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Yellow Jasmine

Useful properties and applications of yellow Jasmine care

Description yellow Jasmine

Beautiful Jasmine yellow is a unique twining shrub with leaves petiolate lanceolate. It is a poisonous plant of the family Gentianaceae is a white or slightly yellowish flowers, featuring a delicious aroma.

A large number of poisonous substances found in the roots and bark. It can often be found in the Atlantic part of the spacious North America. This is a wonderful evergreen plant with fragrant flowers is one of the earliest spring flowers.

The beneficial properties of Jasmine yellow

Active substances are poisonous alkaloids, which are represented by gelseminine, gelseminum and semperviren. Also in the composition of plants found various resins, essential oils and unique tannins. Gelsemium powerful action on the human body due to the influence of his alkaloids. It should be mentioned that semperviren is a convulsive poison. Gelsemine able to exert on centers of the brain weak toxic effect.

The most toxic of all known alkaloids gelseminine causes anesthesia of the respiratory and vasomotor centers of the medulla oblongata is important, which in turn leads to death. In addition, there is a special blockade of cholinergic receptors, which interrupts the transmission of impulses to many motor nerves.

The use of yellow Jasmine

Yellow Jasmine, used in migraines, whooping cough, and angina in the form of finished products. It also has an impact on the vascular system. Acting on vasomotor vasomotor nerves, the plant produces a powerful passive congestion. It's congestion of can be arterial and venous. Passive hyperemia only applies to veins and arteries. Apart from nervous action, the yellow Jasmine is affected mucous surfaces. It produces almost the same effect as Sepia and Kalmia.

Presented plant is shown with ptosis accompanied with menstrual problems. It is also useful in diseases of rheumatic origin. It is often prescribed for some types of headaches, difficulty breathing and severe defects of the muscles of swallowing. Yellow Jasmine is effective in gonorrhea. He shoots a sharp pain during urination.

Care of yellow Jasmine

Yellow Jasmine is the flower he is not capricious. It does not require special care. However, when growing plants, should take into account its some features. He prefers soil of equal proportions of sand, clay-sod and leaf land, it does not like even small quantities of lime. Watering potted Jasmine it is recommended to defend acidified water in the form of heat. Between watering the earth needs to dry out well. In summer the plant should be kept in a fairly warm room with the obligatory spraying.

In winter, at low temperatures, regular watering is necessary to reduce by half. The temperature should not be below 8 degrees Celsius. Young plants require annual replanting them in the spring, adult flowers enough to change the pot once in three years. Bright light and a small amount of direct sunlight given to the plant useful. However, yellow Jasmine needs to hide from the midday sun.

Yellow Jasmine responds well to regular fertilizing. The first time it should be performed after the formation of the buds, and then continue during the whole flowering period. A full mineral and organic fertilizers it is recommended to apply every two weeks alternately. Dirty sheets and dry air, and high temperatures and insufficient care can lead to pests. As a rule, the gorgeous yellow Jasmine attacked by red spider mites, aphids and whiteflies.

Room Jasmine is propagated by layers and cuttings. It should be mentioned that during the period of active growth of all cuttings root easily. They should be about 10 or 15 cm in length. Optimum temperature for planting is 20 degrees Celsius. If all conditions roots usually formed after about one month. After rooting yellow Jasmine can be transplanted into a small pot with light soil.

Protect the flower from the hot rays of the sun until it hardens. Don't forget to water and spray. When new young shoots that you can transplant the plant to a permanent place of residence.

Jasmine room

Yellow Jasmine room boasts an incomparable aroma and elegant small flowers. At night it is recommended to leave the bedroom, because of its strong odor that can cause severe headache. The flowers of the plant is very similar to the interesting stars, which collected several pieces in few-flowered racemes. Each flower blooms for 20 days. For yellow Jasmine is characteristic of twining stems, which are pinnately compound leavesopposite shape.

Contraindications yellow Jasmine

Contraindications the main contraindications of the yellow Jasmine can be attributed to the long period of pregnancy. Also not recommended to use different medicines based on plants and during lactation.