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The jug

Useful properties and applications of the capsule yellow

The beneficial properties of the capsule

Potbelly is a popular perennial grass of the family nymphaeaceae. The present plant has a horizontal rhizome with numerous threadlike processes. This herbaceous plant is found in ponds, lakes, river channels, bays and in shallow water and in ponds with a slow current.

This plant has many useful properties, which are due to its remarkably rich chemical composition. The rhizomes contain substances such as alkaloids, resin, starch, sugar, bitter, sitosterol, tannin and stigmasterol. In the composition of leaves was found various acids, and luteolin ellagic. Flowers and seed pods can boast of having nymphaline, Gallic acid and tannins.

Due to such structure potbelly widely used in folk medicine. Popular products containing a jug, have bactericidal, analgesic, astringent, mild sedative, choleretic, diuretic and sedative effects on the human body.

The use of the capsule

The flowers and rhizomes of this unusual plant is used as a corrective means for the normalization of sexual activity. Effectively potbelly affects men's health, healing impotence and painful emissions. In addition, it perfectly enhances libido. The particular decoction of the roots is also nominated for female frigidity. The fever shows the tool on the basis and roots, and flowers, and leaves. Along with this remedy relieves inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract and is used in serious skin diseases. To quickly deal with spasms of the stomach or inflammation of the urinary system, shown special decoction of rhizomes in small doses. It should be noted that its efficacy was proved in tuberculosis and rheumatism.

Good help decoction in the fight against viral infections, in bronchitis and even pneumonia. The healing pod is often prescribed for gout and night nederjanii urine in children. A decoction of the small flowers is the perfect pain remedy for bruises and joint pain. In addition, it is possible to the sore places to make fresh leaves of the plant. As prevention is the infusion of the roots of the capsule can be used as a General tonic.


The rhizomes contain alkaloids, which render pod spermatotsydnoe and antitrichomonal action. It should also be noted that on the basis of the plants produced some contraceptives. Special drugs from medicinal extracts are assigned externally for the local treatment of the epidermis and mucous membranes, as the jug well in fighting pathogenic fungi and gram-positive microorganisms.

Often prescribe special drugs with pod people who suffer immunodeficiency or has had a difficult operation. The rhizomes of this plant are able to stop uterine bleeding, to cure uterine prolapse, relieve symptoms with gastritis and solve the problems of oppression of the nervous system.

Flower pods

The underwater stem of the plant, sometimes reaching three meters, decorated with leathery rounded leaves that lie directly on the surface of the water. Graceful yellow flowers with a rich wash has a pleasant aroma. In diameter flowers have 6 to see the Numerous petals obovate narrowed down in a fairly wide nail. At the top of the petals are slightly rounded and often become pitted nails.

Nuphar lutea

Nuphar lutea is a common neighbor of white varieties. They have similar leaves, and flowers vary considerably. Bright yellow flowers are globular and more graceful form. Thick long rhizomes often reach 10 meters. It is proved that the roots contain tannins and alkaloids, and the flowers – impalin. It was a yellow egg capsules prescribed for malignant tumors, and neuralgia. In addition, the means of the roots of this plant is effective in radiculitis and rheumatism.

Potbelly small

Potbelly is widespread in small lakes and forest area, and is also found in shallow water. It has pubescent leaves, oblong and rhizomes to 1 cm thick. Pale yellow flowers plant in diameter do not exceed 3 cm Flowering occurs from June to September. A small jug found mainly in Siberia, Mongolia, Northern Europe, and also in the far East and in China.

Potbelly Japanese

Japanese potbelly grows well in ordinary stagnant ponds. In addition to its underwater leaves, this interesting plant has beautiful surface leaves. As a rule, Japanese jug immersed in water of not more than 80 cm. This kind of capsule is brownish underwater leaves and reddish orange flowers.

Contraindications tothe use of the capsule

Despite a solid list of medicinal medicinal properties, this plant is considered poisonous. Should strictly control the treatment time and scheduled dosing means, in any case not exceeding them. Failure to observe the indications of treatment may experience diarrhea and vomiting, as well as incredibly long sleep. Pregnant women any products containing the capsule are strictly contraindicated.