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Useful properties and application recipes pomegranate

Botanical description pomegranate

Pomegranate is a large shrub or small tree about 4 metres high with beautiful long leaves and large fruits. Pomegranate grown in the home, in which the plant grows to about 1 meter. Branches of pomegranate brown-yellow color. The pomegranate flowers bright red, they can be single, or may be arranged in bundles. Pomegranate – red berry-like ball having a plurality of seeds. The pomegranate is a beautiful and long blooming. The tree has beautiful scarlet flowers that are blooming similar to silk scraps. The plant is very fruitful.

Grenades can be seen in Iran, CIS, Tajikistan, Crimea and the Mediterranean.

The cultivation of pomegranate

For indoor conditions, better suited dwarf pomegranate, because it is the most hardy and does not need much space. This pomegranate tying little fruit, but they are very large, with a pleasant taste and easy giving juice.

Grenade is more suitable for the South windowsill. The plant needs to be wide and shallow pot. In pots you need to fill clay, nutritious, and even better with horn shavings to the soil. The first 5 years of grenades should every March to be transplanted into another pot. And then the transplant can be done after every 3 years. Pomegranate responds well to fertilizers that are sold for indoor plants. In the spring and summer time to do fertilizing every 14 days.

Constant watering pomegranate not need. If the soil is dry about 2 cm depth, it means that the plant should be watered. If the weather is hot, then the grenade will like it if its apricot cool water. In the summer of grenades can be transplanted into the ground.

Pomegranate – a photophilous plant, therefore, should be left in a light place.

Weak shoots are left blank, they are not formed flowers. But the strong annual shoots from a grenade, the flowers appear. For this reason, in the early spring of all the available weak shoots should be cut. Grenades can be cut, to make it a beautiful Bush, because he is perfectly resistant to any trimming.

Pomegranate is propagated by cuttings and seeds. To preserve all the varietal characteristics, grenades need to be propagated vegetatively. And if you sow the seeds, in the first year you can watch the beautiful flowering plants.

Cuttings – the most common form of reproduction grenade. To cut the cuttings should only increase this year. To the roots of plants quickly and well formed, the cuttings must be kept 6 hours in a special solution (forthe formation of roots), then rinsed with water from the tap.

For rooting you need coarse sand (or perlite), which is poured a layer of 3 cm on fertile soil. Further, the handle should be placed at 2-3 cm depth in the ground. On top of the handle put a quart jar. If the windowsill is warm and the plant is constantly watered, then a month later the rooting ends. In this case you need to remove the Bank, clean up the sand and pour in more fertile soil.

Grenades need to be protected from pests. For example, from aphids, you can spray pomegranate infusion of tobacco. It is prepared as follows: take 40 grams of tobacco pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 24 hours to infuse. Do not forget to drain, the composition is added 4 grams of ordinary soap. Whitefly is also a pest of pomegranate. Against her will only help the infusion of onions with garlic. From this infusion of dies and scale and even spider mites.

The benefits of pomegranate

Garnet – the world's only fruit, which contains a number of nutrients, minerals and vitamins. It has vitamins C, B, R – but they normalize the whole body. Also, the pomegranate contains salts of iodine, potassium, silicon and iron. This miracle fruit contains 15 kinds of amino acids (as there is no other fruit in the world).

Pomegranate juice doctors recommend that people who underwent surgery and infections, indigestion, and anaemia. Pomegranate juice has anti-inflammatory substances which act positively for diseases of the throat, burns and stomatitis.

The whole plant has astringent effect, therefore grenades used for colitis, diarrhea and entercolitis. For diabetics pomegranate juice will be very useful, thanks to him, in the body decrease the glucose content in the blood.

Pomegranate oil

Pomegranate oil is produced from the collected seeds by using method of cold pressing. The oil contains many useful substances, including vitamin E.

Pomegranate oil prevents premature aging of the skin. This oil is an excellent moisturizer that helps retain moisture in skin cells. Pomegranate oil slows down aging, it is used to eliminate wrinkles. Given the fact that pomegranate oil is involved in the synthesis of collagen, you can say that it gives the skin the ability to preserve elasticity and youthfulness.

Pomegranate oil is used for skin irritation (eczema or acne). Andalso pomegranate oil – a good protection from the sun's rays remedy.

Treatment with pomegranate

Garnet has long been very successfully used in folk medicine. It can be used in infusion, decoction, infusion. For vitamin deficiency it is recommended to eat fresh pomegranates. The plant has long been helped with the diarrhea. Cracked skin can be cured with the powdered bark of pomegranate.

A decoction of the bark of pomegranate. This drug helps with helminthiasis. Take 50 grams of powdered bark of pomegranate and pour over them 500 ml of warm water. Leave for 6 hours to stand. Next, put the composition on the fire until the moment when the saucepan will remain 200 ml, then remove from heat, strain and take 1 Cup of broth for an hour. But don't forget half an hour after taking the decoction of the pomegranate to drink a laxative.

The solution from the bark of pomegranate angina (or stomatitis). To prepare it to take the 20 grams bark of pomegranate, pour 200 ml of boiling water and put on fire for half an hour. Strain the finished broth, it must be brought to the original volume, adding a little boiling water. This solution need to do the gargle and mouth for 5 times a day.

The pomegranate decoction in dysentery in children. Take 5 grams of fresh pomegranate peel, pour 100 ml of boiling water and put 10 minutes on the fire. Ready broth, let the children for 1 or even 2 teaspoons 3 times a day.

Infusion of flowers of pomegranate in irritation of the skin. You need to take 10 pieces of fresh pomegranate flowers and pour 200 ml of boiling water and then leave to infuse for half an hour. Now the warm infusion should be used immediately. Moisten a cotton swab in the infusion and apply it to the irritated skin. Put compress paper and making a warm dressing, you need to walk with this compress for about 20 minutes, then remove the compress from the skin.

Contraindications to the use of a grenade

Fresh juice cannot be drunk in its pure form, because there could be irritation of the gastric mucosa. Therefore, the pomegranate juice to be diluted with water and drink slowly through a straw. If you plan to use infusions and decoctions of pomegranate, it will lead to high blood pressure. Due to excessive intake of pomegranate may deteriorate the vision, will appear cramps, weakness and even dizziness.

In hepatitis, gastritis and stomach ulcers pomegranate is strictly prohibited.