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Useful properties and applications of birch fungus fungus


Chaga is an amazing creation of nature. Growing from small disputes to large size, the mushroom is absorbed with nutrients thanks to the birch juice and the various components present in the tree on which it develops. Active components and microelements such as potassium, zinc, iron, polysaccharides etc. – are involved in all processes of the organs, when at least one of them in the body is not enough – the disease appears. To make up for important nutrients, you can accepting funds chaga mushroom. This valuable natural medicine can treat bowel disease, the liver to prevent cancer.

Botanical characteristics of fungus

Birch fungus refers to a type of "inonotus obliquus". Most often the fungus affects birch, alder, ash, elm, maple. This sterile form of the fungus develops as a result of infection of the tree by spores of a parasitic fungus. Spores penetrate the damaged areas of the bark of trees contain oil, maturing, form a comb-like outgrowths, streaked, composed of colorless hyphae. Growths of irregular shape, black color,with the surface covered with many cracks.

Inside the mushroom has a dark brown shade, closer to the wood the flesh of the fungus is reddish-brown in color. Mushroom growing for 10-20 years, breaking through the crust, sinking into the barrel, over time, on the opposite side of the barrel appears fruit body of the fungus. The tree eventually dies. Chaga is distributed in the birch groves and Russian forests, in the taiga and forest-steppe.

The fungus can be seen on the trees growing in the mountainous regions of North Carolina, Northern United States, in Korea. The fungus has an irregular shape, it is harvested at any time of the year, removing a living tree, not to cut him from the dead-fall and dead trees, as in the mushrooms, the activity of nutrients is insignificant. To keep the mushroom is best dried in a tightly sealed container, this large part of the ground, as it dries, the fungus becomes solid.

Chaga larch – wood mushroom, it consists of a mycelium, which, piercing the trunks of trees,forms a fruiting body. It lives many years, has a hoof shape and weighs up to three kilograms. Larch powder has a rough surface covered with hillocks and highly cracked crust. This mushroom grows on the Siberian cedar and fir in the North-Eastern part of Russia, the far East and Siberia. For therapeutic purposes, using only young mushrooms are white. Chaga larch is a good remedy against profuse sweating in patients with tuberculosis. She also has a laxative, styptic, sedative and hypnotic properties.

Effectively make funds mushroom in infectious diseases, graves ' disease, neuralgia. A positive result of treatment is achieved in the treatment of renal diseases, disorders of the liver, pancreas, gall bladder. With bronchitis and colds larch chaga acts as eliminating temperature and breathing remedy.

Useful properties of chaga

Since ancient times, chaga was used by people to treat various ailments. It has antimicrobial and protivoepilepticheskie properties. Its constituent substances – these natural biogenic stimulators. Thanks to the fungus organic acids unique mushroom has a therapeutic effect on the body, regulates and normalizes the ratio of hydrogen and hydroxyl ions in the body.

How useful is chaga? Chaga mushroom is very valuable as a medicinal raw material. administration of decoctions and infusions improves the condition of patients with tumors of any localization, the body is saturated with vitamins, useful components enhance the immune system. In the initial stage of development cancer remedies fungus inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Fruiting body of fungus is composed of oxalic, formic, acetic acids, polysaccharides, fiber, resin, which improves appetite, relieves pain. Sterols reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood.

Chaga has anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, tannins, able to turn off the protein, contribute to the formation of a protective film on the mucous surfaces of the bodies. The chaga extract has anti-inflammatory effects in colitis, inhibits the malignancy of the rectum.

Found in the mushroom phytoncides, alkaloids, flavonoids determine the usefulness of mushroom as a diuretic and cholagogue. Is the chaga iron, magnesium,manganese, potassium. Restorative processes in tissues occur due to the General strengthening and tonic properties of fungus.

Recovery occurs on the background of the action of melanin and trace elements – copper, aluminum, silver, cobalt, zinc and Nickel. The use of medicinal mushroom has a beneficial effect on the Central nervous system. Observed withdrawal exacerbation of chronic diseases and restoration of function of the gastrointestinal tract, enhancing the overall immune status.

The use of fungus

The use of chaga mushroom contributes to the prevention of many diseases. Good results from treatment are obtained in diseases of the joints, and decreased immunity. Shown with mushroom women's and men's diseases are well treated many skin diseases.

Inhalation takes 5-7 minutes a day is an effective and very useful for tumors of the larynx. Chaga helps to improve breathing, swallowing, relieves hoarseness, reduces inflammation.

Used mushroom for the treatment of periodontal disease, eczema, psoriasis and frostbite. It is added to drugs used to boost immunity, improve metabolism, lowering blood sugar. By the means of fungus stabiliziruemost blood pressure, regulated heart rhythm, problems are eliminated in the gastrointestinal tract.

The following traditional medicines most favorably combined with products based on the fungus (by itself each of these tools has anti-cancer activity):

If there are specially formulated recipes, you can simply take equal parts of chopped dried herb and brewed as tea. In the resulting broth need to add 2 teaspoons of tincture of birch fungus. Should take three to four times a day.

As a General remark we can add that there are two basic methods courses therapeutic products based on the fungus: short courses, repeated several times a year and having a long break between courses, and long courses (up to 3 months), having a short break (about a week). Using the first method, the therapeutic effect of waiting longer, such courses are used to prevent metastasis and consolidate the results of treatment. In the treatment in the second scheme rather quickly you receive the healing effect.


At home, you can prepare the oil of fungus, which consists of olive oil and mushroom broth. This oil solution, treating sinusitis, lubricating the sinuses.

Recipe oil chaga: 2,5 tablespoon of olive oil to mix with 1 teaspoon of infusion of fungus and infuse in a cool dark place for a day. The nutrients during this time is saturated with olive oil parinama, which have antitumor activity and other useful substances. This oil can lubricate the affected areas of the skin, eliminate muscle pain, aching joints. It is effective in the presence of the capillary network and veins on the skin, strengthens blood vessels. Lubricating oil sores, you can hope for a quick recovery from this nasty disease.

The widest use of oil funds on the basis of fungus found in the treatment of the following forms of malignant tumors:

  • cancer of the uterus;
  • breast cancer;
  • skin cancer;
  • cancer of the rectum;
  • prostate cancer;
  • running form metastases in regional lymph nodes.

These forms of cancer, located superficially, can be treated with oil of the fungus and ointments. The ointment is prepared on the basis of infusion. Pork suet is most often used as ointment base. You need to mix the infusion of fungus and fresh bacon in a 1:1 ratio. Put the mixture on a slow fire and constantly stir. You need to bring the mixture to a boil. Next, the resulting mass is necessary to remove from the heat and wrap the bowl, cover with a lid and within a day to insist. Then the mass is filtered. The resulting ointment should be stored in the refrigerator.

Chaga for cancer

For a long time people said that in those areas where there is a custom to drink a decoction of chaga tea instead, or add it to tea, people suffer malignant tumors are much less common. Also for a very long time, the birch fungus is widely used by people to treat diseases of this type. In some cases it is even used as a standalone tool. As an auxiliary method of treatment chaga has also been used and there is a fairly stable effect. No wonder the scientific clinical medicine officially recognized birch fungus cure cancer. The first products based on the fungus already released.

Atthe results of official clinical trials, a drug based on the birch fungus have a wide range of activity in the treatment of cancer.

They are non-toxic. Significant side results of these drugs are not in compliance with recommended schemes and dosages. Rarely there is an allergic reaction to birch fungus.

But it is important to note, the results of the same study revealed that some patients may develop increased excitability of the autonomic nervous system. Most often, if the patient long-term and continuous treated chagoy. However, after the abolition of the drug on the basis of fungus, these symptoms disappear almost immediately.

In patients with initial stages cancer is the most stable therapeutic effect. The General health of these patients improved, pain reduced and tumor growth is delayed.

In the treatment of cancer need to know the degree of the patient's condition and duration of treatment, in order to accurately determine what remedy to apply. While receiving prepared means of of birch fungus may be a rapid recovery or long-term. In any case, improving the condition of the patient, slows tumor growth, reduce metastasis. A decoction of chaga drink with stomach cancer.

Recipe remedies: you will need 200 grams of fungus, shredded on a grater or passed through a meat grinder 100 g of pine buds, 100 g of rosehips, 5 g of wormwood, 20 g herb St. John's wort, 10 g of licorice root. The entire mixture should be soaked in three liters of cold well water for two hours. Then, two hour composition boil on weak fire, then it must remove from heat, wrap well and insist night in a warm place. Then strain the broth and add 200 g of aloe juice (plants of ottrah to five years, 3 days privaleges), 250 grams of brandy, 500 g of honey.

The mixture should good stir and allow to stand for 4 hours. The drug was ready. The first 6 days of his prinimaut 1 teaspoon 2 hours before meals 3 times a day. In the following days – 1 tablespoon 3 times a day an hour before meals. The treatment takes two to three weeks to four months. Chaga mushroom is shown in all types of malignant tumors. In the treatment of rectal cancer include warm microclysters 50-100 ml.

The oil emulsion of the fungus: in a glass container combine 40 ml of unrefined sunflower oil and 30 ml of alcohol tincture of chaga (100 g mushroom 1.5 liters of vodka), close tightly, shake and drink up. Medication eat 3 times a day at the same time for 20 minutesbefore meals. Take it should be 10 days, then take a break for 5 days, after repeat administration of 10 days and again be interrupted for 10 days. The cycles repeat until the complete cure. Use emulsio in lung cancer, breast cancer, duodenal ulcer and stomach.

Combination with herbalism. Note that for the treatment of tumors in the gastrointestinal tract or in the abdominal cavity is additionally used quite effective the following plants:

These plants can be used for cooking and medicinal remedies. Recipe, following the ingredients to mix and soak in water for one hour (water to take on 10 pieces more than the dry powdered mixture), then bring mixture to a boil and two hours to simmer in a water bath. After removal from the fire should insist broth during the day. Then you need to strain and add Apple cider vinegar and honey (equal parts) and mix thoroughly. Should take half an hour before meals, three times a day, only one teaspoon. Use this decoction for the treatment of drug based on the fungus as an additional tool. Enough to drink it for two weeks.

The deadline and the dosage is very important to observe to avoid any side effects, especially allergies.

How to drink chaga?

To drink means prepared on the basis of fungus fungus need after will be known the diagnosis, it is of more concern to serious ailments. For prevention you can take chaga in tea. In folk medicine known a lot of effective recipes, just need to keep the proportions right and to use infusions and decoctions. When treating chagoy it is possible to observe two phases of effects on the body. In the first phase, patients feel relief, decrease pain and inflammation, this occurs in approximately one to two weeks. The second comes in a few months: the patient recovers, the improvement of the General condition of the body, examination may show that the disease has receded.

Next, you will find enough recipes of the fungus on all occasions.

A decoction of chaga

Recipe No. 1. 250 g mushrooms soaked in 2 l of water, leave to soften. After thatthe fungus is removed, RUB on a coarse grater, again dipped in the same water. Capacity chaga put on low heat and not boiling, hold for 1 hour. After that a decoction of chaga remove from fire, cool a little and strain. Take 1 Cup of dried berries of viburnumpour 1 liter of cold water, infused for 5-6 hours, then boiled for 1 hour in a water bath. Cooled, filtered and mixed with the infusion of fungus, add 250 g of agave juice and 250 g of honey.

The resulting mass is thoroughly mixed, add boiled water to 4 liters and put in 6 days in a cool, inaccessible to the rays of the sun place. After the chaga fermented, a container of infusion put in the fridge. Take 2 tablespoons of infusion 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The interval between doses of infusion should be no less than 1 hour. When receiving infusion of the shelf fungus should not be used other drugs. Treatment of uterine fibroids is 5-6 months.

Recipe № 2 1 teaspoon dried chaga and 1 tablespoon of the leaves of the hazel pour two cups of water, boil for 5 minutes, and then strain, take 2 teaspoons 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment of prostate adenoma is 14 days and is held 1 time a year.

Infusion of fungus

Recipe No.1. Fresh mushroom should be washed and grated. To grind the dry raw material, you need to soak it for 4 hours to soften, as a dry chaga mushroom is very hard. One part of the fungus should pour 5 parts of boiled water, to insist two days in a dark place, then strain the infusion and drink 3 cups a day 30 minutes before meals in divided doses. Infusion can be used for enemas: enter 50-60 ml 2 times a day for tumors in the pelvis. It is necessary to exclude days of treatment taking penicillin and glucose.

Recipe № 2. 1 Cup chopped mushroom you want to pour 5 cups of warm boiled water, leave for 1 day, drain, squeeze out the residue through cheesecloth. Take the infusion of 0.5 cups for 30 minutes before eating 6 times a day. You can keep it within three days.

Recipe No. 3. If bleeding of the gums, then rinse suitable mixture of extracts of chaga and chamomile, the course of treatment is 7 days. To prepare 1 teaspoon of chamomile and 1 teaspoon of chaga pour two cups of boiling water, cover and let steep for 4 hours, and then strain.

Recipe No. 4. 1 tablespoon chaga powderpour into a glass, pour warm water (40-50 °C), insist 6 hours. The entire infusion to drink in small SIPS for 30 minutes before eating in 3 divided doses. The course of treatment – 5-6 months. thus treating chronic gastritis.

Recipe № 5. 1 tablespoon chaga powder, 1 tablespoon kelp 1 tablespoon Potentilla mix and pour 1 liter of water at a temperature not more than 45 degrees, then insist 4 hours, strain. For added taste honey and mint. To drink the product tea within two months.

Recipe No. 6. With adenoma, it is possible to take a mixture of infusion of fungus with a decoction of burdock root. To do this, 1 tablespoon of grated burdock root pour two cups of water, boil for 3 minutes, then insist 3-4 hours, strain and mix with 50 ml of infusion of fungus. Medication take 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 21 days.

How to insist chaga?

Chaga can be infused in many ways. The longer you sustain the infusion, the better and more nutritious will be vitaminized means.

Recipe No. 1. Fresh cut or dry (pre-soaked to soften) mushroom should be crushed on a grater or in a meat grinder, cover with water in a ratio of 1:5 and leave to infuse for two hours or more. Drink the medicine several times a day, divided into equal portions.

Recipe № 2. Grind chaga and pour boiling water in the ratio 1:5. Let sit for 1.5 or 2 hours. In this tea you can add herbs, honey, lemon. Healing drink should be taken before meals.

Recipe No. 3. you need to fill in a thermos of crushed mushroom, aromatic herbs, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1:5 and maintained for 6-10 hours. Drink as tea, adding honey to taste.

Tincture of chaga

Recipe №1. A very old recipe that has been used successfully in the treatment of cancer. Half a Cup of dried minced raw pour 1 liter of quality vodka or alcohol, insist for two weeks in a dark and cool place. Make the tool recommended 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day before meals. Thanks to the infusion in cancer patients has slowed the growth of cancer cells, reducing tumors.

Recipe №2. 50 g of dry raw material is required to fill 1/3 liter of vodka and infuse for three weeks in a dark and cool place. The finished tincture do not forget to drain. Take her for half an hour before meals 3 times a day, diluting 1 tablespoon of the tincture in 50 ml of water. The course of treatment is 10 days.

Chaga extract

The recipe can be used to make chaga extract at home, it is quite simple. You need to take freshly cut or harvested by the method of drying mushroom, minced and 2 teaspoons raw materials infuse for 48 hours in 150 ml of warm boiled water, then strain. Produce a solution with high concentration. Take it should be 1 tablespoon 10 minutes before meals with circulatory disorders. The treatment is carried out for 3-5 months with breaks 7-10 days.

In folk medicine, there are amazing recipes therapeutic agents, the method of preparation of which is based on observations of people of different generations.

Recipe No. 1. 10 tablespoons of chopped chaga, you need to pour 0.5 liters of vodka, insist two weeks, and used externally for fungal infections of the feet.

Recipe № 2. 1 teaspoon minced mushroom and 1 teaspoon of chamomile is required to pour two cups of boiling water, to insist 4 hours, strain and rinse every two hours the oral cavity with periodontitis, and apply as a lotion in skin diseases.

Befungin - this medicinal product is essentially the same chaga extract with the addition of sulphate of cobalt and chloride. Before taking, dilute one tablespoon of the preparation in one glass of warm boiled water. To use the resulting solution should three times a day before meals for one tablespoon.

The treatment duration is the same as in the treatment of tincture. Traditional medicines are widely used today in Oncology when recovering from chemotherapy and drug therapy of tumors. They significantly increase the therapeutic effect in the treatment of a variety of anticancer drugs. Chaga is no exception, especially in cases when it is used as the main, but not adjuvant therapy against cancer.

Chaga for weight loss

Chaga mushroom is a real treasure of mother nature, a storehouse of vitamins, minerals, organic and amino acids. The use of the fungus in the fight against obesity contributes to the normalization of metabolism in the body and metabolism. To do this, a small ball of propolis to pour 1 Cup of infusion of chaga prepared as follows: 20 g of fungus pour 1 Cup of water with a temperature of 50 °C, add 2 teaspoons of honey. Drink the remedy every morning on an empty stomach, thus it is necessary to follow a diet, preferring a vegetable diet.

Contraindications to the use of fungus

Contraindications to the use of fungus are dysentery. It is impossible to holdtreatment during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Prolonged use can cause indigestion, increase the excitability of the autonomic nervous system, in such cases, treatment should be discontinued. People who are prone to allergies, you can determine tolerability. Before proceeding to the treatment of children with chaga, it is necessary to consult a pediatrician.

It is useful to stick to a diet: the diet at the time of treatment excluded fatty meats, smoked delicacies, canned food, spicy food, animal fats, onions and garlic. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of sweets. It is recommended the use of vegetable and dairy soups, vegetables and fruits, in order to prevent constipation. You can eat branny bread, eggs and non-carbonated mineral water.

In the treatment chagoy there are certain restrictions which you need to adhere to strictly. Restrictions:

  • intravenous glucose is inadmissible;
  • do not take chaga with antibiotics, especially those of the penicillin series;
  • you must follow the diet throughout the course need to adhere to the vegetable-dairy diet, eliminate all animal fats, limit consumption of canned food, spicy dishes, smoked meat.

Side effects. With a long reception possible diarrheal phenomenon. You may also experience an allergic reaction, vegetative lability, irritability.

Interaction. It is necessary to exclude simultaneous in/in the introduction dekstrozy and the appointment of penicillins.

General comments on the treatment chagoy

If the fungus is harvested correctly, it is non-toxic and will not harm. However, the appearance of increased excitability in continuous long-term use. Therefore, you should take a break (1-2 weeks) after taking the drug within a month.

During the period of treatment it is necessary to abandon the intravenous administration of glucose and use of penicillin.

You also need to stick to a diet, the main components of the diet should be plant foods and dairy products. Herbs, spicy food, sausage, smoked products should be excluded from the diet and to limit consumption of fats and meat.

Treatment should be courses lasting 3-5 months, breaks between courses should be 7 to 10 days.

In critically ill patients infusions and decoctions of birch fungus are particularly beneficial. They have reduced pain and improvedhealth.

It is important to know that chaga is a pretty powerful tool. So need to consult with your doctor before you start self-treatment.