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Useful properties and applications of gentian

Botanical characteristics of gentian

Gentian is a genus of perennial, rarely annual herbs or shrubs whose height is from 20 to 150 cm Plant belongs to the family gentianaceae, which has about 400 species. The gentian leaves are opposite and entire.

Root thick, short, with thin threadlike roots. Stems usually short and direct. Flowers solitary or few in number. Corolla campanulate Waranty or, in rare cases, it spreads its leaves, forming the shape of the plates. The fruit of gentian – folding box is growing from the ovary is unilocular.

In the vast majority of cases, color gentian blue, blue (various shades) and purple. There are species with yellow and white flowers. Flowering time depends on the type of gentian, because certain types bloom in spring, others summer or fall.

The benefits of gentian

Most species of gentian has healing properties, and knowing which healers use them in their medical practice. The aboveground part and roots of gentian contain a number of biologically active substances that have a positive effect on the organism in various diseases.

The pharmacological properties of plants is primarily determined by the presence of bitter substances, glycosides, have a positive effect on the gastro-intestinal tract and stimulating the appetite. Glycosides also have antispasmodic action.

At the root of the gentian dedicated gentomicin, amelogenin, bitter glycosides: amarasiri, marapanim, vertinary. In the root part of the plant was discovered alkaloid called gentianin, a list of nutrients supplemented by other alkaloids — derivatives of pyridine: geniality, gentianales, ventipulmin, gelofusin.

Gentianin helps to suppress cough, cramps, lower temperature, and also has a sedative and anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition to these substances, the roots of gentian (for example, the great yellow gentian) detected aromatic compounds, tannic and resinous substances, pectin, ascorbic acid, inulin. Also in the roots revealed a fatty oil and sugar (trisaccharide of gentians and the disaccharide sucrose).

In many species of gentian, in their root parts, we found 13 phenolcarbonic acids. The most common for this species are on-hydroxyphenylacetate, pyrocatechol, m-hydroxybenzoic and genoprotective, ferulic acid,thanks to which enhanced evacuation function of the stomach.

The use of gentian

For the first time used infusions and decoctions of gentian began in Ancient Egypt as an effective means for the treatment of gastric diseases in Ancient Rome with convulsions, severe contusions, bites of poisonous animals, and also as a treatment for plague.

In the Middle ages gentian was used for the treatment of tuberculosis, plague, fever, diarrhea, and also as an effective sedative. It is interesting to note that at the same time in the mountain countries from the roots of gentian made bitter alcoholic beverages.

Gentian has always been specially valued in the Carpathians. Here it can help treat various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gallbladder, liver. Decoctions used for the treatment of pulmonary diseases, sexual disorders. People in a gentian was used as a tonic, antitussive, anthelmintic means. Decoctions recommended in rheumatic arthritis, gout, scurvy, jaundice, heartburn, constipation, and even in allergic diseases.

Today in folk medicine, gentian is still popular. Tools based on it is recommended to improve appetite, normalization of the digestive system are used as an excellent cholagogue, hemostatic and anti-inflammatory drugs for the treatment of gout, eye diseases and difficult healing wounds, to stimulate the liver, drugs gentian increase heart rate.

Indications for use of medicinal decoctions and tinctures based on gentian are also diathesis (or "scrofula"), anemia, disturbance of the composition of gastric juice (Akhil), constipation, flatulence. Grass is recognized as the perfect General tonic.

In Italian folk medicine healers gentian is used to normalize blood pressure. Tibetan doctors use certain types of plants (gentian gentian large-leaved and large-flowered) in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gall bladder, sore throat, cancer.

Drugs, including gentian, are used in official medicine. As a rule, tonics, and drugs aimed at treatment of diseases of the digestive system, disorders of appetite, ahilii. Gentianused as a cholagogue, to combat flatulence, anemia, chronic hepatitis.

Gentian root

The finished material contains two important glycosides: amelogenin and gentIemen, – substances used in the preparation of bitterness. At the root of the gentian also contains a special sugar – Gentianes and gentiobiose. Treatment means prepared on the basis of gentian root, very effective. However, the duration and result of treatment in the main dependent on the disease phase and the state of the stomach.

The main objectives of sugars are increase appetite, stimulate gastric secretion, accelerate the process of nutrients from the stomach into the duodenum, thereby cures indigestion without causing constipation.

The gentian root has tonic, antipyretic effect, used for anemia, improves blood pressure, it is used to treat malaria. The root of yellow gentian is part of a number of phytotherapeutic drugs, such as balsam Bittner and Swedish bitter. Tissa, whose composition is based on folk recipes.

Decoctions of gentian root

Recipe No. 1: 1 tablespoon of dried and ground gentian root should pour in a bowl and cover with water (250 ml), then cook on low heat for 10 minutes. Make the tool recommended for 15-20 minutes before eating 20 grams. The broth is designed to increase appetite.

Recipe No. 2: 3 teaspoons of dry raw materials, pour water (700 ml), bring to boil, cook on a low heat for 15 minutes, then leave for at least two hours, and then strain. Take medication 15-20 minutes before meals for 0.5 cups. The broth is intended for the treatment of rheumatism, arthritis, gout.

Recipe No. 3: you Must take 5 tablespoons raw materials of gentian root, and 3 tablespoons of oak bark. The resulting mixture boil for 10 minutes. This decoction helps to solve the problem with sweaty feet. Foot bath it is recommended to do daily before going to bed.

Flowers gentian

The flowers of gentian, as a rule, have a blue, blue color, sometimes yellow and white. They are fairly large, their length ranges from 2 to 5 cm depending on the species. As a medicinal raw material are not used.

The seeds of gentian

Gentian seeds are very small. Differslow growth.

The best time for sowing is the period from January to April. For maximum effect, the seeds are scattered on the surface of well-moistened organic fertilizer or compost in a thin layer, sprinkle more on top. The crop is compacted, after which a flat dish covered with glass or wrapped in a plastic bag. When growing plants you should avoid direct sunlight. The seeds of gentian impossible to collect in large quantity, so for medicinal purposes do not use them.

Yellow gentian

Yellow gentian is a herbaceous plant up to 120 cm, and Special attention is given to gentian root: it is short, thick, characterized by the presence of branched rootlets. Stems erect, glabrous. Leaves paired, fused bases, simple, broadly ovate. Flowers aggregated in clusters of 3-11 flowers.

Flowering occurs in June-August, fruiting plant in September. Gentian grows high in the mountains in subalpine meadows and in the upper zone of forests in the Carpathians, the Balkans, the Alps, the Pyrenees and in the mountains of Asia Minor. The plant can be found almost throughout Europe, except Poland, the Baltic States and Russia (with the exception of the mountains of Tlyaratinsky district of the Republic Dagestan). Today, the yellow gentian is an endangered plant. The gentian is actively used as a healing agent since the middle Ages.

The famous German physician Hieronymus Bock (1498-1554) first spoke about the gentian as an effective digestive remedy. During the plague this plant became the drug number one. It was used not only to combat the plague, but also for the treatment of fever, tuberculosis, diarrhea, flatulence, and to prevent worms. Medicinal properties of gentian root are explained by its composition: it contains bitter glycosides, which increase motility of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, the roots of the plant contain bitter, bioflavonoids, fatty and essential oils, sucrose, pectin, mucilage and resin. For the leaves characterized by a high content of ascorbic acid.In scientific medicine yellow gentian is used for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, increase appetite and normalize blood circulation.

Folk medicine uses gentian more widely. Decoctions and infusions of herbs are prepared with the purpose of increasing appetite, combating heartburn, colic, constipation.

Some decoctions are used externally – for example, a decoction of sweating feet. To heal the festering wounds, it is recommended to sprinkle the affected area with a special powder made from dried and ground gentian root in combination with flowerschamomile.

Bulgarian folk healers recommend the gentian and gall bladder, liver, anemia. Gentian root is used in homeopathy. Medicines are prepared from the fresh roots and are appointed by anorexia, feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Stemless gentian

Stemless gentian is a perennial photophilous plant, which reaches a height of not more than 10 cm Leaves entire, opposite, sessile. Leaf form is oval. Flowers rather large, their length is 5 cm, single, attract the attention of a bright blue color. The fruit of the plant – box with a single socket. Gentian blooms in may. The seeds in this species the plants are small. Gentian is used in the preparation of group of flower arrangements, as well as in the design of rock gardens.

Gentian pulmonary

Pulmonary gentian is a plant (perennial) height up to 65 cm in the Root of a short, cylindrical shape, from the root to depart threadlike roots. Leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, opposite, narrow, fused at the base. The flowers are located on top of the stem, have a deep blue color. Calyx campanulate flowers. The fruit – capsule. Flowering occurs in August. To bear fruit the plant begins in October.

Pulmonary gentian grows in Siberia, the Caucasus, Western Europe. Found generally in meadows, on light soils, on sandy plains, edges and slopes.

Gentian lung is considered a decorative plant, but since ancient times it was used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The aerial parts of this species contain glycosides, alkaloids, essential oil.

In the leaves in a small amount of discovered vitamin C. the Root is the medicinal raw contains glycosides, alkaloids, erythrocuprein, carotene, vitamin C, tannins. Thanks to its amazing composition of gentian lung is used for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract, as the antihelminthic drug, and promotes positive effects on the tone of the uterus, it reduces the amount of bleeding during menstruation.

Gentian dahurica

Gentian dahurica is a perennial herb. It grows in the Altai region, in the South-Eastern part of Kazakhstan, in the North-Western part of China. This species can be found in meadows, slopes and in river valleys.

As medicinal raw materials use the roots of plants, which discovered carbohydrates, alkaloids (encinal, gentianin), iridoids (gentiopicroside, sweroside, vertinary).

In medicine the plant is recommended as an antipyretic,Antirheumatic, anti-hemostatic, anti-inflammatory drugs. Gentian helps to normalize metabolic processes and improve appetite, improves the digestive system, is used as diuretic, analgesic, choleretic, antitumor, spasmolytic and increases the potency means.

Scientifically proven the effectiveness of gentian in epidemic influenza, and when giacini gastritis.

Gentian trehmetrovaya

Trehmetrovaya gentian is a perennial plant. Its stems are straight, not branched, and reach a height of 80 cm Lower leaves conjoined at the vagina, upper and mid – lanceolate-linear, free. Flowers usually pentamerous, sessile. Calyx small, campanulate. Corolla tubular-clavate. Has a rich dark blue color.

Blossoms from August to September. Growing this species of gentian in the marsh area on the territory of the Russian Federation (Eastern Siberia, Sakhalin), Japan, China, Korea. As medicinal raw materials in most cases used rhizomes with roots, much less grass. Medicinal properties of plants are due to alkaloids, flavonoids, bitterness, and ascorbic acid.

In folk medicine, gentian trehmetrovaya it is recommended to increase appetite, and also as a means of normalizing the digestive tract.

Tibetan medicine uses not only the roots, but the flowers of the plant gastritis, neurasthenia and fatigue. The leaves are used as an external agent that promotes wound healing.

Gentian semirazdelnye

Semirazdelnaya gentian is a beautiful ornamental plant. It reaches a height of 30 cm Stem is erect or ascending. Leaves lanceolate, sessile. Flowers rather large, clustered in terminal bunches up to eight flowers, their length reaches 4 cm, color dark blue. Gentian blooms from June to July. Growing this species in the Crimea, in the highlands of the Caucasus, Iran, Asia Minor, and also in Russia. Gentian semirazdelnye – a perfect plant for design borders or rocky garden.

Roots and herb plants are also used as a therapeutic agent. Composed of gentian alkaloids, flavonoids, phenol carbonic acids, and carbohydrates and vitamin C. herbal Teas help to increase appetite and normalize the digestive activities of the body, have antibacterial effect.

A decoction of gentian semirazdelnye: receptacle pour 3 tablespoons of dry powdered herb pour 400 ml of water, put on medium heat, cook for 3 minutes, then infuse for one hour, and thendrain. A decoction is taken 3 times daily, 15-20 minutes before meals. Dosage is 1/3 Cup.

Gentian cruciate

Cross gentian is a perennial herb, which is characterized by a thick rhizome. Its stems are straight, sometimes slightly raised, reach a height of 20-50 cm Leaves bratmobile-lanceolate, opposite, connate in pairs, their number could reach 8 to 10 pairs. The flowers are four-sided, clavate-campanulate, medium, their length is 2-3,5 mm. flower Color is bright blue. Fruit – capsule.

Blossoms from July to August. Growing gentian cruciate in Russia (the exception is the Northern regions of the country). It can be found in Western Siberia on dry grassy slopes, meadows, forest edges, in sparse forests, glades, river valleys. Is considered a rare plant. As medicinal raw materials use the herb and rhizome. Infusions and decoctions of gentian is popular in folk medicine. They are recommended for inflammation of urinary system, kidney diseases and as a tonic.

A decoction of gentian cruciate: 1 tablespoon crushed dried roots need to pour in a bowl and pour a glass of boiled water, then cook over low heat for 30 minutes. The decoction should insist to cool and drain. Used ready stredstv 3 times a day for 20-30 minutes before meals.

Contraindications to the use of gentian

You should avoid overdose. Revealed that the use of tinctures, the dosage of which does not exceed 35 drops, absolutely harmless to the body. Excess leads to facial flushing, headaches, dizziness. With extreme caution it is recommended to drink herbal teas and medicines to people suffering from increased irritability of the mucous membrane of the stomach, ulcers, high blood pressure.

It is not recommended to receive funding based on gentian pregnant women and nursing mothers. There is a possibility of allergic reactions because of the intolerance of bitterness.