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Useful properties and applications of ikonika

Botanical characteristics of ikonika

Iconic is a biennial herbaceous plant of the cabbage family. This korotkoopushenny the plant grows to about 60 cm in height. It has a short taproot and erect branched stems with alternate leaves lanceolate. Small white flowers with four petals clustered in dense brush that elongate when ripe, the small seeds.

The fruits presented in the form of oval pods densely pubescent with stellate hairs. The pods are flat tuberculate seeds brown color. Iconic blooms from late may until September. Ripening occurs in late August. This plant prefers loamy and sandy loam soils. Can be found as dense thickets and scattered settlements on vacant lots, meadows, along forest edges, and along roads.

The beneficial properties of ikonika

It is proved that the tops of the plants as iconic incredibly rich in protein and various minerals, particularly magnesium, phosphorus and sodium. The seeds ikonika has a unique fatty oil. This plant has a strong hypotensive effect. It also exhibits antibacterial properties. In addition, it is proved that iconic contains glycoside sinigrin and alkaloids. Often iconic assigned as a sedative. It should be noted that it also possesses astringent action.

The use of ikonika

Iconic is effective for dyspnea, hiccups, nervous, bronchial asthma, postpartum bleeding, coughingand with a headache and stomach diseases. Healing infusion of white flowers is indicated for the treatment of diarrhoea in adults and pediatric diarrhea.

To strengthen the nervous system and achieving a restorative effect appointed baths of a decoction of iconica. With a very sharp painful weight loss this plant is simply irreplaceable. Decoction of ikonika you can also rinse contaminated wounds. When women's diseases are often assigned the broth inside.

The infusion of the seeds helps with dyspepsia in young children. To prepare an infusion of the flowers, you need 2 tablespoons of raw pour a glass of boiling water, then the mixture infuse for 2-3 hours and strain. This useful tool should take 1 tablespoon up to six times a day.

Iconic grey

Iconic grey is a perennial plant with small flowers and lanceolate leaves. Inflorescence iconica gathered in graceful terminal racemes. This plant blooms in warm months, starting in may and ending September. The double pods are small oval seeds are brown or greyish.

Fruits this kind of ikonika from July until the first frost. The plant prefers open places on the steppe meadows, fields, along roads and the thinned areas of the forest. Iconic gray is composed of alkaloids, coumarins, glycoside sinigrin, flavonoids, tannins, and organic acids and ascorbic acid. This plant is used as a great sedative, pain and agony, for washing ulcers and wounds.

Contraindications to the use of ikonika

This plant has almost no contraindications, except individual intolerance. It should also be noted that with hypotension and pregnancy iconic should be used with caution.