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Useful properties and applications of cherry fruit

Botanical characteristics of wild cherry

Cherries belong to the Rosaceae family, is a tree or large deciduous shrub, the trunk and branches of which were covered with dark mottled matte bark. The plant has alternate elliptical leaves with short petioles. In may and June appear fragrant white flowers are collected in drooping brush. From August to September, ripe black fruit-drupe with an astringent sweet taste. The cherry tree planted in gardens, parks it is a beautiful ornamental and medicinal plant.

In the wild cherry tree is found in forest and steppe zones. The habitat is quite wide – Ukraine, Morocco (Africa), the Caucasus, Central Asia, Western Siberia and the European part of Russia.

Useful properties of wild cherry

Excellent properties of wild cherry are used by people for a long time, from generation to generation the valuable recipes of various medicines for the treatment of diseases. Great value for the treatment of many diseases are the bark, leaves, flowers and fruits of plants. The bark is cut early in the spring with small strips with a few trees carefully so as not to cause harm. Brush with berries harvested in July-September. Scented flowers are harvested in may.

In the composition of the bark and leaves have prussic acid (in the bark 0,09%, in the leaves of 0.05%), benzoic aldehyde, so there are volatile properties of decoctions and infusions. The fruits differ in the content of ascorbic, malic and citric acids, rutin, anthocyanins, flavonoids, sugars and essential oils. Kernels are rich in fatty oil, amygdalin, poliuretanom, prunasin. In the plant are tannins, which helps to relieve inflammation.

Due to organic acids cherries helps to normalize the acid-alkaline environment in the human body. Volatile have an antimicrobial quality plants, flavonoids contribute to its diuretic and choleretic effect.

The use of cherry

Cherry has a huge range of applications both in folk and official medicine. The bark of wild cherry has some tonic and sedative properties, herbal tea is shown in diseases of the heart, headaches, diseases of the stomach and intestines, pancreas and gall bladder, dysentery. Traditional healers recommend the use of tree bark for fever, acute respiratory infections, infections, this is an excellent diaphoretic and febrifuge.

Well treated venereal diseases, leucorrhoea in women. External usethe decoction of the bark of wild cherry rescues from rheumatic pain, used for rinsing if you experience a toothache. A famous ancient recipe of infusion, which is recommended to use in cancer of the internal organs.

Recipe infusion: 2 tablespoons chopped young shoots, flowers, dry bark of wild cherry have to fill in a pot, preferably enameled, pour three cups of boiling water, wrap and infuse for 6-8 hours. It turns out a dark colored liquid, which must drain, squeeze raw materials used and take as tea 3 times a day for 0.5 cups before eating.

Young branches of cherry to significantly improve the quality of treatment when used to prepare a decoction and use in combination with other drugs as a diuretic remedy for muscular rheumatism and various dermatoses.

Diarrhea in children treated by means of the leaves of bird cherry. Effective lotion with decoction of the leaves with abrasions. Alcohol tincture helps with rheumatism and gout, affecting the joints of the fingers, hands, elbows and knees. Rinse decoction the mouth and gums, prevents diseases of the throat, tooth decay and periodontal disease.

Fresh fruit juice can be used for douching with Trichomonas coleitis. Also juice 1/2 Cup with a spoonful of honey 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals for overall strengthening of the body, in violation of metabolism. Decoction of flowers, leaves and fruits cleanse and heal pressure sores and wounds. Flowers cherry effective if gangrene of the extremities, in the form of decoctions they help to recover from pulmonary tuberculosis. Infusion is recommended to wash wounds, to treat ulcers and eye diseases.

A decoction of wild cherry is suitable as an additional tool in the treatment of colitis and diarrhea of infectious origin. It is used against scurvy, for sweating for colds, as a diuretic. Fruit infusion is used for lotions, has a positive effect in the treatment of conjunctivitis. From seed cherry extract fatty oil, which is used to remedy severe ailments, such as microsporia and trichophytosis.

The fruit and leaves of wild cherry

The leaves of bird cherry emit volatile, which contribute to air purification, destruction of pathogens and small insects. At bruises and abscesses of leaves applied to affected areas, which greatly reduces pain. Mature fruits of bird cherry have a pinning effect in the diarrhea, have a bactericidalproperties, saturate the body with vitamins, strengthen immune system, normalize intestinal function. They are used in cooking – fresh, dried and in powder form.

A decoction of wild cherry

Recipes of decoctions of wild cherry passed down from generation to generation, their use has a beneficial effect in the treatment of many diseases.

A decoction of cherry fruit: 1 tablespoon of raw materials need to boil in a glass of water for 20 minutes, drain.

A decoction of the leaves of wild cherry: 20 g of raw material should be boiled in 200 ml of water for 5 minutes. Strained broth drink 1/4 Cup 3-4 times a day.

A decoction of wild cherry bark: 10 g of raw material you need to boil 200 ml of water 10 minutes, 2 hours to insist, filter and take 1 teaspoon 3-4 times a day.

The infusion of wild cherry

The use of infusions of cherry for the prevention and treatment of many diseases gives amazing results, allowing you to quickly cope with the disease.

Recipe No. 1: take 1 tablespoon of raw materials add 200 ml of hot boiled water, heat up the part in a boiling water bath (15 min), cooling at room temperature for 45 minutes, drain. If the liquid has slightly evaporated, add boiled water to initial volume (200 ml). The prepared infusion take 1/2 Cup a day 30 minutes before meals as an astringent.

Recipe No. 2: 500 ml of boiling water should be brewed 20 grams of fruit, infuse 12 hours in thermos. Drink this remedy is recommended by 100 ml 3 times a day before meals with gastritis, colitis and indigestion.

Infusion of wild cherry: 500 ml of boiling water to pour into the container with 20 g of flowers of bird cherry, let stand 10 minutes, strain and use for washing wounds, ulcers and eyes.

Tincture of wild cherry

Diseases of joints, radiculitis and osteochondrosis cause many problems is the stiffness, pain, and depressed mood. To alleviate the situation and to remove the inflammation, we have to resort to using drugs. Additionally, for quality treatment can be used effective infusion of wild cherry.

Recipe No. 1: 50 g bark cherry pour one Cup of vodka. Steep two weeks. RUB the lumbar region and sick joints twice a day.

Recipe No. 2: 150 g of cherry fruit pour 500 ml of vodka, to withstand in a cool place for 2 weeks and take 5-7 drops 3 times a day withthe treatment of stomach disorders.

Prunus vulgaris

The ordinary cherry likes moist soil, a Sunny location, you'll be bitter, intoxicating aroma of flowers. It is propagated by seeds, cuttings and layering. This unique plant is a natural pharmacy, the presence of a variety of nutrients allows you to use it productively in folk medicine and homeopathy. If you RUB the leaves of the wild cherry, the release of volatile production (volatile aromatics) increases, it contributes to the destruction of pathogens and infections, mold and fungi.

Indications for the use of decoctions and infusions of leaves, bark, flowers and twigs of wild cherry can be a cold, bronchitis, cystitis, inflammatory processes in the joints. A decoction of the leaves acts as an expectorant.

Cherry white

Cherry white is undemanding to soils, characterized by high yields, so it began to be cultivated by the gardeners in their plots. Beekeepers place their beehives near groves, where it grows cherries in large quantities. This plant is excellent bee plant. It contained vitamins C, d and E, iron, zinc, manganese, cobalt, copper, and other nutrients to maintain health and help to cure many diseases.

Cherry scented

Lung diseases treated with the decoction of flowers and leaves of bird cherry scented, they brew and drink as a pleasant aromatic and medicinal tea. Vital vitamins and minerals such as citric and malic acid, sugar, tannins, and rare elements titanium, molybdenum and strontium are well preserved in dry fruit, in some cases, contribute to improving the state by reducing the activity of the systems and the deterioration of the organs.

Cherry red

Few people know that is cherry red, she was also pleased with the beauty and fragrant scent. Tree spreading flowers seven days later, the bird cherry ordinary and blooms longer. Inflorescences are larger and fluffier, and different berry flavors. Traditional medicine convinced by many examples in practice that red cherry are very good for health. Its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties are used for the destruction of pathogenic microflora.

Berries red cherry help in the treatment of the stomach and intestines. In fresh form and as a decoction they are used as an astringent. The bark, leaves, flowers and berries brew and take for bronchitis and cough.

Contraindications to the use of wild cherry

We must remember that prolonged infusion of berries and bark of black cherry glycoside amygdalin splits and forms hydrocyanic acid is a poisonous substance,therefore, tools made from cherry, should not be stored for long periods. Cherry is contraindicated in pregnancy and children under two years of age. It is not recommended to decorate the bouquets of flowers cherry space from the aroma may appear dizzy or allergies, since the flowers and leaves contain high amount of phytoncides.