord.

Recipes from calamus

For the treatment of frequent sore throats you need every day 5-6 times just to chew on a small piece of calamus root. And definitely it needs to be in your mouth for 10-15 minutes. So need to be treated 6 months after the full course, you will forget about sore throat.

If you have chronic tonsillitis, it does help having the roots of calamus. You need to take 2 tablespoons calamus roots and pour them with boiling water 200 ml, close lid and leave in a water bath for 30 minutes. After this time, strain the napar. This coupleyou need to gargle: the more times the better.

Anorexia (loss of appetite), spastic pain in the gut and stomach, take the infusion of calamus rhizomes. For its preparation you need to take 2 teaspoons of the roots of calamus and pour them in one Cup of boiled hot water, leave it in a thermos for steeping. This infusion should drink warm at 50 ml 3-4 times daily. Take the infusion need half an hour before a meal.

Impotence help extract of the roots of calamus vodka. Take 1 liter of vodka, pour into it 100 grams of calamus root and leave it for 14 days for maceration. The room where it will be this infusion must be dark, and the air temperature should be room. To accept infusion on a daily basis, 30 ml three times a day.

For the treatment of gonorrhea, in addition to primary treatment still take hot bath of the decoction of the roots of calamus. Infusion you need to do is based on 1 liter 30 grams of the roots of calamus. This content needs to insist within the hour. A bath must be taken every day.

To improve digestion, it is useful to drink a decoction of the roots of calamus. You should take 15 grams of roots and pour them with 500-700 ml of water, all that's required to cook for 15 minutes covered with a lid. Every day you need to drink this broth 3 cups.

Heartburn will help the powder of the root of calamus. Three times during the day you should drink one teaspoon of the powder of the roots of calamus and heartburn will no longer torment!

Tincture of calamus

Useful tincture of the herb calamus in epilepsy, hysteria, loss of memory. It improves eyesight and digestion. The tincture used for the treatment of gastric ulcer, chronic gastritis with low acidity and diarrhea.

Recipe 1: 20 g of calamus must be mixed with 100 ml of vodka, insist 2 weeks in a dark place, strain and store in glass containers. To make the tincture should be 15-30 drops before meals three times a day.

Recipe 2 from toothache and vomiting. Finely chopped dry leaves rhizomes need to pour 70% alcohol, insist week in a dark place and take 20 drops three times a day before meals.

Air at menopause

Very popular herbal treatment is in transition, menopause. To bring back to normal hormonal levels use air. Milled using a coffee grinder root should be taken 1 teaspoon during the meal.

A decoction of the roots. Crushed rhizome should pour cold water, infuse for about 7-8 hours, then boil in a water bath for 25-30 minutes, cool and strain. Make the tool recommended1 glass twice a day half an hour before meals.

Air angina

Infusions and decoctions of the calamus is prescribed as a gargle in sore throat. They have expectorant, anti-inflammatory and disinfectant action. If chew calamus root for 5-6 times a day small piece, holding it in your mouth for 15-20 min, then after six months you can get rid of any sore throats. It is possible to prepare various mixtures of angina with the addition of rhizome and oak bark. Also the root is useful to chew for the prevention of angina.

Air teeth

Air is an excellent remedy for toothache. Of calamus root, make a decoction, drink or rinse their mouths. If you have a toothache, it is necessary to lubricate the gums with tincture of calamus – and the pain will pass quickly. The air penetrates deep into the affected tooth and bezbolevaya acts on the root.

Recipe. 20 g of dried root of sweet flag need to finely chop, pour 100 ml of vodka, infuse two weeks in a dark place, shaking occasionally, then strain and keep in a dark cool place in tight, do not let the sun's rays container. For toothache, you should rinse your mouth with tincture 5-10 minutes, then spit. If the pain persists, the procedure should be repeated.

Rhizome is chewed to strengthen the gums.

Oil of calamus

Oil is extracted from the rhizome by steam distillation. It is a viscous dark yellow or brown liquid with an original woody odor and spicy taste. Chemical composition of oil can be different. The reason is that plants collected in different geo-climatic conditions. The main active ingredients oils: limonene, linalool, sometimeseven, azaron. Calamus oil is used to flavor alcoholic beverages.

Due to the spicy aroma of calamus create perfume. It effectively fights with various infections, including staphylococci. Oil is often used for the treatment of respiratory diseases, especially cough. It is recommended to take for the treatment of duodenal ulcer and gastritis with low acidity. Also oil is a wonderful natural product, organize the process of metabolism.

Oil of calamus improves the appetite, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. It is an effective tool for the prevention of urolithiasis and gallstone diseases. The systematic consumption of oil has beneficial effects on the musculoskeletal system, it promotes less fatigue of muscles and strengthens bone tissue. For several centuries the oil of calamus is used as natural aphrodisiac whichincreases sexual desire and sexual activity.

Infusion of calamus

Recipe 1. One teaspoon of rhizome, mix 250 ml of hot boiled water, to insist 20 minutes, then strain and take half a Cup a day half an hour before meals. The tool is effective in infectious mononucleosis.

Recipe 2. Dry rhizome should be crushed, pour into a glass of cold water, insist 20 min. infusion is recommended to Take one tablespoon three times a day before meals.

Recipe 3. Stomach cramps, make an infusion of calamus, with the addition of flowers and berries of mountain ash. Air and Rowan pour a glass of warm boiled water, insist one hour, after which the infusion should be brought to the boil and cool. After straining through several layers of cheesecloth drink take in the form of heat half a Cup 2-3 times a day before meals.

A decoction of the root calamus

A decoction of calamus root normalizes sleep, improves the functioning of brain cells. A decoction is used for strengthening and hair growth.

Recipe 1. Need to boil for 20-30 minutes in 250 ml of water two tablespoons of dry crushed root, leave to cool, then strain and add boiled water to the original volume. A decoction used as a lotion and wash for the treatment of wounds and ulcers.

Recipe 2. 6 g of material should be boiled in 200 ml water for 30 min in a covered vessel , strain and add boiled water to initial volume. Take three times a day after meal, 2 tbsp. of broth. The tool has a positive effect in inflammation of the lungs.

Recipe 3. Three teaspoons of chopped rhizomes pour 400 ml of water, boil in a sealed container for 15 minutes and take half a Cup before meals.

Contraindications to the use of calamus

Air cannot be used for any bleeding, it is strongly recommended not hypotensive. You cannot take it at high acidity of gastric juice. If all the same it is necessary to use the drug of calamus, be sure to include in its membership plants that reduce the production of hydrochloric acid. Not recommended to take the air in the acute phase of gastric ulcer. It is contraindicated pregnant women.

It should be remembered that the use of natural medicines should be moderate. If the dose of the adoption of the calamus to increase, it will lead to vomiting.