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Ammi dental

Description, medicinal properties, recipes and contraindications to the use of Ammi dental

Botanical description of Ammi dental

Ammi tooth – biennial herbaceous plant that can be seen in Central and Western Europe, in America. This plant is straight, naked, its height varies between 35-100 cm SDC has mostly finely cut leaves, sometimes they are cut into 3 pen. In the flowering period, especially in the phase of fruit ripening, the axis of the umbrella of the SDC dental very expanded, and in the place where it joins the pedicel, thickened. Pedicels Ammi is very hard and thick. The plant is very beautiful, it is strewn with bisexual flowers, the petals of which are unequal in shape and painted white. And the petals are deeply incised, have 2 blades and split into two. The fruits of the plants have egg-shaped and ellipse with oblong spikes, fruit length slightly greater than width. From the plant emanates a pleasant aroma, the whole plant secretes a resin. And in umbrella stands most resins, its rays are in the stage of fruiting become solid, thereby SDC use in the manufacture of toothpicks because of this, the SDC became known as "Ammi toothpick"or"Ammi tooth".

Picking and harvesting Ammi dental

Medicinal raw materials plants – fruits, which begin to gather in the stage of full russeting, or during collapsing of the umbrella. The fruit is harvested, or sex, or without it. The stalk, the rays of the umbrellas, and the crushed stems and leaves are all parts of the chaff. Raw materials must be 50% composed of fruits. The finished material is stored not more than 36 months.

Medicinal properties and application of Ammi dental

The fruits of Ammi are not a remedy, as folk medicine use ready-made tinctures and preparations of Ammi dental. Kellin is the most important and the active substance is Ammi. It has antispasmodic effect, namely, downward effect on the tone of blood vessels, gall bladder, and intestine. Under the influence Kelly will be attending dilate bronchi and venous vessels of the heart. Kellin reaches the highest concentration in the body at the moment when, after his reception will take 10-15 minutes. Antispasmodic effect on the coronary arteries of the heart, urinary and biliary tract and in the bronchi provides an isolated furocoumarins visnadin. Visnadin, in addition to the antispasmodic properties, also possesses photosensitizing properties.

Kellin should be used in chronic ischemic heart disease because it prevents the attacks of stenocardia. As for the already developed seizuresangina, then kellin will not to stop them. Kellin has a softening effect in bronchial asthma and already developed bouts of asthma he is able to stop. Kellin is part of the "Gelatina"and"Cleverin"– are drugs, which are used as vasodilators and antispasmodics.

Ammi tooth is a constituent component of the drug"Vikalin". This antispastic agent, and it is anti-inflammatory and laxative effect on the body. This drug helps in diseases of stomach ulcers and duodenum, as well as people suffering from hyperacid gastritis.

Chemical composition of Ammi dental

The fruits of Ammi are made with 20% fatty oils and from essential oil and flavonoids. Fruits contain visnadin, composition., kellin, vitaminol and other substances.

Drugs of SDC have good effect due to their content Kelly will be attending, which has 0,4–0,45 %, while in the roots of plants contains Kelly will be attending 0,07% , in leaves – 0,98–1,2 %, and in the stems – 0,09 -0,11 %.

Recipes from Ammi

Spasms of the ureters, kidney disease and renal colic apply tincture of Ammi dental. In order to prepare a tincture, you need to take 1 tbsp. spoon fruit (chopped) and pour them a glass of alcohol (40-50 %). The composition of the reserve in 2 weeks for the infusion, then squeeze and filtered.

From the same disease as the tincture of Ammi, helps "Avisan" is a complex drug, which is prepared on the basis of SDC. This formulation contains 8 % of the total content of hromonov several flavoful and furocoumarins.

When is treatment of urolithiasis need to drink plenty of fluids, for example, in 2-3 hours you need to drink at least two liters of water.

Contraindications to the use of Ammi dental

All prepared from Ammi dental preparations low toxicity. There are cases when side effects occur, such as rash, dizziness, disturbed gastrointestinal tract. Drugs from the SDC is contraindicated in case if the person has neglected circulatory failure.