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Useful properties and applications of herbs Thistle

Botanical description of Thistle

The Thistle is a perennial weed of the family Compositae. In height it reaches more than 1 m. the Stem is hollow, erect, with sticky fluid inside. On top of the stem formed of closely crowded basket-like inflorescences. They are surrounded by coverts pale yellow, prickly at the edges of the leaves. The Thistle blooms in August-September. Grows mainly in moist soils of ditches, banks of rivers, wet meadows, and vacant lots and waste places. Found in Siberia, the European part of Russia, North Caucasus, Sakhalin.

The useful properties of the Thistle

The Thistle has healing properties, although the chemical composition of this plant are not well understood. It is known that it contains tannins, alkaloids, glycosides, fats, resins, essential oil. Delicate aroma of Thistle attracts bees. For the preparation of drugs needed in the fall to dig up the root of the plant, thoroughly wash and dry under the tent outdoors or in a special dryer. According to some sources, you can use the above-ground portion of the Thistle.

Application of Thistle

In traditional medicine, the use of the Thistle for medicinal purposes has not been made yet. Due to the fact that it is very poorly understood, it is not recommended to apply at all. However, in some areas, the plant used as a remedy for gout and rheumatism. Decoction is recommended for colic, skin diseases, and hemorrhoids (in the form of poultices). Dry the blossoms combined with other herbs traditional healers prescribed to cancer patients.

Fresh herbal paste reduces inflammation, itching, cures eczema and ringworm. A decoction of the blossoms and roots help with headaches, epilepsy, neuro-psychiatric diseases. But when using Thistle not forget that the plant is poisonous, so if taken alone should proceed with extreme caution.

A decoction of the roots: 1 tbsp. teaspoon minced raw pour 250 ml of boiling water, boil on a steam bath for 8-10 minutes, to insist half an hour. The broth used as a lotion for cleansing the skin, they rinse hair with oily seborrhea.

Facial mask moisturizing: 4 tablespoons crushed leaves of the plant mixed with 1 tablespoon of yogurt and add literally 1 drop of essential oilrozy. na lico maska nanositsya na 15 minut, posle chego smyvaetsya teploj vodoj, a kozha protiraetsya kubikom lda iz otvara petrushki.

bodyak raznolistnyj

bodyak raznolistnyj – mnogoletnee koluchee rastenie s lekarstvennymi svojstvami. vysota ego 50–100 sm, stebel vertikalnyj, zhestkij. listya peristo-razdelnye, po krayam koluchie, kverhu suzhennye, snizu – belye vojlochnye. socvetie – korzinka. cvetki kruglye, alye. plod – vytyanutaya semyanka, vnutri kotoroj nahodyatsya dlinnye peristye voloski. cvetet dannoe rastenie v iule-avguste, semena sozrevaut v avguste-sentyabre.

proizrastaet etot vid bodyaka v sibiri i na urale. rastet sredi kustarnikov, v smeshannyh lesah. v rastenii soderzhitsya efirnoe maslo, alkaloidy, flavonoidy, kauchuk, antociany. travu ispolzuut v lekarstvennyh celyah, zapasayas eu vo vremya cveteniya rastenij. primenyaut kak ranozazhivlyaushee, krovoostanavlivaushee i protivovospalitelnoe sredstvo.

v osnovnom bodyak ispolzuut naruzhno v vide prisypok i primochek. melko izmelchennuu svezhuu travu prikladyvaut k ssadinam i furunkulam. rany takzhe mozhno zazhivlyat primochkami, sdelannymi iz nastoya bodyaka. poroshkom iz suhih listev prisypaut gnojnye rany. molodye listya i pobegi upotreblyaut v pishu. rastenie takzhe ispolzuut v veterinarii.

nastoj iz kornej bodyaka: 4 st. lozhki suhih izmelchennyh kornej zalivaut litrom kipyatka i nastaivaut 2–2,5 chasa. posle procezhivaniya nastoj dobavlyaetsya v vannu pri temperature ne vyshe +38 oC. vremya prinyatiya vanny – 15 minut. procedura pridaet telu svezhest i umenshaet potlivost.

bodyak polevoj

eto travyanistoe rastenie obladaet horosho razvitoj kornevoj sistemoj, v sostav kotoroj vhodyat dlinnyj sterzhnevoj i bokovye korni. sterzhnevoj koren mozhet uhodit v glub pochvy bolee chem na 4 metra. stebel pryamoj, vetvistyj, s borozdkami. listya prodolgovatye, ocherednye, plotno prilegaushie k steblu. listovye plastiny celnye, peristo-lopastnye, koluchie po krayam. odnopolye cvetki fioletovogo cveta, sobrany v metelchatye socvetiya.

plod – prodolgovataya, sdavlennaya s bokov semyanka, suzhennaya k osnovaniu, vnutri – letuchka s peristymi voloskami. semena melkie matovye, serovatogo cveta. na kazhdom rastenii kolichestvo semyan mozhet dostigat 36 tys. razmnozhaetsya etot vid bodyaka semenami i vegetativno. rastenie cvetet s iunya i do pozdnej oseni. proizrastaet v osnovnom na pustyryah i vygonah. otnositsya k trudnoiskorenimym sornyakam ogorodov i sadov.

pri izgotovlenii nastoev i otvarov ispolzuut travu i socvetiya bodyaka,kotorye sobiraut vo vremya cveteniya, korni zagotavlivaut osenu. himicheskij sostav rasteniya predstavlen glikozidami, smolami, efirnym maslom, askorbinovoj kislotoj. v zelenoj chasti rasteniya obnaruzhen letuchij alkaloid. plody soderzhat do 27 % zhirnogo poluvysyhaushego masla.

v netradicionnoj medicine ispolzuut otvary iz kornya rasteniya pri kishechnyh, pochechnyh i pechenochnyh kolikah. takzhe izmelchennyj bodyak prikladyvaut k ranam, abscessam, furunkulam. socvetiya ispolzuut v smesi s drugimi travami pri rake. pri vnutrennem primenenii nuzhna ostorozhnost, tak kak eto rastenie yadovito.

otvar iz socvetij: na 200 ml vody ispolzuut 20 g suhih socvetij. smes kipyatyat 10 minut na vodyanoj bane i nastaivaut v techenie chasa. posle procezhivaniya otvar prinimaut 3 raza v den po 1/3 stakana pri zlokachestvennyh novoobrazovaniyah.

bodyak obyknovennyj

eto dvuhletnee rastenie otnositsya k sornyakam. ego stebel pryamoj, razvetvlennyj, pokryt ostrymi shipami. v vysotu bodyak dostigaet 1,5 m. kornevaya sistema sterzhnevaya, listya zhestkie, peristo-lopastnye, po krayam koluchie. cvetki zaklucheny v koluchie odinochnye korzinki, imeut malinovuu okrasku. rastenie mozhno vstretit povsudu: vdol dorog, na polyah, pod zaborami, na musornyh mestah. legko prisposablivaetsya k lubym klimaticheskim usloviyam.

v narodnoj medicine otvary i nastojki kornya bodyaka ispolzuut kak dlya vnutrennego, tak i naruzhnogo primeneniya. sbor i zagotovka syrya osushestvlyautsya pozdnej osenu, posle okonchaniya vegetativnogo perioda. korni mout, melko narezaut, sushat. hranyat v bumazhnyh paketikah v techenie treh let. otvar pomogaet pri ostryh vospalitelnyh processah, izbavlyaet ot golovnoj boli i migreni, snimaet spazmy sosudov, ukreplyaet immunitet i povyshaet soprotivlyaemost organizma k infekciyam.

otvar takzhe ispolzuut v kachestve zharoponizhaushego sredstva pri infekcionnyh zabolevaniyah, soprovozhdaushihsya vysokoj temperaturoj. spirtovaya nastojka v vide primochek i protiranij effektivna pri kozhnyh zabolevaniyah, takih kak ugrevaya syp i furunkuly. primenyaut ee dlya lecheniya ran i ssadin. oficialnaya medicina lekarstvennym eto rastenie ne priznaet.

bodyak shetinistyj

etot travyanistyj mnogoletnij sornyak obladaet horosho razvitoj kornevoj sistemoj, sostoyashej iz pryamogo kornevisha i mnozhestva kornevyh otrostkov. stebel pryamostoyachij, so mnozhestvom vetvej,ribbed, slightly pubescent or glabrous. The leaves are alternate, densely or loosely nestles to the stem, the top is smooth, slightly pubescent below, green, oval-shaped, bristly at the edges. The flowers of this species of Thistle bisexual, purplish-red or purple hue.

Fruit – an elongated achene yellow or brown. The plant is propagated by seeds and vegetatively. It blooms from June until the first frosts. The seeds ripen in September-October. The plant is widespread in the European part of Russia, in the Caucasus, in Siberia. In natural conditions it grows in meadows, on river banks, pastures and waste places.

In folk medicine, baths and lotions from bristly Thistle is used for dermatitis of various etiologies, eczema, dandruff. Dry and fresh leaves are steamed and applied to purulent wounds, abscesses, ulcers. As a wound-healing agent used the juice from the leaves of young plants.

A decoction of the buds and the juice from the leaves is prescribed for uterine bleeding , and menstrual irregularities. Infusion and decoction of all parts of the plant drink in nervous disorders. The harvesting of rhizomes is produced in autumn and spring. It is washed from the earth, and remove adventitious roots and dried. The upper part of the plants collected during the flowering period. Dried in the usual way.

Poultices: you should be steamed with boiling water 2-3 tablespoons of chopped herbs or roots of the Thistle, a couple of minutes the grass wrapped in cheesecloth in the form of cushions and used in hemorrhoids, boils, abscesses.

Thistle garden

Perennial, prickly herbaceous plant with a height of 1 meter. Blooms in August-September. Grows on nitrogen-rich soils. Loves to settle around waterholes, along the banks of lakes and rivers. Native to Eastern Russia and Western Siberia. The people used the aerial part and the root of the Thistle garden.

A decoction of the root to treat rheumatism and gout. Doctors prescribe this remedy for toothache and convulsions. In the literature can be found mention of the fact that the plant consumed as salads using young leaves and shoots. It is believed that this salad improves digestion.

A decoction of herbs: a tablespoon of herbs to pour a glass of boiling water, boil on water bath for 5-6 minutes, to insist 1 hour, drain. Dosage: take 4 times a day for 10-15 minutes before eating a quarter Cup. The broth helps with epilepsy. Externally it is used in conjunctivitis. Cotton swabs soaked in the broth, put on eyes for 20-25 minutes.

Thistle marsh

It is a herbaceousbiennial or perennial plant height can reach two meters. Its stem is completely covered with spines. Leaves pinnately lobed, smooth, bottom – white, pubescent. Teeth of the leaves are covered in sharp prickles. Inflorescence at the tips of the stems are gathered in groups of 2-8 pieces. The flowers are pale pink or white. Flowering period – July - September, the seeds ripen in August-October. Growing this species of Thistle in the swampy forests along the banks of grassy marshes. It grows in Siberia.

Contraindications Thistle

The Thistle is considered a poisonous plant and should be used with caution, strictly adhering to the dosage. It is not recommended to use with myopathy and encephalopathy. Besides, long-term use of drugs from plants can cause hypertension and varicose veins. If the body is prone to blood clots, the treatment Thistle is performed under the supervision of experts.