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Useful properties and applications of saponaria officinalis

Botanical characteristics.

Soapwort is a herbaceous plant in the shape of a flower, which belongs to the family Caryophyllaceae. The plant has a strong root system, spreading long roots, reddish brown in color. Straight naked stems are the plant's leaves, tapering at the base, they are located on short petioles, opposite. The flowers of this medicinal plant are white or pale pink in color, they are collected in inflorescence-panicle. Saponaria fruit – capsule with seeds. The plant blooms from early summer to early autumn.

Saponaria can be seen in the Caucasus, in southern Europe, West Siberia and Central Europe. It grows in the woods, near houses, in the valleys, on riverbanks, in fields and meadows. In many countries it is cultivated as decorative and medicinal purposes.

Growing soapwort

If the soapwort to create favorable conditions, it can grow in one place for about 8 years. Soapwort – a plant that loves sun and dry soil. The plant does not tolerate excess nitrogen, it is necessary to take into account when it is landing. The soil for planting soapwort should be moderately loose and fertilized. Soapwort grows well in crevices of rocks.

Saponaria should be planted as a small seedling with a lump of earth, as an adult, the plant does not tolerate transplanting due to its strong branching.

When soapwort Bud, you need to prune back the plant by one third – it is necessary for giving a beautiful and compact form to the shrub. In addition, because pruning the plant will be able to intensively diverge and will save itself from self-seeding. In winter some species of saponaria cut.

Useful properties of soapwort

There are nine species of this perennial plant. They are wild, also cultivated as ornamental crops. Medicinal value is the root, called red soap root, which includes saponins, and especially triterpenoid saponins, saponosides A, b, C and D. the Leaves are saturated with saponaria, saponaria glycoside and ascorbic acid. Triterpene saponins – soap-like substances, and therefore the decoctions of the root, to foam like soap used for washing animals and to wash wool fabrics. It is an excellent expectorant exhibits diaphoretic, diuretic and choleretic properties. For constipation it is effective as a laxative.

The use of soapwort

Soapwort contains ascorbic acid, glycosides and saponins, which are used in bronchitis and cough. Soapwort has diuretic and laxative properties, which is why it is added to the charges that purify the blood. And the plant is used as an excellent diaphoretic.

Saponaria is used in jaundice, diseases of the respiratory tract, pain in the joints and metabolic disorders. This plant is used in the form of infusions and decoctions. In diseases of the spleen or of the liver drink a decoction of the root of soapwort.

Saponaria is used in the form of baths, powders, ointments and lotions for scabies, eczema, boils, dermatitis , and skin rash. People who can't seem to get rid of scaly lichen can use the drug of soapwort.

A decoction of the roots of the soapwort for the treatment of eczema and liver diseases. You need to take 10 grams of the roots of the plant and pour 250 ml of boiling water, and after leaving the composition for 5 minutes on the fire. After straining the broth, you can apply 100 ml three times a day. Also, this broth can be used to gargle in tonsillitis.

Tea made from soapwort. You need to take 1 teaspoon soapwort (roots and grass), pour them a glass of boiling water and leave for 3 hours to infuse. Then bring the resulting broth to the original volume, adding boiled water. In the presence of a cough take 2 cups of this tea. And if you dilute this tea decoction of chamomile, you can make compresses or bathing.

The herbs for nausea and bloating. For its preparation you need to take 5 grams of roots mylnjanki, 3 grams of the celandine and 10 grams of herb St. John's wort. Now 1 tablespoon of the collection pour 1 Cup boiling water and insist half an hour. The prepared decoction is taken not more than three cups a day. This collection helps in the treatment of gallstone disease.

In folk medicine, the rhizomes and roots of soapwort is used in the formation of gas in the gastrointestinal tract. Decoctions and infusions to treat rheumatism and gout, and various skin disorders such as eczema, psoriasis, boils. Boils from infusion: 1 teaspoon of crushed rhizome pour a glass of boiling water, insist 4 hours and drink 3 times a day for 2 tablespoons after a meal.

With the help of the infusion of herbs overcoming sexually transmitted diseases. For external application uselotions, baths, ointments and mushy mixture. Soapwort powder sprinkled scabies lesions, purulent wounds, lesions from scrofula, various dermatitis and erysipelas. Water extract of the aerial parts and roots of soapwort are good for whooping cough, exhausting cough with bronchitis. Grass softens the breath and fixes the rales, which are observed in patients with colds.

In folk medicine, also use the leaves of the plant, collection is best performed in the flowering period. The infusion of the leaves normalize the metabolism, cleanse the skin. Diuretic properties of the herb are used to treat dropsy and swelling associated with diseases of the kidneys and liver.

Strong choleretic properties of the plant can be used in the case of communicable diseases. Funds from saponaria cope with the gallstones, soften and gently remove them along with the slag. Soapwort is toxic, it is necessary to use short courses and only after consultation with your doctor.

The root of soapwort

The roots and rhizomes are harvested in late autumn and stored in canvas or fabric bags. Decoction of rhizomes used for rheumatism, chronic hepatitis, cholecystitis, diseases of the intestines and stomach. Wonderful plant is effective in diseases of the spleen, accompanied with nausea, constipation and excessive bloating, it is good in relieving heartburn.

Before you begin the process of making decoction or infusion, have the roots cut as fine as possible, soak it in water for 5-6 hours, periodically draining the foam, then dried and you can cook the drug. If the therapeutic roots will be used for extraordinary effect, they do not need to soak and drain the foam, and should immediately take the recipe.

A decoction of soapwort: 6 g of root should be boiled in a glass of water and take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day. This recipe use, if necessary, eliminate edema and purification of kidneys.

If chewing the root when the tooth pain, it subsides or is eliminated altogether. Angina is useful to use the infusion as a rinse, for washing the nose during a cold.

Saponaria extract

Soapwort extract is a product extracted from plants, containing, in addition to saponins, flavonoglikozida. Miracle cure it has anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties, acts as a purifier of the body from the harmfulof toxins, improves metabolism.

The organic extract tend to foam, so it is included in shampoos and remedies that are used for washing dishes, with a pleasant floral aroma. They are safe for people with sensitive skin and prone to allergic diseases. In addition, the extract regulates oil balance of the skin.

Saponaria officinalis

It is a perennial plant of the family Caryophyllaceae with a height of 30-90 cm is popularly known under a variety of names. This species has numerous long, creeping, reddish-brown roots, branched stems and white flowers with a delicate scent. Grass in nature chooses meadows, forest edges, lives in an abandoned wasteland. In France it is used as an insecticide, is used in gastronomy for the preparation of halva, soft drinks.

Soapwort Basilicata

Soapwort Basilicata can grow in one place for about 6-8 years. She decorates the gardens cushions up to 20 cm in height and abundant flowering. Nice pink flowers on a background of various herbaceous groundcover. Good to have on hand a live pharmacy. Many gardeners grow this type to improve their health, to treat many diseases. Useful to drink a decoction of reasonable doses in acute catarrh of the stomach and intestines after operations on the intestinal tract.

Decoction of soapwort: 30 grams of raw material should be boiled 5 minutes in 1 liter of boiling water and use equal doses a day for hepatitis.

Soapwort common

Common soapwort – therapeutic soap grass. Nature has given a lot of knowledge about this plant, it is valued for many centuries and today is used in scientific and folk medicine. A perennial herbaceous plant has a straight trunk with a height of 30-90 cm, glabrous or sometimes pubescent with woolly hairs. Rhizomes creeping, branched, red-brown. Blooms of this species saponaria from early June to September. The smell is especially pronounced in the evening.

In natural conditions of nature common soapwort grows in the southern regions of Russia, spreading over the plains, rivers, forest edges, thickets of shrubs. This can be seen in Western Europe, in Asia and in the Caucasus.

Infusion of roots: 1 tablespoon crushed raw material it is necessary to insist in 250 ml of cold boiled water and divide into pieces to have enough for a few tricks for the day. Drink small SIPS tool is recommended for bronchitis.

Contraindications to the use of soapwort

From arbitrary of overdose can occur nausea, vomiting, acute abdominal pain, anddiarrhea, cough. This is because the saponins have a local irritant effect. In such cases, treatment with soapwort cannot continue. In the preparation of concoctions you have to remember that all parts of this herb are poisonous. A symptom of poisoning is a sweet, burning taste in mouth and feeling mucus.

It is recommended to wash out the stomach and its coating properties. All procedures during the collection of plants required protection to protect the respiratory tract and eyes from small particles of raw materials.