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Useful properties and applications guava

Description of guava

Guava is an excellent evergreen shrub which has thick opposite leaves graceful ellipsoidal, with rounded edges. Small white flowers with numerous stamens and 4 or 5 sepals falling immediately after blooming. Single fragrant flowers are always arranged in the axils of the leaves of the plant. Rounded edible fruits covered with unusual thick rind, which is bitter to the taste.

Young shoots are pubescent quadrangular shape. Mottled green bark of adult trees is rather thin. Opposite oval leaves reach a length of 15 cm they often have an asymmetrical shape. The color of the pulp with a typical admixture of fine citrus notes varies from light yellow to slightly reddish. Aging the fruit is about 4 months. Small multiple seeds are collected in the center of the fruit.

Guava easily propagated with fresh seeds. After extraction from the fruit, they immediately lose their germination. The presented tree does not exceed in height more than 5 meters. Homeland of the plant is considered to be America. Today, the shrub is easily cultivated in various tropical countries. These include mainly Egypt and India. The plant prefers sandy soils, sometimes settles in limestone and clay. It perfectly responds to regular drainage.

A shallow root system demanding frequent watering. This undemanding tree has a particular bark, which, like unripe fruit is an incredible biological value.

Useful properties of guava

Because guava contains huge amounts of vitamin C, the fruit of this shrub is often recommended for various respiratory infections and the flu. In all parts of the shrub are found tannins, sesquiterpenes and leucocyanidins. Moreover, in addition to the tannin in the roots was found a large quantity of quercetin and b-sitosterol. The leaves are a special essential oil, which includes in its composition benzaldehyde, caryophyllene, cineole and other unique compounds.

In the unripe fruits and bark of guava contains ellagic acid, ellagic acid diglucoside, lamadeleine and saponins. This chemical composition makes the plant is indispensable in medicine. However, it is worth considering the age of trees, since the number of active substances can vary greatly. In the unripe fruits can be used to detect insoluble calcium oxalate and soluble salts of sodium and potassium, protein, quercetin,carotenoids, gerowin, and galikova ellagic acid, cyanidin and free sugars.

In Mature fruits, the quantity of air hexahydroxoplatinum acid and arabinose decreases sharply. The presence of tannins, essential oils, resins and fat guava makes a great antibacterial and germicidal agent. It also has a powerful antispasmodic and astringent. A huge amount of fiber and various vitamins enables you to quickly restore health after suffering serious diseases. Fruits are not only able to raise the tone of the human body, but also strengthen the lymphatic system.

By reducing the immunity of guava simply irreplaceable, because it is considered a miraculous restoring power tool.

The use of guava

Juicy fruit guava is indicated for bronchial asthma, diarrhea, bronchitis, and tonsillitis and serious inflammation of the lungs. Fresh leaves of the plant have amazing healing properties. They are used for getting rid of boils and various skin rashes. They are able to quickly relieve tooth pain.

From the leaves of this shrub it is possible to prepare medicinal tea, which will cope with various disorders of the stomach, will help restore the disturbed menstrual cycle. This excellent drink is indicated for vertigo and dysentery. A decoction of the leaves is considered a powerful antitussive agent. It is also assigned to gargle and mouth for the treatment of inflammation, ulcers and alleviate pain.

In addition to the leaves is a traditional medicine used flowers and bark of the plant. A combined decoction of leaves and bark has antipyretic properties. In chronic ailments of the intestine and stomach are still appointed by such cures, to help you quickly solve delicate problems. Since ancient times this tool was also used in difficult births when the placenta for a long time not separated. A delightful extract of leaves of guava is useful in chorea, epilepsy, cachexia and nephritis and cachexia.

Guava psidium

Guava psidium is considered the main species in the genus of evergreen plants of the family myrtaceae. This low shrub, not exceeding four metres in height, is characterized by a dense rounded leaves and delicate white flowers. A strong root system, usually located close to the soil surface.This species is widely cultivated in Africa, Australia and the Caribbean. If desired, it can be grown at home, seeking fruiting.

Contraindications guava

No contraindications to the use of guava no. However, due to the large number of seeds present in the fruit bushes, there may be irritation of the throat when eating the pulp.