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The cultivation and benefits of fennel

Botanical characteristics of fennel

Fennel is a perennial (rarely biennial) plant of the Umbelliferae. The plant has a yellow stem fleshy root. On a straight stem with thin edges, are once the leaves are ovate triangular shape. The leaves at the bottom – large size, and the leaves in the middle and at the top of the stalk is sessile. All plant parts have a gray patina. Yellow flowers clustered in a small complex inflorescence – umbrellas. Fennel fruit – dvusemyanka oblong gray. Inside the fruit there are many small and light seeds.

Fennel blooms in summer and the fruits ripen in early to mid – autumn. Wild fennel is found in the Crimea, Middle Asia and Transcaucasia. For fennel is better suited fertile soil or black earth. This plant is grown in China, Japan, Germany, Romania and other countries of the world.

Growing fennel

Fennel is grown from seed. Before sowing the soil should be cleaned from weeds, to dig and fertilize. For sowing seeds is most suited early spring. Crops need to produce, keeping the distance between the rows of half a meter. When the seedlings have two true leaves, doing the thinning. To care for the fennel simple: this plant only requires fertilizing, weeding and regular hoeing. To get a gentle thickened stalk, the plant must be Spud. After 1.5 month from the day of sowing you can collect the nodules and the leaves of the plant. The leaves are harvested within two months.

The beneficial properties of fennel

The fennel contains vitamins of different groups, which are useful to the human body, especially during illness. Fennel has antibacterial properties, as well as choleretic and diuretic effects. The plant is used as antispasmodic. It is recommended to use people who have impaired motility of the bowel. Fennel is composed of such substances which have a calming effect on the nervous system.

Oil of fennel

The essential oil of fennel cleanses the entire body, removes waste and toxins. Oil has expectorant, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties and also reduces blood pressure, improves heart function. In addition, this oil is used to improve appetite. Oil of fennel has antibacterial, diuretic and carminative properties. It is recommended for use in hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, cystitis, pulmonary tuberculosis andmany other diseases.

In addition to such a huge number of positive qualities, this oil has a negative side: it cannot be used by pregnant women and young children.

Oil is used as a means to massage, compresses and baths.

The use of fennel

Fennel is used in folk medicine most often in the form of decoctions and infusions, which is recommended for insomnia, flatulence, cough and abdominal pain. Make fennel water, which is called "gripe water" and used in the case of the accumulation of gases in babies. In addition, this plant makes a good laxative effect. Fennel helps to improve the condition of people suffering from kidney diseases, colds and eye diseases.

The seeds of the plant are used for making broth, which helps to cure skin diseases and conjunctivitis. Fennel is a great remedy for constipation and nausea.

Fennel for lactation. Take 1.5 grams the following fruits: fennel, dill and anise. Now this mixture pour a glass of sour cream. All this stir and poison it in the oven at small fire for half an hour. Take the finished product before going to sleep every day in the form of heat.

Fennel and gastritis. Take fennel fruit, roots of licorice, the roots of couch grass and marshmallow 1 teaspoon. This also added 1 teaspoon of chamomile. All mix well and take 1 teaspoon of this collection and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour to infuse. Strain the finished infusion, it is used for 200 ml at night.

The oil of fennel with bronchitis. Taking 5-10 drops of essential oil of fennel, they are dissolved in 200 ml of boiled milk. You need to take medicine warm, can be sweetened with sugar.

Fennel with chronic cough. Take fennel fruit and grind them. Now 1 teaspoon of ready raw materials pour 200 ml of water and send it on a slow fire for half an hour. After removing from the fire, filter the broth and take three times a day for 2 tablespoons. medication must be done in a quarter of an hour before meals.

The fennel juice in the menstrual cycle. Take the herb fennel, the fruit of the carrots and beets. Squeeze the juice from them and mix all in equal shares. You need to make 100 ml of ready mixed juice twice a day.

Fennel for weight loss. Fennel seeds not only eliminate the feeling of hunger, but also give a diuretic effect. Often slimmingapply a tea out of fennel. For its preparation take 20 grams of fennel seeds and pour a glass of boiling water. Put the composition on the fire for half an hour. After removing from heat, leave for half an hour to infuse. If you want to lose weight faster, but tea can also add fennel seeds in food.

Contraindications to the use of fennel

Fennel should start to take in small doses, as many people have an individual intolerance to it. In addition, fennel is not recommended for:

  • during pregnancy because fennel contains substances that are competitors of the female sex hormones;

  • epilepsy;

  • diarrhea;

  • when violation of cardiac rhythm