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Medicinal properties'ina molars

What cures Marin root?

Marin root has also the second name – the peony. Is a perennial plant, the grass, the height of which does not exceed the mark of 1 meter. In folk medicine used only the roots that are used for making various settings.

Marin root is used to treat different diseases, such as: ulcers, gastritis, gout, gynecological problems, cough, epilepsy, asthma, impotence, diarrhea, insomnia, skin diseases, hysteria, bleeding, etc.

Peony root improves metabolism, helps fight stress and fatigue, cleanses the body of toxins, is effective for recovery after long binges, helps to restore the nervous system.

In addition, Marin root promotes the production of endorphins, the so-called hormone of happiness, which improves mood. Side effects of this popular drug at the moment have been identified.

The therapeutic properties of Maryina root

  • The greatest use of the peony root has received as a medicinal drug used for gynecological diseases (infertility, erosion, mastitis, fibroids and other).

  • Also tincture very well help in gout. Marin root is recommended to take with any headaches or issues with the head: stroke, hypertension, concussion, epilepsy, etc. is also Considered effective for cancers, especially those related to women's health.

  • Marin root is used as analgesic, tonic, anti-inflammatory and sedative.
  • Often a tincture of peony suggest to use in case of poisoning, it helps eliminate toxins and has antibacterial properties. Wide application Marin root found in the Mongolian medicine, which used for the treatment of liver, hysteria, urinary tract, kidney, malaria, colds, lungs, and other diseases.

  • The infusion or decoction of peony is used as a fixingremedy for diarrhea and indigestion. As well as in the use of such tools increases the acidity in the stomach, and is effectively used in the treatment of gastritis, ulcers, gastric spasms. Medical studies confirm the effectiveness of the treatment by marinam the root of such diseases. Dysentery also well cured by infusion Maryino root due to the strong bactericidal properties.

  • Colds prepare a decoction of the root Maryino, adding to it flowers Linden, elder grassy and chamomile, and willow bark and root of licorice.

  • Asthma helps blend of herbs from the roots of peony and violet, sundew, thyme and the leaves mother and stepmother.

  • Marin root can help reduce severe anxiety, convulsions, nervousness, hysteria, and also very good to help with insomnia and obsessions phobias. This ability of this plant long enough to have been studied by doctors, who confirmed that it really has a calming effect. That is why the infusion of peony, you can buy in a pharmacy, in free access.
  • Taking a root tincture Maryino you can get rid of excessive irritability, fatigue, anxiety, constant feeling of fear and to sleep peacefully at night and sleep. Tincture has a calming effect that is immediately after the reception, just a few hours, then it begins to act as a stimulant. Doctors who examined the effects of the drug on the human body, showed no significant effect on respiration or pressure changes.
  • Peony flowers along with berries of juniper, calendula, Basil, elderflower, horsetail, birch leaves, buckthorn bark and willow help to flush excess salts from the body.

  • Traditional medicine often uses tinctures Maryino root for the treatment of skin diseases, ulcers, erosions. Thanks to its bactericidal properties, the peony extract well-killing infection of the skin and helps the skin to recover faster.
  • In addition to folk and traditional medicine Marin root is used in veterinary medicine, cooking and cosmetology.
  • In cosmetology decoction of peony root to make a lotion that purify the skin from acne and pimples and remove Shine.

  • Incooking root is used as a seasoning for meat dishes in Siberia. Can also be used as the main ingredient for making porridge, tea and soft drink "Baikal".

The use of Maryina root in gynecology

In gynecology, the healing properties of Maryino root are used to restore women's health. In obstetrics the infusion yield as the medicines, accelerating the separation of the placenta after childbirth.

Concentrated tincture of peony root help restore the body after cancer, and also prevent the development of new cancer cells. Tincture improves the General condition of patients, reduce pain, and they quickly begin to feel healthy.

In mastitis

When breast disease, mastitis, very effective balm, made on the extract from Maryino root and vodka or alcohol, with the addition also extracts of Ural liquorice root, Hedysarum tea. Due to the action of peony root tincture has anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effect, strengthens the heart muscle, improves immunity, restores hormonal balance in the body. The root of Hedysarum tea cleanses the lymphatic system and the blood, improves blood circulation in General, has immunomodulatory effects. Licorice also acts on the immune system increasing its ability of resistance to tumors and cysts, a beneficial effect on the stomach and intestines, improves and normalizes metabolic processes in the body. Due to the content of glizirethinic acid licorice acts on the estrogen, converting it to a form that will not cause cancer or cysts in the breast.

Complex extracts of herbs are used not only in the treatment of mastitis. It will be effective in the treatment of other female diseases: disorders of the cycle, fibroids, PMS, polikistoz, infertility, cancer and heart disease.

The balm should be made as follows:

Take 50 g Maryino root, 25 g of root of Hedysarum tea, and 15 g of licorice root. Ingredients washed, dried. Cut and pour 0.5 liters of alcohol or vodka. The resulting mixture infuse for about two weeks, the capacitance should not be exposed to direct rays of light. Thereafter, the mixture was filtered and poured into a container, convenient for daily use. The remaining roots can be reused, they pour 0.35 liters of alcohol and insist for a month, and at the usedosage increase twice. The proportions may change depending on the individual characteristics of a specific person.

How to make balm

The medication should be divided into three times. In a Cup of green tea add 5 to 15 ml of balm and mix. The course of treatment should be started only on the 4th day after the onset of menstruation, or of the new moon. Make the balm you need for two months, then needed a break of 28 to 30 days, depending on a woman's cycle. To repeat a course should, to the extent necessary.

When fibroids

One of the nasty women's diseases – uterine fibroids, but the disease is well cured with tincture of a peony, made according to certain recipes. And not only the fibroids can be cured by marinam root, it helps cancer of the uterus and appendages, relieves inflammation and improves blood flow to the pelvic organs.

To treat fibroids is used the infusion for cooking that you need 50 g Maryino root and 500 ml of alcohol, vodka (40%). The roots are crushed and filled with an alcohol based product, insist 14 days in a dark place. To make this tincture should be 1 teaspoon, 3 times a day for a month. Then, you should take a break for a week and if necessary repeat the treatment.


For many women, a diagnosis of infertility – a sentence. Heard this from a physician, many throw up their hands, immediately lost all hope of having their children. However, before you actually stop all attempts to conceive should try traditional medicine, which worked wonders despite diagnoses of doctors.

The balm of Maryino root can cure even infertility if properly receive and properly made tincture.

Fertility a tincture you need to prepare: 100 grams of chopped Maryino root pour 1 liter of vodka, insist 2 weeks in a place where there is no access of light. Taken three times per day for 10-15 ml. the Time of admission should preferably be the same every day.

To tincture was the effect, during treatment, she should give up alcohol and cigarettes, taking any medicines and injections. Usually enough to treat 2 bottles of tincture 0.5 L.

Tincture Maryina root

The roots of peony evading help to cure many diseases. Therefore, for each disease has its own recipe infusions, and the methods and doses of such a popular drug. Often Marin root combined with other herbs orplants that help increase the particular therapeutic effect peony or fix it.

Root tincture Maryino you can prepare yourself or purchase in pharmacies, on the websites of online stores. The finished tinctures are sold for the treatment of certain diseases, which greatly facilitates the treatment.

With self-preparation you should know that the key to proper treatment in the first place, it becomes proper collection, storage and processing of peony root. They are going in early August, rarely in late July. For the treatment of feminine diseases are the roots of only the female Bush. For all other diseases this is not so important. The roots are carefully washed and dried, crushed and filled with vodka or alcohol-containing product in an amount which is necessary according to the recipe. Importantly, the alcohol was not more than 40°, this will help keep all the healing properties of the root. And not less than 30°, otherwise the tincture will not have the desired effect.

  • For colds use Marin root in combination with other herbs. This helps expectoration and faster cures cough. You need to take 10 grams of flowers of peony, 10 grams of licorice, 10 grams of chamomile flowers, 30 g of willow bark, 20 g of lime flowers, 20 g elderberry flowers. All ingredients should be finely ground. They pour 500 – 600ml of boiling water and allow to infuse for 10-20 minutes. After this infusion is filtered, drinking it warm is necessary to obtain the desired effect, and several times a day for half a Cup.
  • As a sedative Marin root made use of, insisting 40 g of whole root 400 g of vodka for 14 days. Take it should be three times a day for 30-35 drops throughout the month.
  • In diseases of the stomach or bowel well helps broth. Take 10 g of finely ground Maryino root pour 800 ml of boiling water. The mixture boil on low heat for 4-7 minutes. Cool and strain through a fine sieve or cheesecloth. Take a decoction three times a day 100 ml before meals.

  • The deposition of salts in the body make use of the following infusion: 10 g of flowers of peony, 10 g of juniper berries, 10 g of calendula flowers, 10 g of flowers of cornflower, 10 g of powdered bark of buckthorn, 20 g elderberry flowers, 40 g of crushed bark of a willow. 40 g of horsetail and 40 g of leaves of birch. All the ingredients are crushed and mixed. When cooking in 1 tablespoon is taken with 250 ml of boiling water. Infuse the mixture for half an hour and filtered. Once you should drink a whole glass, during the day, infusion is taken every 2hours.

  • Skin diseases (eczema, acne, ulcers, pimples , etc.) from the roots of the peony are made of gadgets, which are applied to the affected skin and secured with a bandage for a few hours. For lotions you need 20g root pour 0.4 l of boiling water. The mixture is warmed on a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Cool room for at least 45 minutes, strain.

Contraindications to the use of Maryina root

Marin root is poisonous plant, so the dosage must be strictly observed. Decoctions and infusions from this plant are not recommended for people who have gastritis with high acidity, as well as hypotensive.

Do not use for children under 12 years and pregnant women.