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Useful properties and applications of a bell

The useful properties of the bell

Bell has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, analgesic and calming effects on the body. And to the credit of those bioactive substances that are present in the chemical composition of this plant, namely, carotin, coffee and komarovoj acids, kaempferol, quercetin, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. In leaves and flowers of the plant are also a lot of ascorbic acid. In medicinal purposes are used stems, flowers and leaves, harvested from June to August flowering period.

In cooking the young leaves are harvested in early may during the budding flowers, the roots dug in early spring or late fall. After cutting the tops of the plants with the largest instances trying to write to a divorce. Dried flowers in the dark, in well-ventilated areas, it is best that the plants were in the bundles. After drying, the raw material is put in flat boxes, trying not to crumple.

The use of a bell

In folk medicine used decoctions and infusions of plants, effectively it is in powder form. Decoction to treat internal bleeding, and fright epilepsy in children. Water infusion is recommended to gargle for colds, sore throat, stomatitis. A decoction of the fruit and herb bell treat fever, atherosclerosis, constipation, glaucoma and syphilis. Bath of decoction used in the treatment of nervous disorders. Once to the scene of the dog bite have applied a poultice of herbs, and lichen , and the felon was treated with powders.

Infusion of herbs: 2 teaspoons dry grass pour a glass of boiling water for 15 minutes and filter through cheesecloth. The infusion can be used externally as a gargle or internally, from the calculation of 1-2 tablespoons on an empty stomach 2-3 times a day.

The infusion of flowers: 1 teaspoon of powder required inflorescences pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for 40 minutes, then cool and strain through a strainer. Make the tool recommended 1 tablespoon as needed.

Broth: 10 g of crushed roots, pour in an enamel bowl, pour 250 ml of water and boil on water bath for about two hours with the lid tightly closed. To medicine need 1 tablespoon 3 times a day after meals.

The seeds of bell

The seeds of this flower varies in size from dustchastic do bolee krupnyh ekzemplyarov. vyzrevaut oni v plodah i ispolzuutsya dlya ego razmnozheniya. vysevat semena mozhno osenu ili vesnoj, v grunt ili v teplicu. poskolku semena ochen melkie, to pered posevom ih mozhno smeshat s peskom ili tertym melom.

cvety kolokolchika

svoej dekorativnostu cvetki etoj travy raduut glaz mnogih sadovodov-lubitelej, zanimaya dostojnoe mesto v ih cvetnikah. obychno rastut kolokolchiki v vide socvetij, no mogut byt i odinochnymi. cvetovaya gamma u nih vesma raznoobrazna: vstrechautsya belye, rozovye, fioletovye, sinie i golubovatye cvetki. rastenie nazyvaut kolokolchikom potomu, chto cvetki u nekotoryh vidov imeut formu kolokola. oni obilno i prodolzhitelno cvetut vesnoj i letom.

vyrashivanie kolokolchika

v prirode sushestvuet okolo 300 vidov etogo rasteniya, proizrastaushego, v osnovnom, v umerennom poyase severnogo polushariya. bolee poloviny vidov kolokolchikov rastet v rossii, karpatah i na dalnem vostoke. razmnozhenie travy proizvoditsya semenami ili rassadoj.

dlya rassady ispolzuut derevyannye yashiki ili drugie emkosti so sloem drenazha vnutri. pochvennuu smes podbiraut iz listovoj ili dernovoj zemli, vyvetrivshegosya torfa i peska, obezzarazhivaya takuu smes rastvorom margancovki ili kipyatkom. posle posadki semena ne prisypaut sverhu pochvoj, a nakryvaut bumagoj ili steklom. periodicheski pochvu sleduet opryskivat vodoj, ne dopuskaya peresyhaniya. posle poyavleniya vshodov mini-teplichku snimaut. vreditelyami rasteniya yavlyautsya slizni i rzhavchina.

sorta kolokolchika

kolokolchiki byvaut morozostojkimi mnogoletnikami i karlikami, vyrashivaemymi, v osnovnom, dlya alpinariev. sushestvuut eshe i dvuletniki – ih vysazhivaut na klumbah. etu travu neslozhno vyrashivat, za isklucheniem neskolkih vidov, kotorye nuzhno zashishat ot izbytka vlagi v zimnee vremya goda. mnogochislenna takzhe gruppa bordurnyh kolokolchikov, u nih sorta razlichnoj vysoty i cvetut oni s iulya po sentyabr. sorta, ispolzuemye dlya alpinariev, sovsem neprihotlivy, im nuzhna tolko nekislaya, drenirovannaya pochva. trava obilno cvetet v iune-iule.

kolokolchik sinij rastet v vide kusta diametrom do 40 sm i vysotoj 40–60 sm. etot netrebovatelnyj cvetok – odno iz luchshih ukrashenij rokariya. ego sinie cvetki obrazuut golovchatye socvetiya. na odnom meste trava mozhet rasti do 6 let. cvetet rastenie s iunya po iul, v dikoj prirode predpochitaet izvestkovye skaly v verhnem poyaseEuropean mountains. To grow this species in rocky gardens, flower beds, in flower pots.

Bell crowding is an herbaceous perennial medicinal plant. He has short rhizome, reddish and pilose, with indistinct faces of the stem, oval or lanceolate leaves. Upper leaves sessile, lower grow on long stalks. Flowers grouped in terminal head, the inflorescence consists of 15-20 flowers. Flowering occurs in June and August.

The plant is widespread in the European part of Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Siberia, and Central Asia. This species grows in open glades and clearings, steppes and meadows. The plant is used as analgesic, sedative and anti-emetic.

Bell meadow is a perennial plant height of 15-20 cm Have a thick branched rhizome, erect or ascending branched stem. Leaves cordate or orbicular-Bud, long-petiolate. Flowers in racemose inflorescences of light blue or purple. This species grows in areas with a temperate climate in Siberia, the Caucasus, Central Asia and Asia Minor, and Europe. Its habitats are meadows, steppes, forests, the occasional plant can be found in desert and rocky areas.

Bell medium – biennial, very beautiful plant with a height of 1.2 m. Stem upright, hairy, highly branched, with many small leaflets. The flowers are collected in loose brush, simple or double. This species blooms from June to September white, pink, purple or blue flowers. The plant is a beautiful addition to floral arrangements. It is most often planted in beds with other perennials. Very impressive it looks in bouquets. After cutting, the flowers can stand in water up to 10-12 days.

Bell molochnicy – a perennial herb. Its stem is upright, branched, with many leaves, reaches a height of 50-150 cm Fragrant flowers milky white collected in large racemes. This species grows in the Caucasus, in Asia Minor, in North-East Turkey and North West Iran. The plant is used in the double borders, meadow flower beds. Looks great such a variety of bell near water. This plant is one of the most long-lived. In nature it can reach the age of 20, culture – 12.

Contraindications to the use of the bell

These are individual intolerance and hypersensitivity. It is not recommended to apply preparations of the plant for pregnant and lactating women, children under 6 years. To renounce the use of this drug should people with chronic diseases. Be sure to followdosage and before use, consult a doctor.