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Useful properties and applications of grapefruit for weight loss and for the skin

The Botanical characteristics of the grapefruit

Grapefruit is a fruit tree grayish-brown color, with a height of about 10-12 meters. The large oval leaves are arranged alternately. Beautiful white flowers can appear in racemes or singly, have a fragrant aroma. The flowering of the grapefruit is in may. The fruit of the grapefruit is light yellow, round, large, weighing 500-600 grams. Fruits grow singly, and in the form of clusters of 15 pieces. Tender, juicy, yellow flesh grapefruit has a bitter-sweet taste. The fruits ripen in mid-December.

Grapefruit has been cultivated since the late twentieth century. Wild grapefruit does not happen. Plantations of this useful fruit-tree can be seen in China and in Georgia.

Useful properties of grapefruit

In grapefruit contains plenty of fiber, b vitamins and vitamin C, provitamin a and acids that are beneficial to the human body. Grapefruit normalizes metabolism and digestion in the body. Thanks to the use of grapefruit body easily parted with the excess fluid and fats. Grapefruit lowers cholesterol.

In grapefruit contains bioflavonoid that make blood vessels more elastic. In the grapefruit nutrients help relieve dizziness, drowsiness, and lethargy. People suffering from high blood pressure or atherosclerosis, it is recommended to use grapefruit at least a couple times a week, as the glycosides vitamins contained in the grapefruit, act as a prophylactic.

Freshly squeezed grapefruit juice strengthens the nervous system, which is important in fatigue both mental and physical. And people who suffer from insomnia just before bedtime to eat a couple of slices of this wonderful fruit.

Grapefruit essential oil

Yellow, light and fluid grapefruit oil has a sweet, refreshing flavor with hints of fruit. This oil calms the nervous system, improves mood. Grapefruit oil is a good remedy for getting rid of extra pounds, while simultaneously boosting the immune system. Grapefruit oil contributes to normal fat metabolism in the body and eliminates the feeling of heaviness after eating. In addition, grapefruit oil purifies the blood along with lymph systems from unwanted toxins.

Grapefruit oil is a natural and strongaphrodisiac. It liberates not only men but also women.

Applying oil of grapefruit. Grapefruit oil is used in various forms, for example, you can give him a bath, dropping in water, 5 drops of oil. You can do a massage with 5 drops of oil of grapefruit, mixed with 15 grams of the base oil. Some even take the oil inside. For this take 1 drop of oil and mix with honey or vegetable oil. If after eating you feel heaviness in the stomach, then take a crust of black bread and soak it in two drops of grapefruit oil with 5 drops of lemon juice. But in any case, do not take grapefruit oil on an empty stomach.

If upon receipt of the grapefruit oil appeared heartburn, to get rid of this feeling is possible, squeezed oil, yogurt (or yoghurt, but only natural). Avoid fotosencibilization apply oil on the skin, not later than one hour before going out into the fresh air.

If when taking bath or during a massage will feel a strong tingling in the stomach, thighs, shoulders and buttocks, do not be alarmed because these symptoms are natural reactions to the use of oil of grapefruit.

The grapefruit diet

Of all the citrus that exist today, grapefruit is the most valuable fruit. In the grapefruit organic acids and essential oils help to normalize the digestive processes, metabolism and improve digestion.

This tropical fruit contains the substance phenylalanine, which contributes to the rapid emergence of a sense of full saturation, therefore, it is not to overeat. Due to the fact that grapefruit contains very few calories, i.e. 35 kcal per 100 grams, it is included in many diets and fasting days. In addition, the grapefruit diet is better than any product, because it not only burns all the fats in the body, but also compensates for everything in our body and brain, and simultaneously improves health by limiting food.

How to lose weight with grapefruit? Very simple. It is enough to take a half grapefruit with bitter partitions before each meal. Because of this you will not only lose weight but also keep your new weight. Using grapefruit to lose weight for the year to 8 kg, and it's not sitting on the hard and exhausting diet, and simply taking before eating the miracle fruit.

Grapefruit juice also helps to lose weight, but of course, the effect is less than when consuming the fruit themselves. Grapefruit juice is especially helpful to women because it rejuvenates and prolongs life for a few years.

Nutritionists recommend that all, without exception, to eat grapefruit, even if you have no desire to lose weight. Why? Yes, because a piece of grapefruit eaten beforeany feast or holiday will help the body burn that people eat.

Grapefruit for skin

Due to high content in the grapefruit the vitamins and minerals it is widely used not only in folk medicine but also in cosmetology. Consider the recipes use grapefruit for the skin.

Mask for dry facial skin. Take 20 grams of grapefruit juice and mix them with 1 teaspoon of honey. To this mixture add 1 egg yolk (pre-whipped). This mask should be applied on the face for 20 minutes. After time passes, you should wash off easy with warm water.

The mask of wrinkles on the face. For its preparation take 2 teaspoons of rice flour and grapefruit juice and mix them with 1 teaspoon of sour cream. There add 10 grams of juice of carrot. The finished mask apply on face for half an hour. Remove this mask with a cotton swab dipped in grapefruit juice. When the skin dries, wash with water at room temperature.

Mix with oily skin. For its preparation you need to take the grapefruit juice and wheat flour, mix well. The finished mixture is applied to the face. How will half an hour, you need to wash your face with warm water.

Treatment of grapefruit

Grapefruit normalizes the liver, restores forces of an organism, improves digestion and reduces pressure.

Juice in hypertension, atherosclerosis and fatigue. We need to take a grapefruit and squeeze the juice out of it. 50 ml of juice ready to drink 30 minutes before a meal. If you suffer insomnia, you should drink 100 ml before sleep and the insomnia will go away.

The rind disease of the gums or teeth. Cut peel of fresh fruit and fill it with warm water, leaving to infuse for half an hour. Then you need to strain the finished broth. This water must be drunk immediately. Treatment by this means lasts for 15-20 days.

Grapefruit constipation. Pectin contained in grapefruit, stimulates peristalsis of the intestine. Therefore, the day should start with a morning glass of grapefruit juice.

Grapefruit for hair. Take 4 drops of grapefruit essential oil and mix with 20 ml of baby shampoo, add 3 drops of essential oil of mint and the same of rosemary. This shampoo wash your hair and hair will become stronger and will Shine.

Contraindications to the use of grapefruit

Grapefruit is contraindicatedpeople with acute inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract, liver, kidneys and urinary system. And grapefruit it is better not to use if taken any kind of medication because grapefruit changes the effect of that might have some chemicals contained in the drugs. Women who take hormonal birth control pills are also not recommended to consume grapefruit because this fruit reduces the pills.