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The use of decoction and tincture of eucalyptus

The use of eucalyptus

Helps in the treatment of influenza, putrid or catarrhal bronchitis, tracheitis, respiratory tract diseases, lung abscess and laryngitis etc. it is Necessary in a Cup of boiling water add a tablespoon of eucalyptus and leave on time, pre-wrapped fabric. After a couple of hours, you should skip the part through cheesecloth or a strainer, and then drink three times a day a tablespoon. You can also use this tool for rinsing. If angina or affected the upper Airways – another recipe: pour two tablespoons of the leaves with a liter of water and put on fire, and then inhale-exhale steam coming from the pan. Thus it is necessary to dress warmly, and that warmth was inside. Or you can use as a crockery kettle on a slow fire – inhale-exhale steam from the spout.

For getting rid of ulcers, wounds that cannot be healed for a long time, and phlegmon use the following: mix a Cup of boiling water only fire with thirty grams of dried crushed leaves of the plant, put on the fire for thirty minutes, stir regularly. Then let cool and strain through cheesecloth or a strainer. Use a tool like gadgets. You can add in the boiling water drops of eucalyptus oil and inhale over received. Channels in the nose should be smeared with oil.

The following recipe will help if chronic rhinitis. The procedure is performed twice a day (morning and evening), to do this, take lukewarm salty water to pour a teaspoon of tincture of calendula or eucalyptus five hundred milliliters of water and wash the nose, which is slightly bent down approximately forty-five degrees with the nose to absorb solution, and then release through the mouth. Must use entire composition, not getting up, then be sure to blow your nose – separately for each nostril.

Suffering from acute respiratory diseases or asthma should use the above recipe, based on one tablespoon four times a day. It is possible to do inhalations, which you need to pour a glass of water and twenty grams of dry leaves (chopped), bring to boil and keep for fifteen minutes and then pass through cheesecloth or a strainer.

To cope with the diseases of urogenital, as well as the kidney disease will help tincture of the herb two or three times a day for fifteen or twenty drops. Eucalyptus is used when douching in gynecology in the form of decoction, to deal with discharges. While eucalyptus oil is used to coat a tampon in the case, if there is erosion,colpitis or ulcer of the cervix.

In addition, in bronchitis, pleurisy or bronchitis three times a day take tincture plants (sold in pharmacies), dripping from fifteen to thirty drops in a quarter glass of water.

Properties of eucalyptus

Eucalyptus is a plant that is used in modern medicine and folk for the prevention and getting rid of many diseases. It is very useful for the human body, because of the leaves of this plant produce from two to three percent of essential oil. This leaves pre-dried and then distilled using steam. The result is an oil with a distinctive mint flavor, the color of which can vary from pale yellow or green, to transparent, which is colorless. In addition, the leaves of the plant are bitter and tannins, resin.

The positive aspect is that the oil of eucalyptus contains cineole analogue (it is in the rosemary, Laurel and sage), called "evkaliptola" acting on the same principle and also is the main ingredient of eucalyptus.

Possible to identify the key nutrients that are in eucalyptus, among them healing the bitterness, tannins, phytoncides, which are used for getting rid of different kinds of germs and bacteria. Moreover, the number present in the leaves of eucalyptus volatile he is ahead of all the herbs and deciduous trees that produce essential oils. He even loses Laurus Nobilis, known for its high content of antibiotic substances of plant origin.

Eucalyptus is an indispensable tool for getting rid of many pathogens, such as staphylococci, Shigella dysenteriae and Streptococcus. It stops the spread of Trichomonas, which is striking in a sexual way and treated pretty hard, as well as Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mycobacterium (lat. Mycobacterium) is a genus of actinomycetes of the family Mycobacteriaceae). In addition, eucalyptus is indispensable in cases of suspected fever caused by malaria. No accident is known to dislike all the blood-sucking (mosquitoes, gnats) to the smell of the plant. And created an infusion of eucalyptus serves to relieve the redness and relieves itching caused by insect bite.

A decoction of eucalyptus

This decoction is used in cases of gastritis with low acidity, and when the pain in the intestines. The composition is very simple and prepared at home. You need to take two tablespoons of eucalyptus leaves (it will be about ten grams), put them in a pot of enamel and add a Cup of boiling water (about two hundred ml), cover with a lid and then put in a water bath for half an hour. After necessary to leave the vehicle to cool for ten minutes in the room, then pass through cheesecloth or a strainer, and then the squeeze.

Ready ingredients needed to bring the number up to two hundred ml with boiled water. Hold it cool, with a maximum of forty-eight hours. To drink broth it is recommended that a quarter Cup after a meal three times a day in the form of heat. The medication reduces inflammation and is an antiseptic. You can use it to gargle or inhalation, adding in a glass of water a tablespoon of the composition.

The tincture

The tincture is used to treat flu and colds, cough and respiratory diseases, purulent mastitis and pustular diseases on the surface of the body, abscesses. It relieves inflammation and is antiseptic. Also essential tincture of ulcers and cervical erosions. To use it is like this: one Cup of boiled water (room temperature) you need to add a teaspoon of the tincture (available at pharmacies). As tincture to RUB for rheumatism or sciatica, and in the case of neuralgia.

Contraindications to the use of eucalyptus

Usually negative impact on the human body from the eucalyptus-containing medicines is not noticed – of course, subject to strict adherence to application instructions. In addition, it is noted that the eucalyptus oil has no impact on patients with nephritis, as of the reaction of the pelvis of the kidney when using it should not be. However, you cannot delete the standard side effects listed in the instructions for most medicines, such as allergies, personal rejection or hypersensitivity to the drug. When applied to the body can become irritated.

Therefore, before using eucalyptus or containing it means we have to watch the initial reaction and lack of side effects in the form of intolerance or hypersensitivity.

In addition, eucalyptus is not recommended for use inside in such diseases as severe kidney damage or liver. Use also inside unfavorable for children up to two years.Contraindications exist and inhalation, for patients with whooping cough, bronchial asthma, and spasms of the respiratory tract. For pregnant women the use of essential oils, including eucalyptus, is permissible only after prior consultation with the doctor, and after use should be as neat and strict adherence to the instructions.