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Useful properties and application of melon, its varieties

Useful properties of melon

Melon is a unique product with an incredible flavor and juicy flesh. It contains water, sugar, starch. Eating cantaloupe regularly, you can enrich your body with proteins, carbohydrates, organic acids, potassium. Vitamins C, B2, B1, PP and carotene regulate and normalize the work of many systems. Due to the high iron content of melon has a positive effect on the processes of hematopoiesis. The presence of silicon promotes healing of the skin.

Vitamin C and Polevaya acid has a beneficial effect on the Central nervous system, magnesium maintains the tone of the heart muscle. In melon, there is gold is the most rare item that is not in the fruits of other plants.

The use of melon

As a dessert vegetable melon known for a long time. In the times of Avicenna the healing properties of melon widely used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. Melon pulp has a laxative effect. As the melon is present the fiber, the fruit is consumed on an empty stomach as a means for cleaning the bowel, it is successfully used for obesity. Melon relieves fatigue, improves mood, eliminates anxiety and nervous tension.

Folk medicine recommends to use the yellow fruits of this bocenago plants for the preparation of drops, solutions for rinsing the oral cavity, compresses, lotions. Melon juice and peel are added to the water used for bathing when allergies. In bronchitis, asthmatic manifestations and pneumonia melon pulp is used as poultice that contributes to a significant improvement of the patient's condition.

Bandage with juice or pulp is removed bruises, hematomas resolve and eliminate abscesses. The beneficial effects of the juice of the melon is used in the cold. If you daily take 1 glass of melon juice with the addition of parsley juice can cure kidney stones. A glass of juice, drunk on an empty stomach in the morning, during the week, eliminates worm infestation. The high content of useful substances allows us to call a melon a valuable nutrient and vitamin product.

Diuretic properties of pulp and juice is useful in diseases of the kidneys, bladder, disorders of the cardiovascular system, hypertension.

Washing the body, melon juice promotes the removal of fluid, which removes germs and infection. This has a positive effect on the treatmentrheumatism, allergies, psoriasis and dermatoses. Invaluable assistance of melon in the treatment of anemia, hemorrhoids and constipation.

Varieties of melons

Today there are many varieties of melon. For its taste characteristics and the form varied. Melon "Musky"– a round, tapered. On the surface of the thickened peel visible veins and deep longitudinal cracks. Sweet and fragrant pulp is juicy, pale yellow hue or orange, almost red. Melon well satisfies thirst, bred this variety in North Africa.

No less amazing are the variety"Ozhen"– melon, round, oval or slightly flattened, with yellow, yellow-green or green rind. The surface has longitudinal cracks or stains. The flesh is sweet, green, fragrant. Imported this variety from Israel.

Melon varieties"Charente"grown in France. It is a small, the most delicious melon, a quality which is identical with musk. This variety has a round form, slightly tapered, has an almost smooth, yellow-white or green-blue rind with a barely noticeable dark stripes. The flesh is orange, sweet and fragrant.

Melon"Honey"comes from Morocco. They are elongated shape, fruit surface smooth, skin color – ochre with a greenish tint. Melon has a yellow-white, yellow, red or green fleshed, deliciously sweet, honey taste with pleasant aroma.

Varieties, which is considered the birthplace South-East Asia – those melons that you can buy on the Russian market, in their season are imported in large quantities and are called"our"melons. Such classes include"Canaria", "Torpedo", "Farm girl", "Harmony", "Melba","Cantaloupe", "Sweet pineapple", "Charlotte", "Golden", "Imperial" and many others, the flesh contains almost the same substances useful for the body.

Melon seeds

Melon seeds, as well as fruit have healing properties. Traditional medicine offers many different ways to use seed as a natural medicine. Miracle seeds is prescribed for treatment of prostatitis, for this you need to grind to almost powder and take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach, a day after a meal, in the evening before dinner. Because in large quantities the effects of substances of seeds negatively affects the spleen, it is recommended to drink with honey.

Folk healers believe that melon seeds cleanse the colon. Their beneficial properties help in the treatment of liver, kidney and urogenital system. Seeds are able to eliminatecough, have expectorant action, relieve the pain in the chest, help to get rid of dry mouth.

From seed you can prepare the melon milk, it is used in irritation of the urinary tract and chronic cough.

Milk recipe: melon seeds should be dried and grind, gradually adding the boiled water (slightly warm), RUB until liquid, like milk. The ratio of seed and water should be 1:8. Strained and sweetened with sugar of milk should be taken at 0.25 Cup 5-6 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

The infusion of melon seeds: 1 tablespoon of seed powder you want to pour 1 Cup of boiling water and infuse at room temperature to cool. Make the tool recommended 1 glass three times a day before meals. This infusion reduces the level of sugar in the blood.

Good the effects the seeds have on the body with the cholecystitis.

Decoction of seeds: 1 teaspoon powdered seeds pour 1 Cup of boiling milk, cook for 2-3 minutes, drink 1 glass 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 1 week.

The fruit of the melon

The fruit is melon – seeded melon, also called false berry, may have a spherical or cylindrical shape. Rind color is green, yellow, brown or white. The surface of the melon can have the strips and grooves, and may be absolutely clean and smooth. Melon replenish the vitamin supply, boost immunity, lower cholesterol in the blood, thus preventing atherosclerosis vessels. The contents in the melon of the vitamins and minerals contributes to the prevention of cancer.

Calorie melon

The calorie content of melons of different varieties varies from 30 to 38 kcal per 100 g. a Low energy value and allows you to eat the melon in the fasting days. In one small piece of melon can contain 13 grams of sugar, 90 % water and 60 calories.

Cantaloupe or melon

The cultivation of melons of this type was engaged in the estate of the Pope – Cantaluppi, this was the name. Enjoy the fruits in June-July. Peel has longitudinal stripes and covered with thick, coarse grid. The flesh is orange colored, has a strong aroma and pleasant taste. This group of cultural melon stands out among other high content of carotene.

Melon green

Among the variety of varieties can be distinguished melon "Galia Diamant"of Israeli origin. It has oval fruit, peelcovered with"mesh" in ripe condition becomes orange. For the sweet taste and fragrant pulp characteristic green-white color. The energy value of -100 g/28 kcal/117 kJ. The pulp present tannins and mineral substances.

Contraindications to the use of melon

When consuming melons need to follow some precautions. Melon is a heavy product, its fiber can cause relaxation of the stomach, and this is a huge burden for the body. Melon should be eaten separately from other products. Do not combine it with alcohol, milk. Knowing the extent and eating the melon for two hours before the main meal, you can feel the benefit and splendor of this Sunny melon culture.

Large quantities of melon can harm babies breastfed, patients suffering from diabetes, people with problems of the circulatory system. Also will have to give up from the melon in peptic ulcer disease and excessive weight.