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Cinnamon tree

Useful properties and applications of a cinnamon tree

Description cinnamon tree

Cinnamon tree is an unusual evergreen shrub that has a cylindrical branches. Closer to the tip of the branches are triangular. Opposite ovate-oblong leaves are on short petioles interesting. Each leathery leaf plate has a few main veins. Bright flowers of plants collected in stunning panicles of pale greenish color. They have a pretty bad smell. Small fruits are represented by purple berries with a single seed, the diameter of which does not exceed 1 cm.

Cinnamon tree is widely distributed in Sri Lanka. His homeland can be called the West Indies, and Seychelles. To date, this shrub is cultivated in tropical Asia other zones of similar climate. For use in medicinal purposes, harvest the raw material only from particular cultural spaces of a cinnamon tree.

Since this plant is much in need of abundance of groundwater, it is always planted near water. Bark to strip off in the form of unique grooves special knives. After which it should be thoroughly cleaned from the outer layer, and then dry them well outdoors.

Useful properties of cinnamon tree

The main active ingredients is mucus, tannins, and the unique essential oil with a high content of cinnamic aldehyde. The use of plants in aromatherapy due to the special volatile substances. Proved that the essential tree oil and various extracts effective in the treatment of many respiratory diseases. Moreover, an incredible cinnamon oil is included in many sogrevaya irritating ointments for external use.

A definite folk remedy are drops of bloomery. They are shown with heavy menstruation. When a toothache you can use special decoctions of plants. Unmatched ethanolic extract has required a devastating effect on various viruses and tubercle bacilli. Moreover it is active in respect of many gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. With trembling limbs has long been prescribed cinnamon oil.

The bark of this magnificent tree has a luxurious aroma and a sweetish astringent taste with spicy notes. Healing essential oil is recommended for getting rid of many problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of various medicines with contents of cinnamontree significantly reduces glucose levels and improves the absorption of sugar. In addition, the admission of such natural remedies has a beneficial effect on lowering cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

It is proved that cinnamon stimulates the liver and well increases appetite. It restores proper functioning of the gall bladder, the kidneys, which affects the improvement of health, well-being and mood. Various drugs not only improve mood, but also strengthen the nervous system, helping to deal with the inevitable daily stress depression. Moreover, they boast antipyretic, diuretic, antibacterial and powerful antiseptic.

The use of cinnamon tree

Cinnamon tree is shown flatulence, feeling of fullness, mild disorders of the gastrointestinal activities with spasms, and also at insufficient secretion of important digestive juices. Such a wonderful stomachic has a strong smell, due to which it is often added to regular tea to improve the taste and useful properties.

To prepare tea on the basis of a cinnamon tree, it is recommended to pour a glass of boiling water 1 tsp. bark. To insist means preferably at least 20 minutes. After that, the tea can be drunk before food 3 cups per day. For problems with thrush, there are special drugs that are extremely effective in the management of refractory forms of this unpleasant disease.

Some modern doctors advise to use cinnamon as a fantastic tonic for fatigue and apathy. Furthermore, it is shown and after an influenza asthenia. If you add it in warm wine, it is possible to obtain a unique tonic drink, which accelerates blood circulation. This remedy is considered an excellent preventive drug in the period of mass epidemics. Hypertension patients are prescribed to take cinnamon combined with yogurt or honey.

A long time in Chinese medicine, cinnamon was used for frigidity, impotence, pain in the knees or lower back, as well as with shortness of breath and dystonia. It is also effective for inflammation of the eyes, heart pain, diarrhea, amenorrhea, ulcers andvertigo. In the European medicine such a unique spice is designated as an antiemetic and an antispasmodic. It perfectly tones up and improves digestion.

When inhaled, you can add this cinnamon oil is miraculous. In addition, for colds it can be mixed with almond oil in the ratio of 2 drops of cinnamon oil in 5 ml of almond oil for rubbing back and chest.

Cinnamon-tree flowers

Flowers of the evergreen cinnamon tree is always Packed in a beautiful panicle. They have a greenish color and a rather unpleasant smell. Dried flowers of the plant have an interesting club-shaped form. Their length does not exceed 1 cm after grinding of dry raw materials it is mixed with tree bark for medicinal purposes.

Contraindications cinnamon tree

Today, when used correctly no side effects have been identified. However, do not exceed the recommended dosage when used with pure essential oils of plants. In concentrated form it can often irritate the skin and cause palpitations and stimulate diarrhea, and sweating. During pregnancy and lactation cinnamon should be taken with great caution.