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Useful properties and uses of cardamom

Description of cardamom

Cardamom is a unique fruit unusual herbaceous perennial. This popular tropical plant of the Ginger family often reaches a height of four meters. It has a creeping root and lanceolate leaves. Usually each root there are two small stem – leaf and creeping flower. Beautiful flowers of the cardamom pronounced white color. They assembled in a delicate brush. Spear-shaped leaves have a pale green tint.

The fruit of the plant are represented by small three-chambered box. It is covered with a green leathery rind. Collect these boxes manually approximately two years after planting. They should then be dried in direct sunlight, so they didn't open. In this form we used to see the spice cardamom. The spice has a sweetish taste and a strong, sharply spicy scent.

South India and Sri Lanka is considered the birthplace of the plant. Cardamom prefers evergreen forests. It should be noted that the plant grows well in Laos, New Guinea, Central America, Cambodia, Tanzania, Guatemala, Vietnam, and El Salvador.

Such an amazing plant usually begins to bear fruit in their second or third year of life. A good crop can be harvested by about the sixth year after planting. Favorite places of cardamom can be called forest loam soils where much organic matter and nitrogen, and the amount of phosphorus is negligible.

Useful properties of cardamom

The chemical composition of the seeds of the plant includes numerous useful components. Cardamom boasts a high content of essential and fatty oils, protein, amidone, cineol, terpineol, terpenolactona, rubber, starch, iron, phosphorus, zinc, calcium, magnesium and vitamins of group B. Due to the combination of minerals, such presents herb has a restorative, carminative, stomachic, stimulant, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties.

When exposed to human body a plant helps to stimulate the nervous cells, strengthen the stomach, increased synthesis of gastric juice, as well as stress relief. Cardamom essential for quick recovery from major depressive conditions. Moreover, this delicious spice has a positive effect on the functioning of the brain. Different drugs with the content of cardamom is indicated for the treatment of respiratory pathologies, asthma, bronchitis, nephritis, cystitis,pharyngitis and various skin diseases.

Because the cardamom has a special taste of lemon, camphor and eucalyptus, to regular drinking it is very refreshing breath, neutralize the pathogenic flora in the oral cavity. Long-term use of the plant normalizes the process of digestion. Cardamom has long been used with a strong toothache. It is proved that it has beneficial effects not only on vision and male potency, but also amazingly improves the body tone. Various products containing plants will help eliminate involuntary urination, and improve your mood.

The use of cardamom

Small cardamom seeds shown in the regular load of a physical nature, because they are natural tonic. Various means the seeds prescribed for various problems with the intestines, including and flatulence. It should also be mentioned that regular intake significantly reduces the risk of dangerous cancer tumors.

To treat all kinds of respiratory diseases is possible to offer special effective. Pharyngitis can be prepared the healing medicine of half a teaspoon of crushed cardamom and one Cup of boiling water. The mixture needs to steep for hours, then it should be filtered, after which it is possible to gargle five times a day.

For the treatment of insomnia are advised to prepare a different tool, taking 1 tsp well-mashed fruits and brew them a Cup of boiling water. After the broth has cooled, it is necessary to drink at one time before bedtime about half an hour. To improve digestion can be used special collection. Take 20 grams of cardamom and 30 grams of cumin. Stir it carefully. To one Cup of boiling water, you need 2 tsp. of the mixture. After 10 minutes, filter and drink 100 ml per day.

For those men who wants to get rid of impotence, it may be advisable to brew a pinch of cardamom in a glass of milk with honey. Drink this remedy every evening. To significantly improve vision it is possible to mix 1 tsp of honey and 5 seeds of the plant. This mixture is recommended to consume daily one teaspoon.

Cardamom for weight loss

Despite the high calories of cardamom, it effectively reduces weight by stimulating metabolic exchanges in the body. With regular use of various preparations containing this plant carbohydrates and fats are burned much faster, which leads to stable weight loss. Often modern nutritionists to the main course of treatmentobesity is recommended to use this aromatic spice. To quickly get rid of extra pounds, cardamom mix with a small amount of cinnamon.

Tea with cardamom

For making miraculous tea with cardamom must be carefully mix 20 grams of spices presented with 20 grams of caraway seeds and a pinch of fennel. Fennel is not recommended to take more than 10 grams. The resulting mixture pour a glass of boiling water. After about 20 minutes of tea, you can strain and drink during the day on 100-150 grams a day. It is indispensable for the flatulence and improves appetite. Moreover, the tool is assigned when a dangerous syndrome so on, which expressed serious cardiovascular changes.

The essential oil of cardamom

Delightful essential oil of cardamom is a clear or pale yellow liquid with a spicy sweet flavor. It has lots of useful properties. This wonderful item is a smart complex normalizes the digestive process, while simultaneously exerting carminative and antiseptic action.

In addition, it should be noted that oil of cardamom perfectly enhances the activity of the stomach, increases sexual activity and promotes well-being in General. It is indicated for the treatment of bloating, heartburn, will help to get rid of nausea and ease state when starting a respiratory infection. Externally this product is used for rapid skin regeneration. It is indicated in various fungal diseases, herpes and scabies.

Cardamom oil is often prescribed for various violations of peripheral blood circulation. To get rid of cough, with this miraculous oil prescribing inhalation. To increase sexual activity some experts recommend every day to drink half a glass of good quality wine by adding a couple drops of oil of cardamom. For colds, you can add oil and means for rinsing.

Cardamom for men

It is proved that cardamom is effective in the treatment of such a serious disease as impotence. Causes of impotence are not only excessive consumption of alcohol, but also different mental disorders, as well as long-term use contemporary and soothing medicines. In addition, sexual function is also affected by obesity, diabetes,fatigue and General weakening of the body. As a rule, the disease to manifest violations of erection and temporary setbacks in the regular sexual activity.

To normalize the intimate lives recommend to use a special tincture. For its preparation you need to take 2 liters of vodka, 200 grams of sugar and 2 tbsp. of cardamom. The plant must be crushed, and then pour the vodka. After 20 days of infusion, add sugar. After complete dissolution, the medium is filtered. This unique cardamom tincture has a spicy flavor. To use should be 30-50 grams daily before bed, and you can also add a teaspoon to your favorite tea.

In addition to the restoration of the functions of the reproductive system, the treatment will enhance the immune power of the body, helping to cope with a variety of viral infections in the period of mass epidemics.

Green and black cardamom

Cardamom is divided into two main varieties – black and green. Green cardamom is mainly growing in Malaysia and India. It is believed that his value is higher. But the black is more complex and strong flavor with resinous notes. Often black called Javanese or Bengali. It is widely cultivated in all parts of Australia and tropical Asia. Black cardamom is characterized by larger fruits, dark shade.

The fruits are small boxes. They have a fresh, delicate flavor without bitterness, but with a subtle mint flavor. It is often used during cooking of meat dishes, and is harmless even in large quantities. In the dessert such a pronounced seasoning to put not recommended.

Contraindications cardamom

Specific contraindications in the use of this plant have not been identified. But it should be noted idiosyncrasy of various drugs with the content of cardamom and increased skin sensitivity for external procedures.