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Cat paw

Useful properties and the use of cat's paws

Useful properties of cat's paw

Cat's paw is a perennial plant that has hairs in white or shades of grey. The height of this plant can reach 30 cm On a simple stalk is located next whole leaves. The flowers of this herb are small and are collected in small baskets. This dioecious plant is used in folk medicine in parts of flowers and the grass. This collection of flowers is carried out in the flowering period.

Part of cat's paws included tannins, saponins, resins, phytosterols and vitamin K. because of this regular use of the herb promotes blood coagulation. This herb is indicated for hemoptysis, uterine bleeding hemorrhoids.

The use of cat's paws

In modern folk medicine, cat's paw successfully used for the treatment of various diseases. The decoction is indicated for convulsions, the bloody vomiting and postpartum complications. It also used as a sedative. It is often prescribed for hypertension and certain female diseases.

Jaundice recommend to wash with a decoction of cat's paws. When diathesis and children's eczema kids bathe in the tub with this healing broth. As a cholagogue it is possible to apply a decoction, made of 8 grams of the raw material and 200 grams of boiling water. The course of treatment involves taking 1 tablespoon three times a day.

Cat's foot nettle

Cat's foot nettle of the Asteraceae family is often used in folk medicine. Presents the plant prefers areas of the Caucasus, Ukraine, Siberia and the Urals. It is with pleasure settles in pine forests, dry meadows and large vacant lots.

This perennial plant reaches a height of 25 cm Simple stem basal supplemented with rotary and linear stem leaves. Delicate pink flowers arranged in small baskets. Blooms nettle cat's paw from middle of may to the end of June. Healing infusion flower baskets shown in cholecystitis , and liver disease. In addition, this herb can used as a choleretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Colors cat's paw

Small flowers cat's pawinteresting are collected in baskets, which are located at the tips of stems. The petals of the flowers can be white, pink or even slightly red. Oblong female flowers, usually pale pink hue.

It is a dioecious plant has male and baskets spherical shape. Such flowers are almost always white. The apical diameter of the basket reaches 6 cm At the base of the delightful baskets are imbricated leaves, bottom they are quite fluffy, and the top is dry. Directrorate female flowers have pistils, the style and stigma separate with inferior ovary. Receptacle the cat paws convex and bare. Male flowers with tubular perianth lejkovina include five stamens. Often instances, the pistil, but they are considered infertile.

Contraindications to the use of cat's paw

Serious contraindications to the use of cat's paw no. However, you should stop treatment if you are hypersensitive.