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The farming, the use of amaranth, the use of amaranth oil


In the composition of this wonderful plant very many substances beneficial for health. Scientists say that the protein of amaranth is much higher quality than milk protein. In this plant the biggest, compared to others, the number of lysine. Amaranth also contains a huge amount of potassium and iron, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus. Amaranth contains 14% fiber, 18 % protein and 18 % sugar.

The protein of amaranth is considered a dietary. This plant is used in products intended for children.

The types of amaranth

In the world emit about 65 genera and 900 species of amaranth. In Russia grow 17 species of amaranth, the most common are amaranth thrown back, or amaranth common amaranth paniculate, or purple, amaranth, dark, tri-colored amaranth, amaranth caudate.

The cultivation of amaranth

Amaranth actually has a truly miraculous properties, so it makes sense to engage in its cultivation. In order to grow amaranth, you can use any of the soil. It is best to sow seeds when the temperature of the earth at a depth of 45 centimetres will reach 6 °C and the soil will absorb the necessary amount of water, which is extremely important in the beginning of the growth of amaranth. If you fulfill this condition, then there can be no weeding as the growth of the green, thus, will outpace the growth of weeds. If you want to get early germination of amaranth, it is necessary to sow the seeds of the plants before the ground will freeze.

If, nevertheless, early planting will not work, while the later will need to carefully weed the weeds, not forgetting to water the soil. Be sure to note that if you later put the amaranth, the pests can very quickly destroy, especially if you grow the plant in their area.

This plant is sown with aisles of 45 cm, at a distance from one another 7-10 see If you do not comply with these distances, the amaranth will grow small, the harvest will be small enough. You need to sow the seeds in moist soil is not too deep (no more than 1-1. 5 cm). Due to the fact that amaranth seeds are very small (weight of 1000 grains only 0.6–0.9 g) beforesowing, you need to mix them with sawdust (river sand) in a ratio of 1:20, the mixture should get a uniform. Before you sow and then it is extremely important to level the ground. When you sow, be sure to carefully fertilize the soil (100 m2 must contribute 0.5 MT of compost or humus or 1.5 kg of potash, phosphate of 0.8, 1.5 kg of nitrogen fertilizer, or 4 kg of NPK).

First you will see the results in 8-10 days sprouts appear. First, the upper part of the plant develops rather slowly. In these conditions every ten days, you need flower to thin out, weed, loosen the soil. When the amaranth grows up to 20 centimeters, it is important to add fertilizer to the soil (NPK – 2 kg per 100 m2), make sure to do this before rainfall or before you water it. Amaranth is pretty soon going to grow 6-7 inches a day. The plant fully Matures in a hundred – a hundred and ten days after planting. If you live in the North of the Russian Federation and want to have on your site was the amaranth, – to plant his seedlings, otherwise he may not be able to grow to the beginning of the cold season.

When the plant appears panicle, that means it's time to clean it up. This is due to the fact that in this period of time the amaranth is concentrating the greatest amount of nutrients. In order to properly collect the seeds of this plant, you need to remember that they ripen unevenly, so the panicles are harvested when seeds began to ripen. After that, of course, it is necessary that the seeds are ripe. In this regard, the panicles should be put in a room with good ventilation for 7-10 days and spread them. To deter mice from plants, you need around drying inflorescences to put the branches of the elderberry. To clean amaranth seeds need to pass through a sieve with very fine mesh, and then dried. After all these manipulations the seeds can be planted for another five years.

In order to use amaranth in winter, it can dry, freeze or pickle.

Methods of drying of amaranth

The first method is that amaranth is a medium-sized finely cut and laid out in a well ventilated place, stirring occasionally, to ensure that the plant is not compacted. The second method is to collect the leaves of amaranth in a small bundle and hung. Then check how much the dried herbs (rubs his fingers: if the plant like the amaranth is ready).

If you want to save a large amount of nutrients, Zaschita amaranth in the refrigerator. Amaranth is a medium-sized cut, non-convex feature on the surface (this can be a cutting Board), put in fridge, but not veryhigh. The plant turns out beautiful and green.

Amaranth keep wet, dark and ventilated room in limbo.

Plant freeze bouquet. Wash and dry bundles of amaranth, put it in bags and store in the freezer.

Marinate the plant in two ways. For the first method, usually made the brine and poured into water, salt and sugar. For the second (dry) method, the bunches just covered with salt and placed in containers .

The use of amaranth

Colitis, intestinal colic,
constipation, hemostatic in hemoptysis, heavy menstruation and bleeding hemorrhoids used the infusion of amaranth on the water.

95% of human diseases related to the intestines

Against Guinea worm and jaundice used a decoction of the roots of amaranth. Also, an antitumor agent, you can apply the juice and tincture of this plant both internally and externally. Amaranth is used in the following diseases: fungal, diseases of the liver and heart, gastro-intestinal infections; eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, erosions, endometriosis, colitis – externally.

In dysentery drink a decoction of roots and seeds; allergies, diathesis, rash, you can take a bath with a solution of amaranth.

When inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth rinse your mouth with juice of amaranth in the ratio of 1:5.

In case of burns, bedsores, insect bites, scars use oil of amaranth.

Methods of preparation

For enuresis it is necessary to drink tincture of amaranth. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water in small pieces of panicles with seeds (one tablespoon), hold them in a water bath for 15-20 min. and insist until then, until cool. It is recommended to drink 1 teaspoon and a quarter Cup of boiled water, 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals and at bedtime. The course of treatment is 14 days.

Inflammation of the urinary system you need three tablespoons of crushed stalks, leaves and panicles pour boiling water (one liter), to insist and drink on the night of one glass.

To rejuvenate the body and removing harmful substances must be done inequal parts of the herbs amaranth, Hypericum, birch buds, chamomile. The evening of 2 tablespoons of this collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water for two to three hours, then you strain and drink a Cup of infusion before bedtime, with the addition of a teaspoon of honey. The morning after the infusion you want to warm up and drink 30 minutes before a meal. The entire course will need about 400-500 grams of infusion. The course must be repeated in two to three years.

Broth. To prepare the broth should take 15 grams of roots, very finely chopped, pour 200 ml of boiling water, to insist in a boiling water bath for half an hour, cool for ten minutes, drain. Drink of his third Cup three times a day before meal.

For infusions need to take 20 grams of leaves, pour 200 ml of boiling water, to insist in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes, cool 45 minutes, drain. Infusion drink two or three a day for a third Cup before eating.

For bath you need in a saucepan pour two liters of boiling water, add three hundred-four hundred grams of raw materials , then it is boiled for 15 minutes, cooled for about ten minutes, strain and fill the bath half full. Take these baths two to three times a week for half an hour.

Infusion of fresh leaves of amaranth. Take one tablespoon of finely chopped amaranth leaves, pour one Cup of boiling water and allow to stand for about half an hour. After straining the infusion drink with honey a quarter Cup 3-4 times a day when your stomach hurts.

The juice of fresh amaranth leaves. Rinse the leaves under running water, then chop and run through the juicer. Then the juice mix in the ratio 1:1 with cream and drink one tablespoon three times a day after meals . The juice of fresh amaranth leaves helps with gastritis, diabetes, pain in the liver.

Amaranth oil

Amaranth oil is extracted from amaranth seed using cold-pressed, rarely choose to do this, the stems and leaves. In the seeds of this plant are an element of squalene (about 8%). It is considered to be very important in the treatment of tumors. It increases immunity. Amaranth oil is a source of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-6 and vitamin E. In the treatment process of any disease to use this oil with any medications because it reduces their side effects until the complete disappearance.

Amaranth oil has a taste of nut.Because of this, this oil is used in cooking.

Amaranth oil is used in the treatment and prevention of several diseases.

As part of amaranth oil contains a number of substances (such as squalane, amino acids methionine and arginine, vitamin E, carotenoids), which are antitumor and treating wounds, it can be used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (cirrhosis, cholecystitis, gastritis, alcoholic and viral hepatitis, holecistoholangit, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, fatty hepatosis (steatosis of the liver), gastro, colitis, enterocolitis, cholangitis, pancreatitis).

Well as squalene, phytosterols and magnesium, which are contained in this oil helps in diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as varicose veins, heart attack, stroke, atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, angina, inflammatory diseases of the heart and blood vessels (pericarditis, myocarditis, endocarditis, vasculitis, etc.), diabetic angiopathy, etc. With the help of this oil can stop inflammation in the cardiovascular system, reduce the possibility of blood clots and atherosclerotic plaques. Potassium, phosphorus and calcium help to strengthen the myocardium.

Amaranth oil in dermatological diseases and traumatic injuries of the skin used topically as a compress. This speeds up the process of wound healing in dry eczema, herpes, psoriasis, athlete's foot, atopic dermatitis, trophic ulcers.

Due to the fact that this oil contains iron, copper, and lysine, which are very important in the synthesis of hemoglobin, it is used in anemia.

In diseases of the throat and mouth (gingivitis, periodontitis, tonsillitis, stomatitis, periodontitis , etc.) of amaranth oil must be used only as a gargle, but always take it with food. So you will achieve the best effect.

With obesity and diabetes amaranth oil helps improve the metabolism of fat and regulation of glucose in the blood.

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Gynecology. As mentioned above, amaranth oil when applied topically promotes healing of wounds and is anti-inflammatory, so it is important to use in gynecological diseases such as fibroids, vaginitis, endometritis, cysts, erosioncervical and others. Beneficial effect this oil has on the hormones women, so its use during pregnancy will help to improve the condition of the female reproductive system. But this wonderful oil is not only for the women. Men it will help to conquer infertility, disease of the prostate, erectile dysfunction.

Eyes. Amaranth oil is also used for prevention of eye diseases such as cataracts, macular degeneration of the retina (macular degeneration), night blindness ("night blindness" is diabetic retinopathy, blepharitis), xerophthalmia, conjunctivitis. This is due to the content of vitamin E, magnesium, carotenoids.

Nervous system. This oil is useful for preventing senile dementia, various psychiatric disorders, insomnia, headaches, enhance memory and improve mental abilities. Regular consumption of amaranth oil promotes the production of the hormone serotonin, the so called "happy hormone". So if you want to be always in a good mood, don't forget the amaranth. It really is a miracle plant.

A lot of this topic has already been said about anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of amaranth oil. With the help of it you can also treat tuberculosis, various infectious viral and fungal diseases.

Amaranth oil contains a huge amount of antioxidants, so it prevents the development of cancer. Still it contributes to a better physical recovery of people who received chemotherapy.

It is recommended to take amaranth oil for muscular dystrophy: it helps to increase muscle strength and for prevention of diseases such as arthritis, rickets, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, arthritis and other diseases of the bones, spine and joints as it strengthens bone and cartilage tissue, contributes to their formation.

To strengthen the immune system. In order to cure diseases mentioned above and to strengthen the immune system, you must perform the following recommendations: drink 5 ml of amaranth oil (1 teaspoon) twice daily with food (preferably morning and evening). Before use, the oil should be shaken. To disease prevention need treatment once a month. This course is recommended twice a year, preferably in autumn and spring,when the immune system is weakened the most.

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When applied topically, i.e., in dermatological diseases or skin trauma, with amaranth oil to lubricate the affected areas of the skin two times a day (also preferably morning and evening). Don't forget that ten minutes after lubrication it is necessary to remove the excess oil from the skin. After a short period of time you will find that the pain in the wound is not as severe and the healing of damaged skin sections will be much faster.

The use of amaranth oil in cosmetology

Amaranth oil is widely used in cosmetology. The secret lies in high concentrations it is very important for the organism substances – squalene (it is an integral part of human skin). Wide application in cosmetics this oil is that it prevents the development of cancerous tumors and protects the skin from harmful substances that provides moisture and hydration, so skin aging is slowed down.

In amaranth oil contains large amounts of vitamins that also slow down the process of premature aging of the skin. It is very important that the amaranth oil, unlike other vegetable oils, this vitamin is manifested in the most active form

Also, the oil is present in provitamin a, vitamins D, B1, B2, fatty acids and other substances that contribute to the rejuvenation of the skin.

In connection with the above, amaranth oil is used in cosmetics to rejuvenate the Mature and sluggish skin.

The oil can be used if your skin is dry, dehydrated and tough, it has a nourishing, moisturizing, and softening properties.

Contraindications to the use of amaranth oil

Contraindication is individual intolerance to the product. It happens that during the use of amaranth oil can nauseated and dizzy, due to the fact that your body has been actively oxygenated. Also before taking amaranth oil, if you are sick with acute and chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, gallstone, or kidney stone disease, consult a doctor.