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Hyssop ordinary

Useful properties, cultivation, recipes and contraindications to the use of hyssop

Botanical characteristics of hyssop ordinary

This tall shrub with woody roots belongs to the family yasnotkovyh. Long, thin and branched stems have opposite leaves that are small on top and towards the bottom are larger in size. The small flowers of the plant are 3-7 pieces in the leaf axils. Flowers constitute the inflorescence is a spike at the top of the stem. The flowers of hyssop are different colors, starting with blue and ending with violet. The seeds of the plants are brown and very small. They ripen very long time, it may take several months. Flowering plants begins in June and lasts all summer and even mid-autumn. The plant has a very strong but pleasant aroma.

Wild hyssop can be seen in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Kazakhstan and in the Altai mountains. Also it is grown in the Ukraine and the Caucasus.

Cultivation of hyssop ordinary

Hyssop is propagated by seeds, dividing the Bush and seedlings. Seedlings are grown in nurseries for about two months. Before planting, the plants need to fertilize the soil with mineral fertilizers. The seeds are planted either before winter or early spring. After 1 or 2 weeks sprouts appear.

The plants were strong and fit for planting, they need to thin out. To transplant the hyssop applies very well. When planting plants it is necessary to observe the distance between the rows 30-35 cm should be Regularly watered crops with cool water, you also need to make hoeing and weeding in rows. Every spring you need to make a complete fertilizer. Summer is the time to slice the green of the plants. As regrowth is about two srisak for the season.

Hyssop likes a fertile and light soil, at one point rising 5 years. The main thing – to create favorable conditions for good growth.

Essential oil of hyssop

From the leaves of the hyssop by the steam distillation extract essential oil. This oil is yellow-green in color, light and fluid, with a tart sweet flavor. Oil improves overall health, improves mood and increases endurance. It is used in angina. Thanks to the property of oil to reduce bronchial spasms it is used for asthma.

Hyssop oil is a good remedy for the treatment of rheumatism. It has antiseptic and spasmolytic properties.

Essential oil of hyssop calms the nervous system, so it is recommended for nervous exhaustion, depression and stress. And also this oil helpsallergic diseases of any kind. Who have low blood pressure, oil of hyssop contributes to its increase.

Rubbing oil of hyssop. For this procedure, take 10 drops of hyssop oil and mixed with 20 ml of regular cooking oil, you can add eucalyptus or thyme. This oil, make the rubbing in severe cold or bronchitis.

Oil bath of hyssop. You need to take 5-10 drops of oil plants and add them to the tub. Take baths for nervous exhaustion, stress and depression. In the bath need to be up to 7 minutes, no more.

Oil for external use. This oil can smear wounds, acne, eczema, bruises, warts , and even bruising.

The oil of hyssop can not be applied to pregnant women, people with epilepsy and frequent muscle cramps.

The beneficial properties of hyssop

The beneficial properties of hyssop have been widely used in folk medicine. The leaves of the plant contain omanova acid, tannins, ursolic acid. In the flowers of hyssop discovered the content of diosmin and isopen.

Hyssop is used as an expectorant for colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. This plant has substances that have anti-inflammatory effect, promote the secretion of mucus, diuretic speed up the process in the body and remove inflammation in the gastrointestinal tract. Hyssop is part of many herbal mixtures.

Preparations of hyssop have lactogenic and antibacterial properties. Hyssop normalizes digestion, reduces inflammation of the urinary tract. This plant gets rid of excess sweating. Also hyssop is a great remedy for removing the body of intestinal worms.

The use of hyssop ordinary

In folk medicine, hyssop is used in the form of infusion, decoction, oil and tea. To make medicine use the leaves and flowering tops of the plant.

Hyssop has an analgesic property. Infusion of hyssop is used in sore throat as a means for rinsing. Of tincture make compresses that should be applied to the site of injury or to long not healing the wound. Drinks from hyssop is useful for people of advanced age, as normalize the stomach and stimulate appetite. Decoction of the plant helps with conjunctivitis. The infusion of inflorescences of the plant is used as anthelmintic and binders. Hyssop can be used externally – for example, when stomatitis or badthe bad breath. Of hyssop is brewed diuretic teas. With the infusion of hyssop make gadgets that contribute to strong resorption of hematomas.

Recipes based on hyssop

Infusion of hyssop in asthma. Take one handful of chopped herbs plants and fill it with 1 liter of boiling water. Pour all in a thermos and after 5 minutes close the lid. After an hour, strain the finished infusion and, again, pour into a thermos. 20 minutes before the food is ready for use hot infusion 1 glass a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

A mixture of hyssop during suffocation. For its preparation you need to take dried leaves of hyssop and pound them into powder. Take 100 grams of powder and mix them with 100 grams of any honey. Take this mixture before meals three times a day for 1 teaspoon, washed down with water. This blend helps with noise in the ear and shortness of breath.

A decoction of hyssop from sweating (including at menopause). Take 1 teaspoon of the herb hyssop and fill it with 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 2 hours to infuse. Strain the broth, it can be applied 3 times a day 100 ml before meals. This decoction to improve digestion and restore the function of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications to the use of hyssop

Preparations of hyssop is contraindicated in pregnant women and people with kidney disease. If receiving the hyssop showed signs of diarrhea, then immediately you must stop taking it. Nursing mothers it is prohibited to use drugs from hyssop, as it contains such substances which in rare cases can reduce lactation, and some of them are contribute to its termination.