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Properties and applications of lavender

The use of lavender

Lavender is used to treat many diseases of the blood vessels of the brain, it also eliminates feelings of sleepiness, helps with headaches and dizziness, paralysis and seizures after stroke. In addition, it promotes the output of urine, reduces toothache, opens clogged spleen and liver, warms the uterus in pregnant and stomach in case of lack of his warm, removes excess fluid edema, and more.

For the treatment of stomach, especially of relieving spasm or discomfort, there is a special tea made from lavender. For its preparation it is necessary to add a glass of hot water to a teaspoon of lavender flowers, then allow to stand five minutes, then pass through a strainer or cheesecloth and drink two or three cups of the resulting composition every day.

Receiving lavender inside prescribed for melancholia, hysteria, neurasthenia and irritability, insomnia, influenza and various infectious diseases, painful sensations in the head, asthma, bronchitis, tuberculosis, whooping cough, enteritis, intestinal parasites, flatulence, atony of the gastrointestinal tract, leucorrhoea, cramps and rheumatism, atony of the effects of paralysis, cystitis, scrofula, children's retardation, amenorrhea, hypertension, fever, rashes, etc.

The recipe medications necessary to add a liter of hot water steep to fifty grams of lavender flowers, put it on the fire until boiling, then place in a water bath for ten minutes, then cool, strain, and then pour in the bath temperature from thirty six to thirty eight degrees. Next, you should sit or lie down in the water and stay in it for about twenty minutes, and then quickly go to bed. For getting rid of cough is useful to mix teaspoon of honey with two drops of lavender oil. The composition also reduces popularnosti bronchi.

Lavender is used to treat the surface of the body with leucorrhoea, lice, for delaying the RAS (including the chancre, ulcers on the hands and feet, gangrenous, infected, and syphilitic etc.), additional funds for the treatment of bites from insects, animals and snakes, hair loss, burns, acne, prianalnoy, chronic and perineal eczema, diseases of the lungs.

If you have dry eczema, prescription medications, the following: a pint of olive oil must be added to twenty five grams of lavender flowers and leave for a couple of hours on the water bath, and then give the means to stand up in the morning,pass through a strainer or cheesecloth and apply as an ointment. To use the composition should be within four to six weeks.

For vaginal infections nature, while painful sensations need to mix water and flowers in the calculation of the 25 grams of lavender per liter of water, put in a water bath for ten minutes, pour another litre of boiled warm water. The course consists of ten to fifteen treatments.

For therapeutic baths with lavender use so-called "milk" for five liters of water take 50 grams of the plant, then leave the squad for sixty minutes, after which it should be used only in the evening. The number of bath should be from ten to fifteen per course. These baths are especially necessary for sickly or weak children, in addition, they soothe insomnia or nervous tension. Baths can be taken alternately with sweet flag, rosemary, seaweed, or pine.

To reduce redness and popularnosti with the edges of the eyelids (the disease is also called "blepharitis") use lavender water. For its preparation should be mix one liter of alcohol tridtsatipjatiletnego with sixty grams of fresh flowers of lavender and leave for a month, then filtered. Apply the medication must on inflamed eyelids within fourteen days of one or two times a day.

To relieve inflammation from insect bites it is necessary to prepare the composition of the alcohol and lavender oil in the ratio of one to one and apply to the affected area.

Reduce the negative impact for snake bites will help grass lavender or essential oils: they should be rubbed into the bite.

Properties of lavender

Lavender is a plant that contains about 1.2 percent essential oil, which, in turn, present tannins, linalool and its esters with acids, triterpene compounds, and coumarins. In the stems and leaves of lavender has a small amount of essential oil, which contains borneol and geraniol.

Essential oil extracted from lavender is a wonderful medicinal remedy. It is used in cosmetics, perfumes and many other industrial areas. The therapeutic properties of the oil help to get rid of bruises, contusions, burns, stems and leaves of lavender are used in aromatherapy for bathing. In addition, lavender contains the so-called honey, which is a great drug. Lavender flowers dried and used to flavour things andclothes and to freshen rooms. In addition, flowers help to fight the mole, if you put them close to the clothes.

Contained in lavender essential oil is a good sedative, relieve spasms, and soothe the pain, draw wounds, improves the functioning of intestine and stomach, eliminate worms and rheumatism, promote the excretion of fluids from the body through sweat or urine, are antiseptic, etc. in addition, the plant helps get rid of insects and parasites, and helps with bites from snakes or insects, including venomous. Grass lavender promotes the excretion of bile from the body, and the oil, given its effectiveness in fighting germs, is used for inhalations in diseases such as pneumonia, bronchitis, etc.

Given the calming effects of lavender, it is used for neurasthenia, nervousness, insomnia, melancholy, rashes on the skin associated with nerve experiences excessive fatigue, as well as weakness together with a reduced blood pressure. In addition, such a plant like lavender is a wonderful air freshener in the room.

Marked by excellent effect that lavender has on the overall mental and emotional state of man and his Central nervous system as a whole. Lavender helps to create within man a sense of peace and tranquility, thereby reducing the negative effects of disadvantage and stress, protecting the mind and mental state.

The positive properties of lavender allow you to accelerate the recovery of strength and energy, increase productivity, clean the voltage at the end of the day, increases mental activity.

Contraindications to the use of lavender

Large quantities of lavender is not granted to pregnant women by stimulating the number of contractions in the uterus.