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The use of Polygonum snake, persicaria maculosa, bird

Botanical characteristics of Polygonum

Knotweed is a perennial plant in height from 30 to 120 cm, has large basal leaves, wavy edges, dark green above and glaucous below. At the top of the straight stem focused small flowers, pale or dark pink, collected in spike inflorescence. Flowering plants in may – July. The rhizome is S-shaped, transversely-ringed, covered with numerous rootlets.

Highlander flooded the European part of the CIS, Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk territory and most of Siberia. It can be found in the meadows with fertile soil, grass inhabits the banks of rivers, Sunny edges of forests. Prefers damp places transitional and lowland margins of swamps, river floodplains. Drainage of wetlands resulted in a decrease in the bushes of Polygonum snake.

Properties of Polygonum snake

Medicinal raw materials are harvested in may. During this period the rhizomes contain large amount of tannins. Washed roots are dried in the open air, shielding from direct sunlight. Outside dark brown, inside pinkish with a brown shade roots are astringent, bitter taste. The roots are Gallic acid, catechin, oxytetracycine, a large amount of starch, calcium oxalate. Also the rhizome is rich in ash, macronutrients, starch and protein. Funds on the basis of the mountaineer snake have astringent, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic properties, exert resorptive (after absorption in the blood) calming effect. The flowers contain ascorbic acid and flavonoids.

The use of Polygonum snake

In the early application of Polygonum snake inside is not always possible to achieve quick and positive action for improvement, as the astringent properties are manifested slowly, there must be breakdown of the active substances under the influence of digestive juices. Over time, the reception of medicinal herbs leads to good, stable therapeutic result. External use for wounds and various rashes astringent, anti-inflammatory and hemostatic effect. Highlander snake – a source of tannins, useful in diarrhea and as a means for rinsing the oral cavity and throat inflammation.

In folk medicine, the rhizome of Polygonum effective in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallstones and urolithiasis, and internal bleeding. With its help reduce inflammation in cholecystitis, cystitis. The rhizome is used as a perfect tool to douching withgynecological diseases. In China, rhizomes are used to treat a variety of tumors. Tincture of rhizomes mountaineer snake suitable for the treatment of gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers, relieves dysentery, women's diseases, alleviates nervous disorders. Externally the plant is used as a lotion for bleeding wounds and ulcers. The powdered root of Polygonum resolves abscesses. 0,5–1 gram of powder taken three times a day is enough to get rid of dysentery and indigestion.

The infusion of Polygonum snake: 2 teaspoons of root is necessary to fill a thermos 1 Cup boiling water and drink the entire infusion during the day, dividing the volume into four parts. It is not recommended during treatment eating spicy and protein.

A decoction of Polygonum snake

Recipe No. 1. 2-3 teaspoons of the root, pour 1 Cup of water, boil for 10-15 minutes. Make the tool recommended 1-2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

Recipe №2. A liquid decoction of Polygonum snake is prepared from 10 g of material per 200 ml of water. The rhizome is crushed to pieces no larger than 3 mm, fruits and seeds – not more than 5 mm, pour water at room temperature, sealed and heated in a boiling water bath with frequent stirring for 30 min, filter immediately after removal from the water bath. Take broth 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day before meals.

Persicaria maculosa

Persicaria maculosa – an annual grass, reaching 1 m in height. The plant has a stem slightly branched root. The stem of this species of knotweed erect, with branches knotted. Leaves – alternate, lanceolate, with a reddish stain on the surface.

Persicaria maculosa blooms in June-August small pink flowers that form a spike inflorescence. Black, shiny fruit has an ovoid shape. Growing this species in Europe and Asia, Russia, he adapted to the climatic conditions of North America. It can be found along roads, rivers, near irrigation channels, fields, gardens and orchards.

The herb Polygonum pochechuynogo contains tannin, Gallic acid, flobafen, essential oil, flavone derivatives, hyperoside, avicularin, quercitrin, rutin. It also revealed the presence of acetic, citric and butyric acids, vitamin K, mucilage, pectin, calcium oxalate, sugar.

An infusion and liquid extract of Polygonum pochechuynaya affect the narrowing of blood vessels, promote clotting and blood viscosity, strengthen uterine contractions, improve skin tone andincrease intestinal motility, contribute to the improvement of heart functions.

The extract exhibits diuretic properties, has a laxative effect in chronic atonic and spastic constipation. Patients suffering from constipation protogenoi nature, prescribed infusion of herbs Polygonum pochechuynaya.

Highlander pochechuynaya infusion: 10 g of dry grass pour a glass hot boiled water, brew for 30 min in a water bath. Make the tool recommended from 1 tablespoon to 100 ml 3 times daily before food for a period of 7-21 days. The dose can be individualized. This infusion is also suitable in the treatment of hemorrhoids, fissure of the rectum, with frequent bleeding and douching with obesity.

Cystitis is often accompanied by blood discharge; in this case persicaria maculosa acts as a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. intake of herb improves health for bladder cancer.


Knotweed is a plant with erect stems up to 60 cm, has many branches, the reason may lie on the ground or lifted up, has a large number of nodes. The taproot of the plant is thick, subramose.

Leaves alternate, elliptic or linear-lanceolate, small, grayish-green. Flowers small, light green, pink or white lobes on the edges. They are located in bunches in the leaf axils. Flowering plants starts from April and continues till the last autumn month. The ripening of the fruit, similar to a nut, is from July to September.

This species grows on empty fields, vacant lots, it settles in the banks of rivers, yards, paths, etc. vstrechaetsya Not only in the Arctic and Antarctica.

Knotweed is used as decoctions, infusions in violation of the functions of the intestines, dysentery, cholecystitis. In the form of lotions and powders used for inflammatory skin diseases. Means prepared on the basis of knotweed, do rinse mucous membranes of the mouth in scurvy, stomatitis.

Effective douching cystitis, colpites, vaginitis. Found in the herb useful active substances. The roots contain large amounts of ascorbic acid, anthraquinones, vitamins E, K and Pro-vitamin a, avicularin, hyperinflation, isorhamnetin, myricetin, quercetin and kaempferol, tannins, essential oil, coumarins. Identified as scopoletin and umbelliferon, Gallic, coffee, Komarova, chlorogenic acid, resin, mucus andcompounds of silicic acid.

The flowers of the plant are rich in flavonoids. All the above-ground part is endowed with ash, macro - and microelements. Effective substances for various diseases are silicic acid, mucus, tannins, flavonoids and saponin. Knotweed is a component of the teas, used for cough and lung diseases. In the regulation of metabolism, the use of tea witch hazel helps to cleanse the blood.

Infusion of herbs knotweed: 3 tablespoons raw materials placed in enameled pots, pour 200 ml of hot boiled water, close lid and heated in a water bath for 15 min., cooled at room temperature for 45 min, filtered, the remaining raw materials squeeze. The amount received infusions bring boiled water to 200 ml. Take means 1/3–1/2 Cup 2-3 times daily before meals.

Decoction knotweed: the broth is prepared in the ratio of raw material to water 1:10. Chopped herbs pour room temperature water, put in a water bath for 30 min, cooled 15 min, then filtered. Make the tool recommended 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

The knotweed juice: the juice squeezed from adult plants collected in the flowering period. Take 1/2–1 glass, adding a spoonful of honey 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

Flavonoids, silicon compounds and tannins contained in witch hazel, prevent the formation of urinary stones, have hypotensive action.

The root of Polygonum snake

The root of Polygonum snake, the perfect raw material for the preparation of medicinal. It is harvested in August-October, dried in the open air, protecting from rain and sunlight. Dried roots are odorless, on a break have a brownish-pink color, they can be stored for two years.

Contraindications to the use of the mountaineer snake

Contraindications for use of the mountaineer snake are acute inflammation of the kidneys and bladder. Due to the fact that the plant is peculiar crownworthy action, it should not be taken by people suffering from thrombophlebitis, and pregnant women.