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Useful properties and applications cinnamomi Chinese

Description cinnamomi

Korisnik is an unusual evergreen tree whose height ranges from 7 to 15 meters. On average, trees do not exceed 8-9 feet. On four-sided stems with blunt edges are oval leathery leaves with a length of approximately 10 cm They have a recessed arcuate veins. Top leaves are green and the bottom is always grayish. Beautiful elegant small flowers collected in small umbellate inflorescences at the ends of branches. They are located in the leaf axils.

Simple chickabiddy perianth simple has a whitish green tinge. It differs meaty texture and consists of six leaves. Stamens often only 10 pieces. The fruit of this unusual plant are presented ovate drupe, which boasts light brown ribbed bone spindle-shaped.

The main natural habitats of this wonderful cinnamomi are considered moist tropical forests, since in these areas the average annual temperature is approximately 26 degrees Celsius. Reproduction of plants is carried out by layering and seeds.

Useful properties cinnamomi

The main active ingredients of cinnamomi can be called tannins, and mucus, as well as special essential oil containing cinnamic aldehyde. Numerous drugs based on this plant is indicated for oral candidiasis resistant forms of all HIV-infected patients. Long-term use of cinnamon drugs significantly reduces the concentration of triglycerides, glucose and cholesterol. Confirmed effectiveness in the treatment of diabetes of the second degree. High fungicidal activity

Many drugs are used as an excellent tonic. They are effective in loss of appetite, great relieve fatigue and accelerate blood circulation. Such splendid tonic will help you to stay healthy during the mass colds. When hypertension is recommended to use regular cinnamon with yogurt.

It should be mentioned that is often prescribed medicinal drugs with content cinnamomi in frigidity, impotence, pain in the knees and lower back, as well as kidney failure and shortness of breath.

Koritnik is the best remedy to treat ulcers in the throat, in dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea and flatulence. It is indispensable for getting rid of frequentdizziness, inflammation of the eyes, with dangerous heart aches, with nausea and vomiting. It should be mentioned that koritnik has antispasmodic and tonic, and antiseptic, and antiemetic properties. It perfectly improves digestion and helps to prevent colds. Cinnamon oil is considered an excellent stomach remedy.

The essential oil and various extracts of plants are almost always located in special ointments sogrevaya irritants. Special cinnamon drops is indicated for heavy menstruation, and can quickly relieve a toothache. In addition to strengthening the stomach and regulating the menstrual cycle, the plant greatly facilitates birth. In Oriental medicine korisnik used to improve well-being and mood enhancement. And it is a powerful antidote, because it is able to display putrefactive products from the intestine.

Application cinnamomi

Tea from the bark of the incomparable cinnamon-tree is shown in insufficient secretion of important digestive juices, flatulence, in mild spastic conditions of the intestine, and also in the sense of fullness. To prepare this wonderful drink you will need 1 tsp. of powdered bark, which should pour a glass of pretty hot water. The means must stand at least 25 minutes. The optimum dosage provides drinking three cups a day before each meal.

In phytotherapy in France, cinnamon is considered a powerful aphrodisiac that greatly increases libido. Plant is indicated for anxious, asthenic and severe depressive States. Regular intake of certain medicines will help to reduce the intoxication after abundant use of alcoholic beverages. Enough to take a few drops of oil along with a spoon of honey. The oil also can be put in tea for colds and flu.

To relax smooth muscle spasms is recommended to take an infusion consisting of 1 gram of dry powder cinnamomi and 150 ml of water. The daily dose in any case should not exceed more than 4 grams. Use the infusion should always before meals. For colds viral nature of such an infusion can be added to regular tea.

The types of cinnamomi

Unique substance coumarin contain different quantities brandall kinds cinnamomi.

Korisnik Chinese. Homeland is southern China. However, it is cultivated in Indonesia and in Laos. For use for medicinal purposes cut the bark in small strips about once every 7-8 years. In addition, after drying, the bark can be used as a delightful seasoning. It has a rough surface reddish-brown. The thickness of this aromatic bark can not be more than 2 mm. This species possesses a very sweet astringent-astringent taste with pungent notes and a sharp flavor.

Korisnik camphor. A tree with gnarled branched trunk can reach 40 meters in height and 5 meters in diameter. It has inconspicuous greenish flowers, located on a long stalk. Purple fruit always surrounded by interesting vocalcity receptacle. This evergreen of the Laurel family blooms in may and June. It is often found in China and Japan. Today it is cultivated on the black sea coast. The fruit presents a bluish drupe.

Korisnik Ceylon. The name speaks for itself, his homeland is Ceylon. For use as a seasoning and for making medicines remove the bark of the tree is the long, narrow strips. After drying, brittle crust with a delicate aroma of a yellowish-brown tint. The taste of her pungent and warming with sweet notes. Plate thickness usually does not exceed 1 mm.

Contraindications cinnamomi

Ulcer of the stomach or intestine are the main contraindications when used. Moreover, it is not recommended to use cinnamon in pregnancy. Side effects with long-term use is not known, but it is not recommended to increase dosage. In concentrated form, oil cinnamomi may irritate skin and mucous membranes, causing excessive sweating and palpitations. Some people when receiving plants occurs diarrhea.