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Black cohosh

Useful properties and applications of black cohosh

Useful properties of black cohosh

Useful properties of herbs are constantly being explored, although it has been famous for its therapeutic effects on the human body. Even North American Indians were aware that using black cohosh treated many diseases. In the herb are saponins, flavonoid, alkaloids. The astringent properties due to the presence of tannins.

Phenol carbonic acids – salicylic, hesperiinae and sofrology – strengthen the immune system and enhance the protective functions of the body.

The grass has resin, sterols. The essential oil gives the plant a sharp odor. Vitamin C converts aromatic amino acids, involved in hematopoiesis and the formation of extracellular component of connective tissue (collagen). Antimutagenic and diuretic properties of the plant contribute to the elimination of tumors and edema.

The use of black cohosh

In medicine black cohosh is used as a hypotensive agent. Thanks triterpenoids is anti-sclerotic effect on the body. Perfectly amenable to treatment with black cohosh women's diseases: effectively cured disease caused by insufficient production of female hormones, accompanied by dizziness, palpitations, irritability, increased perspiration, insomnia. In addition, paid off the impact of menopause on bone system, that is, prevent arthritis and osteoporosis. Preparations of black cohosh are used to treat tumors, diabetes, atherosclerosis. Observed a therapeutic effect on cataracts, cardiovascular disease.

In China a decoction of the herb, and drink when measles various rashes, attended with prolapse of uterus, gastro - enterocolitis, to relieve toothache.

A decoction of black cohosh: 1.5 g of grass, pour 1 Cup of water, boil for 5-6 minutes, to insist 1 hour. Means take 0.5 cups a day.

Mongolian healers recommend the grass when Echinococcus of the liver, indolent wounds, anthrax, and diphtheria.

In Korea a decoction of black cohosh to treat allergic reactions on the skin. The plant is decorative, is the toxic species. Fresh raw materials have irritable property that it contributes to quality treatment.

The flowers of black cohosh

Flowersblack cohosh white, gathered in paniculate-racemose inflorescence. The flowering period of the plant begins in July, and sometimes continues until August. Due to the long period of flowering and beauty of the delicate panicles it becomes an ornament to any garden. Medicinal properties the flowers of black cohosh have not been identified.

Black cohosh root

The rhizomes detected saponins, they are used in Chinese and Korean medicine as a means of antidote. The roots possess diaphoretic, antipyretic and analgesic properties. Enough content of alkaloids gives the roots of the plant hypotensive and ganglioblokiruyuschie characteristics. Eastern folk healers prefer to use black cohosh root, in infusion in infectious diseases, severe forms of measles, smallpox, diphtheria, under anthrax. Analgesic effect relieves suffering from joint pain.

Black cohosh tincture: 1 part of the roots to insist 5-7 days in 70% alcohol in a ratio of 1:5. Insist 5 days in a dark place. The recommended dose is 20-30 drops with boiled water for headaches and neuralgic pains, fever, colds, and hypertension.

To prepare the tincture take 1 part of fresh raw materials and 5 parts of 70% alcohol and insist 5 days in a dark place, then strain and take 20-30 drops 3 times a day with water.

A decoction of black cohosh: it will require 1.5 grams of chopped dried roots and 200 ml of water. Boil means you need 5-7 minutes, then to insist 2 hours and strain. Take broth 1/2 Cup 3-4 times a day.

Types of black cohosh

There are many types of black cohosh. Among the main should be allocated Cimicifuga racemosa, it is used as a component of many medicines and is included in the Pharmacopoeia of several countries. The Russian inhabitant of black cohosh Daurian – also used in medicine, has a calming effect, alleviates insomnia, has a positive effect on the symptoms of late toxicosis in pregnant women, reduces the content of lipids in the serum that prevents and treats atherosclerosis.

Smelly black cohosh is used for uterine contractions during childbirth. Using the poisonous properties of this species manage to get rid of various insects, the plant is often used as an antidote against bites of snakes or spiders.

In home gardens grow us, branched, simple, and Japanese black cohosh. For medical purposes, ideal racemose and Daur. Due to the fact that the funds have a bitter taste, the tea of them is not brewed.

Cimicifuga racemosa

Cimicifuga racemosa is a perennial evergreen plant of the family Ranunculaceae. His birthplace is considered the Eastern America, but the plant has been extended to the North of the continent.

It is a large herb with dissected leaves, stretching straight up shoots, and white racemose inflorescences. For use in the medical purposes use the roots, harvesting them in autumn: well washed, dried and stored in bags. Cimicifuga racemosa has a bitter taste and unpleasant smell as well as other types of plants.

In addition to tannins, triterpene glycosides, phenolic compounds, gums, isoflavone, and salicylic isoferulic acids in the whole plant contains essential oil, tannins, phytoestrogens, organic acids, phytosterol, starch, sucrose, carotene. receiving funds from black cohosh from cough and rheumatism has an effective impact, bringing quick relief. The root of the herb can be called women's medicine, as many of its properties are useful for women's diseases. Sedative effect helps to normalize the menstrual cycle.

Funds on the basis of raw materials relieving pain in menopause, for heavy menstrual bleeding. The positive effects of decoctions and infusions observed at vegetative and psychoemotional disorders in klimaticheskie period.

Black cohosh zimkitha

Thanks to the active substances in black cohosh zimkitha able to normalize the balance of estrogens. At the same time he has a sedative and antispasmodic action. The ability to suppress the production of luteinizing hormone, which stimulates the female body secretion of ovarian, makes it easier to carry the process of adjustment of the organism during menopause. Useful herb for men's health, as it affects cells that produce testosterone.

Black cohosh smelly

Black cohosh smelly present in complex prescriptions of antipyretics used in inflammatory processes, exhibits restorative properties. With a strong malaise herb activates the operation of important systems and organs, helps at the first sign of a cold, dryness in the nose and throat, reduces fever, relieves pain and reduces fever in influenza. In the aerial part of this species, as in others, there are alkaloids, saponin, essential oil with a characteristic odor. The roots are rich in tannin and resinous substances. There are organic acids.

Black cohosh Daurian

Rhizomes forhimicheskomu sostavu otlichautsya, k primeru, ot klopogona vonuchego. etot vid rasteniya polnostu ne izuchen, hotya v nem obnaruzheny taniny, smoly, salicilovaya i izoferulovaya kisloty. takzhe v rastenii vyyavleny fitosterin, glikozidy, saponiny. nastojka iz kornej dejstvuet kak uspokoitelnoe sredstvo. eu horosho lechitsya bessonnica, ustranyaetsya bespokojstvo i zamedlyaetsya dvigatelnaya aktivnost. na praktike dokazano gipotenzivnoe dejstvie, uvelichenie mocheotdeleniya. rezultat lecheniya zameten uzhe posle treh chasov priema.

klopogon vetvistyj

klopogon vetvistyj takzhe primenyaetsya pri zhenskih boleznyah. vetvyashiesya korni rasteniya soderzhat unikalnyj kompleks prirodnyh himicheskih soedinenij i rekomenduutsya dlya umensheniya poslerodovyh bolej, ustraneniya depressivnyh proyavlenij, oblegchaut stradaniya zhenshin ot prilivov vo vremya menopauzy. krome togo, soderzhanie v rastenii fitoestrogenyh veshestv iskluchaet risk zabolevaniya rakom grudi. lechebnaya trava pomogaet pri myshechnyh bolyah, ishiase.

protivopokazaniya k primeneniu klopogona

rastenie yadovito, samolechenie mozhet privesti k otricatelnym posledstviyam. protivopokazano lechenie klopogonom pri beremennosti i v period laktacii. pobochnymi dejstviyami mogut byt toshnota, golovnaya bol, zamedlennoe serdcebienie, golovokruzhenie, potlivost, zapory, narusheniya zreniya, osteoporoz. klopogon usilivaet dejstvie gipotenzivnyh sredstv, poetomu ih sochetanie nezhelatelno. pri nalichii tromboza, insulta i allergii na rasteniya dannoj gruppy priem sredstv osushestvlyaetsya pod nabludeniem vracha.