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Cocoa beans

Useful properties and applications, cocoa beans, oil

Useful properties of cocoa beans

Cocoa beans are the seeds of the fruit of the cacao tree. Of them are made of chocolate. Because of the content of tannins the seeds are astringent, pungent and bitter taste. They contain carbohydrates, proteins, fats, coloring and aromatic substances and organic acids. Useful for consumption are minerals, alkaloids (caffeine and theobromine). Chemical composition of cocoa beans is very extensive, it contains anandamide, arginine, dopamine, epicatechins, histamine, magnesium, serotonin.

A very important effect on the human body, tryptophan, phenylethylamine, tyramine and polyphenol.

The use of cocoa beans

Raw unique fruits is incredibly beneficial to the human body. They restore energy and hormonal balance, improve eyesight, improve efficiency, raise the tone, have antidepressant activity. Nutrients, cocoa seed increase the protective properties of the organism, cocoa introduced into the diet of physically disabled people who have had acute respiratory infections and respiratory diseases. Peeled cocoa beans can be chewed, they are crunchy, tender, and tastes great too.

The use of cocoa eliminates fatigue, normalizes the menstrual cycle and rejuvenates. Prolonged, but moderate use as a therapeutic agent noticeable changes will occur with the skin, will disappear warts, papillomas, skin will clear and become young and tender. Raw cocoa is a reliable protection against the development of cancerous tumors. The complex chemical composition of the fruit excites the nervous system, stimulates heart function and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Antioxidants can reduce free radical activity in the cells of the human body, effectively to protect from viruses and infections. Polyphenols (antioxidants) break down fats and are reliable to prevent the development of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases. It is the polyphenols impart to the beans tart, astringent and a specific bitter taste.

Cocoa butter-beans

Cocoa butter is the fat extracted from the beans of the fruit of the chocolate tree with a pleasant smell of cocoa and a whitish-yellow color. At 16-18 degrees. hard texture, easy to break off pieces. Warm oil is transparent in its chemical composition includes oleic, stearic, lauric, palmitic, linoleic and arachidic acid, as well as trehkostochny triglycerides.Oleic acid reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood.

Substance methylxanthine and tannin have a healing and tonic effect, helps with burns and various skin diseases, stimulate the immune system. Cocoa butter rejuvenates the skin, giving it freshness and beauty. It is successfully used in the treatment of eczema, bronchial tubes, eliminates the cough.

Recipe cough drops: in a glass of hot milk should be kept 0.5 teaspoon of cocoa butter. The drink should cool down a bit and to give the patient a drink.

Cocoa butter hemorrhoids: in the period of exacerbation of the disease is recommended before each bowel movement to introduce into the rectum a piece of cocoa butter (approximately 1 teaspoon).

Cocoa butter for thrush: it heated the cocoa butter you need to add 2% tea tree oil, roll into balls and allow to harden. It is recommended to introduce into the vagina 1 times a day.

Cocoa butter with cervical erosion: mix cocoa butter with sea buckthorn oil (3:1) soaked in a mixture of tampon to use at night for 14 days.

Cocoa butter in atherosclerosis: it is recommended to take 0.5 teaspoon melted on a water bath cocoa butter twice a day, morning and evening, 15 minutes before meals. The tool eliminates the cholesterol, reduces the amount of cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels, helps with itching skin, pain reliever for burns, and is effective in eczema and fungal infections. It is also recommended for healing the nipples of nursing mothers.

Extract of cocoa beans

Extract cocoa is a brown fine powder, it is used to reduce blood pressure, nervous tension. It is mainly used for the treatment of nephropathy, as a diuretic, relieves edema. Rheumatism, fever, cough, non-healing wounds – indications to the use of cocoa extract.

Extract of cocoa beans produced at pharmaceutical plants.

Cacao beans for weight loss

Cocoa beans are very useful in the fight against obesity. They are able to accelerate the metabolic processes, and it occurs at cellular and intracellular level. Improving the function of the endocrine system, normalizing lipid balance, they reduce the appetite that leads to weight reduction. A few cacao beans, eaten on an empty stomach, give a feeling of fullness, this service can be called complete,as the body gets necessary for health substances. 4-5 beans give strength, replenish energy reserves.

Magnesium affects the production of ATP, caffeine speeds up metabolism, produces serotonin and endorphins – substances that are vital for maintaining good physical shape.

Caloric content of cocoa beans

The energy value of cocoa beans is 565,3 kcal. The average is 16-28 % of the daily value, useful for the human body.

The tree cacao beans

There are three types of cocoa beans: Trinitario, Criollo and Forastero. The seeds of Criollo trees are painted slightly different nutty flavor. The fruit of the tree Forastero seeds are dark brown, with a pungent smell, taste bitter, and contain more fat. Plants of species Forastero withstanding tough climate conditions. Each type has its own individual chemical characteristics. Variety gives the name of the countries where they are grown.

Also cocoa beans are distinguished by quality characteristics. Consumer varieties have a tart, sour bitter taste. Noble varieties have a pleasant, strong taste.

How to grow cocoa beans

Cocoa beans grow in Equatorial regions of South America, with success cultivated in many countries. Cacao trees prefer a slightly darkened space, so on the plantations near them, planted coconut palms, banana, rubber and mango trees, and avocado, which is pretty reliably protects cocoa from the wind. The height of cocoa trees can reach 15 meters in height, but for ease of harvest, they grow up to 6 meters.

Evergreen tree blooms and bears fruit all year round. Yellow-green or red (depending on variety) fruits reach 30 cm in length, their weight is about 500 grams. The fruit pulp contains about 50 cocoa beans. The tree starts to give a high yield at the age of 12 years. Cultivate culture in Central America and Africa, Colombia, Indonesia, Malaysia and other regions.

Contraindications to the use of cocoa beans

Cocoa beans need cautious use in diabetes, individual intolerance. They can cause allergic reactions. You cannot give products with cocoa under three years old. Cocoa is contraindicated in diseases of the kidney, irritating the gastric mucosa and stimulates the production of gastric juice, so it is impossible to use for people with serious gastrointestinal diseases, especially in the acute stage.