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Useful properties and applications of cannabis hemp oil

The beneficial properties of cannabis

Hemp is an annual plant with a specific smell and can reach a height of four meters. Ridged erect stems augmented serrate leaves. The fruit of this dioecious plants have a spherical shape. Flowering grass in the summer and fruits ripen in early September. This common plant has unique properties. Part of cannabis include alkaloids, essential oils, minerals, vitamins, fatty oils and other valuable components.

Hemp is endowed with a rather powerful analgesic effect on the human body. In addition, it is able to cure a huge number of different diseases. These include arthritis, rickets, neurasthenia, diathesis, anemia and gout. Often used resin cannabis because it contains alkaloids.

The seeds of the plant there are many fats and proteins that leads to widespread use of plants in cooking and for treatment of serious diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. The seeds improve the digestive processes. It should be noted that contained in the plant the fats of non-animal origin to a minimum, reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. From the whole plant for medical purposes, generally used only the young leaves and graceful tops of the female species.

Moreover, hemp has a soothing, calming and soporific effect. The juice from the shoots and leaves can be used as a laxative.

The use of cannabis

Because hemp has wound-healing, diuretic, expectorant, calming, strengthening, and analgesic effect, it helps to alleviate symptoms of many diseases. Externally the seeds are used as poultices to soothe and relieve pain with boils, eye diseases, chronic rheumatism and burns. Means on the basis of the fruit can lubricate extensive and deep wounds. Hemp seed in ancient times was often given orally in disorders of metabolism. A tincture or decoction can be used in cystitis, hemorrhoids, urinary retention, with a strong cough, jaundice and tuberculosis of the lungs.

And in combination with regular table salthemp oil gives a good anthelmintic effect. Tincture of the tops of the plants used to calm the nervous system.

The harm of cannabis

This unusual plant can obscure vision and cause headaches. Improper use of hemp makes a man infertile. Large doses contribute to increased sweating, nausea, tachycardia, and can also cause dizziness and fainting. In case of overdose there difficult speech, severe hallucinations, slowed speed of thinking, impaired coordination, and in severe cases partial immobility.

Cannabis seeds

This dioecious annual plant, reaching more than two meters high, has a powerful branched stem. The fetus presented in the form of a hidden in the shell of a small achene shape. Hemp blooms in the summer months, and in September, you can collect ripe seeds as soon as they begin moderately to keep up with the plants.

The weight of hemp seed is extremely small. About a thousand pieces of seeds would weigh less than 25 grams. They have a diuretic effect on the human body. In addition, infusion of seeds is indicated for tuberculosis. Also this remedy can be used topically for the treatment of wounds, boils, abscesses and burns.

Hemp oil

Obtaining the correct hemp oil provides for a method of cold pressing of seeds. The resulting product is unrefined. This oil easily penetrates in the skin, due to what is the perfect solution for many dermatologic problems. The product includes components such as antioxidants, proteins, phytosterols, carotene, phospholipids and many vitamins. It should also be noted that this oil is a significant source of amino acids and protein.

For treatment of such a medicinal product is indispensable. It copes with inflammatory processes on the skin and premature aging. Due to its direct effect on the sebaceous glands, hemp oil accelerates the regeneration of tissues, restores the protective layer, moisturizes the epidermis and evens. You can also prepare a special ointment based on hemp oil and honey, which effectively fights with different calluses.

Wild hemp

Wildhemp is a typical family Konoplyov. Her appearance practically not different from cultivated plants. It is common in Kazakhstan, Siberia, Central Asia, the Caucasus and the Urals. This unusual weed is giving their preferences to the fertile soils. It can be used as a protective and repellent agents against beetles, bugs and other small insects.

Wild hemp has an erect stem with opposite toothed leaves. This dioecious plant has a fruit in the form of an oval nut yellowish. Seeds compared to cultivated smaller and easier to clog up the land around its place of growth. Seed viability may persist for decades.

Cannabis sativa

This dioecious plant as a crop hemp is different tetrahedral branched stems, the height of which can reach one meter. The leaves are opposite and petiolate leaves are elongated lanceolate blade. The flowers of the plants are small, they are collected in paniculate inflorescences. Fruit ovoid, laterally slightly compressed. They have a brownish tint. Shiny seeds are quite small and have light weight.

The plant blooms in June and July, and fruiting begins in August. Sativa hemp is widespread in Western Siberia, in Altai and in Volga region and it is cultivated in the European part of Russia. Important for medicinal purposes use the leaves, shoot tips and seeds. The fruit of this plant contains healing oil, and other biologically active substances. The dried leaves can boast a high content of carotene.

Contraindications to the use of cannabis

As a serious contra-indications may be noted of individual intolerance to the components of the plant.